Fvck_kvlt - Boh stojí pri nás podvratných - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Fvck_kvlt - Boh stojí pri nás podvratných

Boh stojí pri nás podvratných
God stands by our rebels
Poď sem, buď tu, aj keď nemáš chuť žiť
Come here, be here even if you're not in the mood to live
Je úplne jedno, keď nám to niekto nechce uveriť
It doesn't matter when someone doesn't want to believe us
Budeme jazdiť mestom a štekať jak psi
We'll drive the city and bark like dogs
Budeme jazdiť mestom celú noc a štekať jak psi
We'll drive the city all night and bark like dogs
Poď sem a buď taká aká si, taký aký si, také aké si
Come here and be the way you are, the way you are, the way you are
Stále sme to my
We are still the same
Budeme jazdiť mestom a štekať jak psi
We'll drive the city and bark like dogs
Na svet, v ktorom vraj nie je miesto pre takých jak sme my
On a world that supposedly has no place for the likes of us
Poď sem a buď taká aká si, taký aký si, také aké si
Come here and be the way you are, the way you are, the way you are
Stále sme to my
We are still the same
Budeme jazdiť mestom a štekať jak psi
We'll drive the city and bark like dogs
Na svet, v ktorom vraj nie je miesto pre takých jak sme my
On a world that supposedly has no place for the likes of us
Na čo čakáš?
What are you waiting for?
Na čo čakáš?
What are you waiting for?
Na čo čakáš?
What are you waiting for?
Na čo čakáš?
What are you waiting for?
Každý deň von, máme call
Out every day, we have a call
Príšery jak my nevieš skryť pred svetom
You can't hide monsters like us from the world
Chceš hru na myš a mačku
You want to play cat and mouse
My sme tu a ty hladáš cestu jak nás nevidieť
We're here and you're looking for a way not to see us
Máš doma jedno z nás, nechaj to prebolieť
You have one of us at home, let it heal
Každý deň von, máme call
Out every day, we have a call
Malujeme to ako Dúbravský na kartón, že nikam neuhneme
We paint it like Dúbravský on cardboard, that we won't give in
Boh stojí pri nás a ten sa na vás smeje
God stands by us and he laughs at you
Máš doma jedno z nás a to dobre je
You have one of us at home and that's good
Na čo čakáš?
What are you waiting for?
Na čo čakáš?
What are you waiting for?
Na čo čakáš?
What are you waiting for?
Na čo čakáš?
What are you waiting for?
Panika, des a stres z nás, kým relaxujem tu, zakusnutý jak pes
Panic, terror and stress from us, while I'm chilling here, clamped like a dog
Neriešim druhých
I don't care about others
Máme full house, zmestíš sa tiež, aj keď sme plní
We have a full house, you'll fit in too, even though we're full
Len žiadne rozdiely, nerob tu vlny
Just no differences, don't make waves here
Farby a lesk, foto, blesk, milión zámien
Colors and shine, photo, flash, a million excuses
Žiadne lži nám nevezmú to kým sme
No more lies will take away who we are
A čo nám chceš vziať ty je náš dych, naša moc
And what you want to take from us is our breath, our power
A nie si prvý
And you're not the first
Prežijeme to za cenu krvi
We'll survive it at the cost of blood
Na čo čakáš? Čo?
What are you waiting for? What?
Na čo čakáš?
What are you waiting for?
Na čo čakáš?
What are you waiting for?
Na čo čakáš?
What are you waiting for?
Poď sem a buď taká aká si, taký aký si, také aké si
Come here and be the way you are, the way you are, the way you are
Stále sme to my
We are still the same
Budeme jazdiť mestom a štekať jak psi
We'll drive the city and bark like dogs
Na svet, v ktorom vraj nie je miesto pre takých jak sme my
On a world that supposedly has no place for the likes of us
Poď sem a buď taká aká si, taký aký si, také aké si
Come here and be the way you are, the way you are, the way you are
Stále sme to my
We are still the same
Budeme jazdiť mestom a štekať jak psi
We'll drive the city and bark like dogs
Na svet, v ktorom vraj nie je miesto pre takých jak sme my
On a world that supposedly has no place for the likes of us
Poď sem a buď taká aká si, taký aký si, také aké si
Come here and be the way you are, the way you are, the way you are
Stále sme to my
We are still the same
Budeme jazdiť mestom a štekať jak psi
We'll drive the city and bark like dogs
Na svet, v ktorom vraj nie je miesto pre takých jak sme my
On a world that supposedly has no place for the likes of us

Writer(s): Denis Bango

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