GReeeeN - アカリ - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation GReeeeN - アカリ

Even if this world is swallowed by darkness
Because you are here
Don't cry もう泣かなくていい
Don't cry, you don't have to cry anymore
毎回 君に救われてきた
Every time, I have been saved by you
何百回 永久に永久に
Hundreds of times, forever and ever
You are the hero who protects my world
Yes no 鐘ならし勇気出して
Yes no, ring the bell with courage
Don't stop 次々に進めよ
Don't stop, move forward one after another
今日だって 過ぎ去って
Today too, has passed
Everything's gonna be alright, yeah!
Everything's gonna be alright, yeah!
Everything is 喰らう Sick 涙がプラスチック
Everything is eaten by Sick, tears are plastic
みたいに 無味無臭な現代人
Like modern people who are tasteless and odorless
あっちの方から こっちの方に
From that way, to this way
聞こえる誰かのリアルな Story
I can hear someone's real story
Everything's gonna be alright
Everything's gonna be alright
そういうものに 私はなりたい
I want to be something like that
Present, past, and future
Show you 輝く命とプライド
Show you the shining life and pride
Let me here say
Let me here say
Don't cry もう泣かなくていい
Don't cry, you don't have to cry anymore
毎回 君に救われてきた
Every time, I have been saved by you
何百回 永久に永久に
Hundreds of times, forever and ever
You are the hero who protects my world
Yes no 鐘ならし勇気出して
Yes no, ring the bell with courage
Don't stop 次々に進めよ
Don't stop, move forward one after another
今日だって 過ぎ去って
Today too, has passed
Everything's gonna be alright, yeah!
Everything's gonna be alright, yeah!
Hu ララランド 一緒に歌って
Hoo La La Land, let's sing together
Hu 時を感じていこうよ
Hoo, let's feel the time
Hu 僕ら二人そろえば なんだって
When the two of us are together, anything
描き変わって 暗闇を光へ
Changes to light, drawing away the darkness
難しいことも 楽しいこともあるさ
There are things that are difficult, and things that are fun
もう諦めないで あなたはあなたでいていいんだからね
Don't give up anymore, you can be you, you know.
Don't cry もう泣かなくていい
Don't cry, you don't have to cry anymore
毎回 君に救われてきた
Every time, I have been saved by you
何百回 永久に永久に
Hundreds of times, forever and ever
You are the hero who protects my world
Yes no 鐘ならし勇気出して
Yes no, ring the bell with courage
Don't stop 次々に進めよ
Don't stop, move forward one after another
今日だって 過ぎ去って
Today too, has passed
Everything's gonna be alright, yeah!
Everything's gonna be alright, yeah!

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