Ferre Gola - Ekoti ya Nzube - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Ferre Gola - Ekoti ya Nzube

Ekoti ya Nzube
Door of Disappointment
Mississippi Cameron, tala ndenge nazo lela pona bolingo na yo
Mississippi Cameron, look how I cry because of your love
Pascal Noble, Emerole Katanga, Ornelle Muyamba
Pascal Noble, Emerole Katanga, Ornelle Muyamba
Na étendu ya plusieurs retards,
After several delays,
Au lieu tracteur elaborer yo, opesi nga Congo tu es trop méchant
Instead of elaborating, you say "Congo, you are too mean."
Na liste ya repêchage ya motema na yo,
On the waiting list of your heart,
Nabimi goudur nakanisaki ya vrai nzok′eza ya faux
I came out as a loser, I thought the real was fake
Nzambe akoki otiela yo nzoka monoko, oyebi avandaka na quartier na
God can shut your mouth, you know he lives in her neighborhood
Kasi tige ya allumeti té, soki ameki,
But the stem of the candle, if he tries,
Akozika na moto nazobanga koreproché yo noki oboya nga
He will be burnt, I'm afraid to reproach you, you'll quickly deny me
Na étendu ya plusieurs retards,
After several delays,
Au lieu tracteur elaborer yo, opesi nga Congo tu es trop méchant
Instead of elaborating, you say "Congo, you are too mean."
Na liste ya repêchage ya motema na yo,
On the waiting list of your heart,
Nabimi goudur nakanisaki ya vrai nzok'eza ya faux
I came out as a loser, I thought the real was fake
Nzambe akoki otiela yo nzoka monoko, oyebi avandaka na quartier na
God can shut your mouth, you know he lives in her neighborhood
Kasi tige ya allumeti té, soki ameki,
But the stem of the candle, if he tries,
Akozika na moto nazobanga koreproché yo noki oboya nga
He will be burnt, I'm afraid to reproach you, you'll quickly deny me
Motema na nga ezwi choc, bolingo na yo elatisi nga ekoti ya nzube
My heart is shocked, your love has shown me the door of disappointment
Ba sentiment ya Mississippi,
Mississippi's feelings,
Obwaki yango na kati ya haut fourneau ya sidérurgie
You threw them into the blast furnace of steelworks
Mississippi kosala nga boyé té, molimo ya Nzambé, nzoto eza ya yo
Mississippi, don't do this to me, the soul belongs to God, the body is yours
Ba sentiment ya Mississippi,
Mississippi's feelings,
Obwaki yango na kati ya haut fourneau ya sidérurgie
You threw them into the blast furnace of steelworks
Nakomi zoba eeeh eeeh eeeh
I've become stupid eeeh eeeh eeeh
Vungisi kidjingi-djingi mon amour
You have scattered my love to the wind
Koko akufa, atikela papa héritage,
Grandfather died and left dad an inheritance,
Biso pe bana tozo bénéficier na yango
We, the children, still benefit from it
Bolingo ya Mississippi ekufi na motema, etika kaka héritage ya souci
Mississippi's love died in my heart, leaving only a legacy of worry
Mississippi okomi, masta ya bato ya pompes funèbres,
Mississippi, you've become the master of funeral directors,
Olingi nakufa po olia mbongo ya commission ya cercueil na ngai
You want me to die so you can eat the commission money from my coffin
Bolingo ya Misssissippi muselu, koleka mposo ya etabe JP Mindia
Mississippi's love is bitter, more bitter than JP Mindia's week-long fast
Tala ndenge na cielumuki na ba
Look how I'm angry with the
Mbani ba mbanda bakomi ko seka-seka ngai
Which witches are laughing at me?
Motema na nga ezwi choc, bolingo na yo elatisi nga ekoti ya nzube
My heart is shocked, your love has shown me the door of disappointment
Ba sentiment ya Mississippi,
Mississippi's feelings,
Obwaki yango na kati ya haut fourneau ya sidérurgie
You threw them into the blast furnace of steelworks
Mississippi kosala nga boyé té, molimo ya Nzambé, nzoto eza ya yo
Mississippi, don't do this to me, the soul belongs to God, the body is yours
Ba sentiment ya Mississippi,
Mississippi's feelings,
Obwaki yango na kati ya haut fourneau ya sidérurgie
You threw them into the blast furnace of steelworks
Nakomi lokola soda oyo,
I've become like a soldier,
Batindi na front bapesi mandoki
They send him to the front and give him a machete
Té, est-ce que akeyi po aboma to baboma yé?
Will he come back after killing or will they kill him?
Kosala té, buzoba esala ndoki,
Doing what, acting foolishly,
Na butu abomi moto, na ntongo azongi conscient akomi ko regretter
At night he kills a person, in the morning he wakes up conscious and regrets it
Moto afutelaka ye minerval,
People pay him for the funeral,
Moto azuaka soin na ye en tant que
People take care of him as
Parent, okoluka ngai eeh eeh, okolela ngai eeeh
Parents, look for me eeh eeh, raise me eeeh
Motema na nga ezwi choc, bolingo na yo elatisi nga ekoti ya nzube
My heart is shocked, your love has shown me the door of disappointment
Ba sentiment ya Mississippi,
Mississippi's feelings,
Obwaki yango na kati ya haut fourneau ya sidérurgie
You threw them into the blast furnace of steelworks
Mississippi kosala nga boyé té, molimo ya Nzambé, nzoto eza ya yo
Mississippi, don't do this to me, the soul belongs to God, the body is yours
Ba sentiment ya Mississippi,
Mississippi's feelings,
Obwaki yango na kati ya haut fourneau ya sidérurgie
You threw them into the blast furnace of steelworks
Constitution ya bolingo omodifié, opesi avantage na Nickens Bayaka,
You modified the constitution of love, giving the advantage to Nickens Bayaka,
Kozika na moto pona kolambela yo makoso otali pamba eeh peine perdue
To be burnt because of lying to you, you are indifferent, lost cause
Sentiment ekomi kokotela ngai, yango nga na ndimi rendez-vous na yo
Feelings are beating me up, that's why I accept your rendezvous
Kanisa mbala moni na hesitaki, kopesa yo ya nga motema Mississippi
Remember the time I hesitated to give you my heart, Mississippi
Eh ngai ooh kozika na moto pona kolambela yo makusa
Eh me ooh, to be burnt because of lying to you
Ngai ko mobali, Aline Mushiya, Bienvenue Makanga la paix
I, the husband, Aline Mushiya, Bienvenue Makanga, the peace
Motema na nga ezwi choc, bolingo na yo elatisi nga ekoti ya nzube
My heart is shocked, your love has shown me the door of disappointment
Ba sentiment ya Mississippi,
Mississippi's feelings,
Obwaki yango na kati ya haut fourneau ya sidérurgie
You threw them into the blast furnace of steelworks
Mississippi kosala nga boyé té, molimo ya Nzambé, nzoto eza ya yo
Mississippi, don't do this to me, the soul belongs to God, the body is yours
Ba sentiment ya Mississippi,
Mississippi's feelings,
Obwaki yango na kati ya haut fourneau ya sidérurgie
You threw them into the blast furnace of steelworks
Obwaki ngai lokola chewing-gum, oyo batafuna, sukali esili
You spat me out like chewing gum that has been chewed, the sugar is gone
Berado Prince de Zamunda,
Berado Prince of Zamunda,
Ya Dada wapi yooo, Héritier Scram leader de tous les jeunes
Where's your sister, Héritier Scram, leader of all the youth
Noly Tambu
Noly Tambu

Writer(s): Férré Gola

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