Fyahbwoy - Nuh Real Shotta - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Fyahbwoy - Nuh Real Shotta

Nuh Real Shotta
Nuh Real Shotta
Yo! El Swan Bwoy
Yo! El Swan Bwoy
Madrid dancehall Crew/ Ganja Time
Madrid dancehall Crew/ Ganja Time
Hablaste de War sin ser un Real Shotta
You talked about fighting without being a real shooter
Te dieron la mano y metiste la pata
They reached out to you and you made a mistake
Vendiste a todos tus frenes por plata y ahora en madrid te llaman la chivata
You sold out all your friends for money and now they call you a snitch in Madrid
Para que no vayas de flipao ni plaka plaka.
So that you don't go around acting like a big shot
Burn them
Que le rompan la boca a todos los madafokas
May all the motherfuckers get their mouths broken
Que hablan de La Dansall por que ya me cansan!
Who talk about La Dansall because they're making me tired!
Vienen a tirar puya y fallan, pasan la raya, no dan la talla, no!
They come to throw shade and miss, they cross the line, they don't measure up, no!
Se comportaron como real chichi de playa
They behaved like real beach bitches
Y en La Dansallnadie tira la toalla
And in La Dansall, no one gives up
Que vas a hablar, haciendo videos en internet de primero de preescolar
What are you going to talk about, making preschool videos on the internet?
Que vas a hablar! Que yo...
What are you going to talk about! That I...
Diselo al Bwoy, Dile que dai, por ahi no va, dile que nai
Tell the boy, tell him stop, it's not going to work, tell him no
Mi Flow mas contagioso que el VIH
My flow is more contagious than HIV
Vienen a jodernos pero no tienen cache
They come to screw us over but they have no clue
No puedes jugar si sabes que vas a perder
You can't play if you know you're going to lose
Te digo que ...
I'm telling you...
El Fyhabwoyte digo que no pueden,
The Fyhabwoy is telling you they can't
Te digo que no pueden, con el Swan que no pueden
I'm telling you they can't, with the Swan they can't
Te digo que no pueden, con la dansall no pueden, te digo no pueden
I'm telling you they can't, with the dansall they can't, I'm telling you they can't
Ganja time que no pueden, te digo no pueden
Ganja time they can't, I'm telling you they can't
Si yo llego al cien por ciento, como pakata en toda tu sien, yo
If I reach full power, like a fist in your temple, I
Canto para todas las gyal y para todos los friend hoy
I sing for all the gyal and for all the friends today
Fumar y pasarlo bien, el fyahbwoy te viene para decir again que:
Smoke and have a good time, the fyahbwoy is here to tell you again that:
Hablaste de war y acabaste en cama, ser un informer no te va a dar fama
You talked about fighting and ended up in bed, being an informant won't make you famous
Ahora en la city te daban la espalda por ser muñeca que quiso ser gangster
Now in the city they turn their backs on you for being a doll who wanted to be a gangster
Para que no vengan a joder mas a la dansall
So that they don't come to fuck with us anymore at La Dansall
Ya me canse de los que hablan de los que roban de los que fallan no
I'm tired of those who talk about those who steal, who fail, no
Burn them
Muchos no ven que el reggae no es una batalla, hoy
Many don't see that reggae is not a battle, today
Ahora se lo canto y muchos se me callan
Now I sing it and many shut up
Que vas a hablar criticando por internet a todos los que hacemos el reggae
What are you going to talk about criticizing on the internet all of us who make reggae
Para que todas vengan a bailar que vas a hablar, que vas a hablar
So that they all come to dance what are you going to talk about, what are you going to talk about
La dansall nada tiene que objetar por toda la gente que el reggae hoy lo quiere levantar
La dansall has nothing to object to all the people who want to lift reggae up today
Basta de war.Para los que vienen y sienten el reggae y fuman del kenke
Stop the fight! For those who come and feel reggae and smoke kenke
Y digo yo que
And I say that
Hablaste de War sin ser un Real Shotta
You talked about fighting without being a real shooter
Te dieron la mano y metiste la pata
They reached out to you and you made a mistake
Vendista a todos tus frenes por plata y ahora en madrid te llaman la chivata
Selling out all your friends for money and now they call you a snitch in Madrid
Hablaste de war y acabaste en cama, ser un informer no te va a dar fama
You talked about fighting and ended up in bed, being an informant won't make you famous
Ahora en la city te daban la espalda por ser muñeca que quiso ser gangster
Now in the city they turn their backs on you for being a doll who wanted to be a gangster
No pueden con la cobra no pueden, con rikk selectah no pueden, con kiki sound que no pueden
They can't handle the cobra, they can't handle rikk selectah, they can't handle kiki sound, no
Con makamersim no pueden, con el salva no pueden, con camacho no pueden, que no, que no, que no
They can't handle makamersim, they can't handle salva, they can't handle camacho, no, no, no

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