Fuyumi Sakamoto - 夢一夜 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Fuyumi Sakamoto - 夢一夜

A Dream's Night
素肌に片袖 通しただけで
With only one sleeve through my bare skin
色とりどりに 脱ぎ散らかした
Scattered about in a colorful mess
床にひろがる 絹の海
A sea of silk spread out on the floor
着てゆく服が まだ決まらない
My outfit for the day isn't decided yet
いらだたしさに 唇かんで
I bite my lip, the frustration evident
私ほんのり 涙ぐむ
Tears well up in my eyes, I'm slightly tearful
貴方に逢う日の ときめきは
The thrill of the day I meet you
あこがれよりも 苦しみめいて
Is more like suffering than longing
ああ 夢一夜
Oh, a dream's night
一夜限りに咲く花のよう 匂い立つ
A flower that blooms for one night only, fragrant
恋するなんて 無駄なことだと
I know that love is a useless thing
例えば人に 言ってはみても
For example, I tell others so
貴方の誘い 拒めない
But I can't refuse your invitation
最後の仕上げに 手鏡見れば
As I put on my final touches, I look in the mirror
明かりの下で 笑ったはずが
My intention was to smile under the light
影を集める 泣きぼくろ
But my beauty mark that collects my shadow, cries
貴方に逢う日の ときめきは
The thrill of the day I meet you
喜びよりも せつなさばかり
Is more like sadness than joy
ああ 夢一夜
Oh, a dream's night
I tell my self it's only for one night
And apply my lipstick
貴方を愛した はかなさで
With the transience of the love I have for you
私はひとつ 大人になった
I've grown up a little
ああ 夢一夜
Oh, a dream's night
I resign myself to a dream that ends with this night
And surrender

Writer(s): Kosetsu Minami

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