Gasellit - Taivaan Tosi - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Gasellit - Taivaan Tosi

Taivaan Tosi
Heavenly Truth
Joo joo joo joo, se on taivaan tosi
Yeah yeah yeah yeah, it's the heavenly truth
Joo joo joo joo, se on taivaan tosi.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah, it's the heavenly truth.
Joo joo joo joo, se on taivaan tosi,
Yeah yeah yeah yeah, it's the heavenly truth,
Joo joo.
Yeah yeah.
En valehtele sulle, tiedät etten ees osaa,
I'm not lying to you, you know I can't even do it,
Ei oo ehkä hyvä ilta, mut tää ei voi enää venaa.
This might not be a great evening, but this can't wait any longer.
Sul on ollu vaikeeta, tiedän et sul on kovaa,
You've had it tough, and I know it's been rough for you,
Oon niin pahoillani, enkä ees oleta sun uskovan.
I'm so sorry, and I don't even expect you to believe it.
Katot mua niin ku särkyisit siihen, se tekee kipeetä.
You look at me like you're going to shatter, and it hurts.
Tää särkee mun sydämen, tää särkee miehen.
This breaks my heart, this breaks a man.
istun metrossa ja mietin mitä oisin tehny toisin,
I'm sitting on the subway and thinking about what I could have done differently,
Myllyt seuras toisiaan, vai vielkö jatkaa voitu oiski.
The fights followed each other, or could it have continued.
pyysit mua kertoo totuuden, sanoit vaik sattus tahot kuulla totuuden.
You asked me to tell you the truth, you said you want to hear the truth even if it hurts.
en rakasta sua, eikä sitä voi defibriloida, en rakasta sua enkä tiedä minkä takia.
I don't love you, and that can't be defibrillated, I don't love you and I don't know why.
Joo joo joo joo, se on taivaan tosi.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah, it's the heavenly truth.
Joo joo joo joo, se on taivaan tosi.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah, it's the heavenly truth.
Joo joo joo joo se on taivaan tosi.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah, it's the heavenly truth.
Joo joo.
Yeah yeah.
en valehtele sulle, tiedät et en edes osaa,
I'm not lying to you, you know that I can't even do it,
Ei oo ehkä hyvä ilta, mut tää ei voi enää venaa.
This might not be a great evening, but this can't wait any longer.
Joo joo joo joo, tää on ohi.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah, it's over.
Joo joo.
Yeah yeah.
Taivaan tosi tää ohi, ei tuhlata enää aikaa,
This is heavenly truth over, let's not waste any more time,
Koitan laittaa tälle stopin, muttet kuuntele mua lainkaan.
I'm trying to put a stop to this, but you're not listening to me at all.
Oli sairaan kiva tuntee, mut olis myös mukava unohtaa,
It was really nice to know you, but it would also be nice to forget,
Huonot muistot ois kätevä hukata jos ne vois 3D-tulostaa.
It would be convenient to lose the bad memories if you could print them in 3D.
Päättelit totuutta pitkään, siks tää on tilanne haastavin,
You've been reasoning for a long time, that's why this situation is the most difficult,
Koitat tehä tän nopee, vähän niiku repäsis laastarin.
You're trying to do this quickly, like tearing off a band-aid.
Aina vaa flaidataa, rojuja raivataan, poljetaan paikallaa,
Always flagging, clearing out things, pedaling in place,
Vaik kaivataan menneitä kaikki kiva vaa loppu aikanaan.
Even though we all miss the good times, all the good things end in time.
Meil se tapahtu iltalenkil, pumpulanmäki on meidän golgata,
It happened to us on an evening walk, Pumppulamäki is our Golgotha,
Tää on nykyaikaa eli jos jokin on rikki, ei kannata korjata.
This is modern times, so if something is broken, don't fix it.
Ei ennalta pysty arvaamaan kaikkia elämän oikkuja,
You can't predict all the quirks of life in advance,
Jos rimpuilee ja riippuu, parempi tippuu ku roikkua.
If you struggle and depend, it's better to drop than hang on.
Joo joo joo joo, se on taivaan tosi.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah, it's the heavenly truth.
Joo joo joo joo, se on taivaan tosi.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah, it's the heavenly truth.
Joo joo joo joo se on taivaan tosi.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah, it's the heavenly truth.
Joo joo.
Yeah yeah.
en valehtele sulle, tiedät et en edes osaa,
I'm not lying to you, you know that I can't even do it,
Ei oo ehkä hyvä ilta, mut tää ei voi enää venaa.
This might not be a great evening, but this can't wait any longer.
Joo joo joo joo, tää on ohi.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah, it's over.
Joo joo.
Yeah yeah.
Me mentiin lujaa, hypättiin syvimpään päätyyn,
We went hard, jumped into the deep end,
Mut nyt sydän päivä päivält syvemmin jäätyy.
But now my heart freezes deeper every day.
Siks se on taivaan tosi että syntesi päättyy,
That's why it's heavenly truth that our synthesis ends,
Se on ainoo tapa, synkemmilt säästyy.
It's the only way to avoid the gloomier ones.
En oo nähny sua nyt viikkoon, en oo tuntenu ikävää,
I haven't seen you for a week now, I haven't felt any longing,
Jääkylmäst ei tuu ku haalee, vaikka kuinka puita lisätään.
Ice cold doesn't get anything but lukewarm, no matter how much wood you add.
Ei sinist liekkii sen takii kai kannata pitää pääl,
That's why you shouldn't keep a blue flame on, because of that.
Meist ei tuu enää me, mikset sitä nää?
We'll never be the same again, why don't you see that?
Joo joo joo joo, se on taivaan tosi.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah, it's the heavenly truth.
Joo joo joo joo, se on taivaan tosi.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah, it's the heavenly truth.
Joo joo joo joo se on taivaan tosi.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah, it's the heavenly truth.
Joo joo.
Yeah yeah.
en valehtele sulle, tiedät et en edes osaa,
I'm not lying to you, you know I can't even do it,
Ei oo ehkä hyvä ilta, mut tää ei voi enää venaa,
This might not be a great evening, but this can't wait any longer,
Joo joo joo joo, tää on ohi,
Yeah yeah yeah yeah, it's over,
Joo joo.
Yeah yeah.

Writer(s): jusa mikkonen

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