Fyahbwoy - Rantan De Gyal - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Fyahbwoy - Rantan De Gyal

Rantan De Gyal
Rantan Girl
Y es un gyal con ambición
And she's a girl with ambition
va con la bendición
she goes with the blessing
con ese mirar que mata y saca de quicio
with that look that kills and drives you crazy
el baile es su vicio
dancing is her vice
na para ni para ir al servicio
she doesn't even stop to go to the bathroom
pasa se ti por tu beneficio
she passes by you for your benefit
rantan de gyal partiendo a los chakales
rantan girl breaking the jackals
sigue así que me sacaste de mis cabales
keep it up, you've driven me out of my mind
perfección de la naturaleza, es como fractales
perfection of nature, it's like fractals
te voy a estudiar cómo Ciencias naturales
I'm going to study you like natural sciences
Que ella es te un poco loco
That she's a little crazy
la pompa dura como la roca
the pump hard as a rock
mira y dispara como un bazoka
looks and shoots like a bazooka
los torea con capota
bullfights them with a hood
selectiva mejor que pasota
selective better than indifferent
ves como desbanca a las otras.
see how she surpasses the others.
Me baje a la tarima y la mira hasta para de cantar
I get off the stage and look at her even to stop singing
ando con la taquicardia dime un dia un lugar
I'm walking with tachycardia tell me one day a place
ella tiene más clase que todo el campus
she has more class than the whole campus
siempre fina siempre con estilo no puedes comparar
always fine always with style you can't compare
No se como haré tampoco cuando
I don't know how I'll do it nor when
no va a darme crédito, que no. Parace un banco!
she's not going to give me credit, no. She looks like a bank!
se hace la durita pero de va calentando
she plays hard to get but she's getting hot
no voy a dejarte huir vete mentalizando
I'm not going to let you escape, get ready
no se junto con tu coro no lloro
don't get together with your choir, I don't cry
guardo mi número y no lo borro
I keep my number and I don't delete it
le dije agalae y ella colaboró
I told her agalae and she collaborated
de la calle con buen corazon
from the street with a good heart
ella lo valoro me enamoro
she values it, I fall in love
y ahora ya no se si escapar o no
and now I don't know whether to escape or not
Y es un gyal con ambición
And she's a girl with ambition
va con la bendición
she goes with the blessing
con ese mirar que mata y saca de quicio
with that look that kills and drives you crazy
el baile es su vicio
dancing is her vice
na para ni para ir al servicio
she doesn't even stop to go to the bathroom
pasa se ti por tu beneficio
she passes by you for your benefit
rantan de gyal partiendo a los chakales
rantan girl breaking the jackals
sigue así que me sacaste de mis cabales
keep it up, you've driven me out of my mind
perfección de la naturaleza, es como fractales
perfection of nature, it's like fractals
te voy a estudiar cómo Ciencias naturales
I'm going to study you like natural sciences
tiene música en su cuerpo ella era pura samba
she has music in her body she was pure samba
me inyectó el veneno como si fuera una mamba es la que manda, huele como las calles de Holanda
she injected me the venom as if she were a mamba she's the one in charge, smells like the streets of Holland
no anda pez y no se llama wanda
she doesn't fish and her name is not wanda
mi baby gal yo quiero estar a tu lao
my baby gal I want to be by your side
ese gyal no tiene precio no se paga por contao
that girl has no price you don't pay in cash
yo no sé... que puta mierda me ha dao
I don't know... what the fuck she gave me
me fokopeo como un atentao
I fokopeo like an attack
Y es la luz de la vela, el calor, la candela
And she's the light of the candle, the heat, the fire
el cometa que pasa dejando su estela
the comet that passes leaving its trail
te fundes a la Nutella, puta es de buena canela sweet como la killa y la favela
you melt to the Nutella, bitch is good cinnamon sweet like the killa and the favela
Es una gyal que me encanta
She's a girl that I love
no es una zorra ni es una santa
she's not a slut or a saint
independientemente y anti pagafantas
independent and anti-gold digger
ella se valora y trabaja pa sus caprichos no te llora y tantas mierdas sonriendo las aguanta
she values herself and works for her whims she doesn't cry for you and so many shits smiling she endures them
mi supa gyal con ambición
my supa girl with ambition
va con la bendición
she goes with the blessing
con ese mirar que mata y saca de quicio
with that look that kills and drives you crazy
el baile es su vicio
dancing is her vice
na para ni para ir al servicio
she doesn't even stop to go to the bathroom
pasa se ti por tu beneficio
she passes by you for your benefit
rantan de gyal partiendo a los chakales
rantan girl breaking the jackals
sigue así que me sacaste de mis cabales
keep it up, you've driven me out of my mind
perfección de la naturaleza, es como fractales
perfection of nature, it's like fractals
te voy a estudiar cómo Ciencias naturales
I'm going to study you like natural sciences
Es una gyal de la calle
She's a girl from the street
con cinturón complemento y detalle
with belt complement and detail
no te frontrea ella viene pal baile
she doesn't front you she comes for the dance
y alguno que enchufara pa que se calle
and someone to plug in so she can shut up
Dancehall, baile... rantan elegante
Dancehall, dance... elegant rantan
creen es new treen y eso viene de antes
they think it's new treen and that comes from before
saco a la fiera y aquí no hay quien me amanse
I take out the beast and here there is no one to tame me
al.fyah en el.reggae no habrá quien lo canse
al.fyah in the.reggae there will be no one to tire him
Pasa por.la.calle y todos con los bway dem watchi watchi
Pass by.the.street and everyone with the bway dem watchi watchi
gyal them a chati chati, gimme di skinni and fatty fatty
gyal them a chati chati, gimme di skinni and fatty fatty
manda la mala vibra pa ponerte happy
send the bad vibes to make you happy
que todo el año sea verano y siempre sea una party
may the whole year be summer and always be a party
Que hoy se avecina tormenta
That today a storm is coming
vente pa la parte no hay peaje ni renta
come to the part there is no toll or rent
para todos los que el Dancehall representan
for all those who represent Dancehall
Dile y que lo aprende todo aquel que no lo entienda
Tell him and let him learn everyone who doesn't understand it
mi supa gyal con ambición
my supa girl with ambition
va con la bendición
she goes with the blessing
con ese mirar que mata y saca de quicio
with that look that kills and drives you crazy
el baile es su vicio
dancing is her vice
na para ni para ir al servicio
she doesn't even stop to go to the bathroom
pasa se ti por tu beneficio
she passes by you for your benefit
rantan de gyal partiendo a los chakales
rantan girl breaking the jackals
sigue así que me sacaste de mis cabales
keep it up, you've driven me out of my mind
perfección de la naturaleza, es como fractales
perfection of nature, it's like fractals
te voy a estudiar cómo Ciencias naturales
I'm going to study you like natural sciences

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