General Woo - Znam - translation of the lyrics into English

Znam - General Wootranslation in English

I Know
Znam da oni znaju da ja znam šta oni znaju
I know they know that I know what they know
A ne bi trebo znati ali sama usta laju
And I shouldn't, but their own mouths just blab
Znam da žele znati da li znam da oni znaju
I know they want to know if I know that they know
Da još kratko traju, bliže se svom kraju
Their time is short, their end is near, you see
Znam da oni znaju da ja znam da oni znaju
I know they know that I know what they know
Kako grabe tuđe sebi, podobnima daju
How they steal from others, give to those who please
Šakom i kapom, kako žive svi u raju
Hand over fist, living like it's paradise
Znam da oni znaju da sjaje u lažnom sjaju
I know they know they shine in a false light
Znam da oni znaju kako znam da mi se prijete
I know they know how I know they threaten me
Vidim ih, dok u mraku gledam kroz rolete
I see them in the dark, peering through the blinds
Da ne bi bilo štete, često me se sjete
So there's no harm, they think of me often, you see
Znam ko ih šalje, ko tu mrežu plete
I know who sends them, who weaves this web of lies
Znam da oni znaju da obitelj je u strahu
I know they know my family lives in fear
Znaju da ja znam i da je napetost u zraku
They know I know and the tension's thick in the air
Znam da oni znaju zašto pričam kako kradu
I know they know why I talk about their stealing ways
U mom malom gradu pizde mrmljaju u bradu
In my small town, bitches mutter under their breath
Znam da oni znaju kako znam da otimaju
I know they know how I know they take what's not theirs
I da okreću leđa dok svinje ruju i kopaju
And turn their backs as pigs root and dig
Znam da oni znaju kako znam da udaraju
I know they know how I know they strike
Ali znaju da ja znam i da se pokajnici kaju
But they know I know and that repentants atone
(Mmm!) Murija mi parkira pred kućom
(Mmm!) The cops park in front of my house
(Ej!) Jedan uvijek bulji mi u prozor
(Hey!) One always stares into my window
(Alo!) Šta će biti kada dignem mase? Zna se!
(Yo!) What will happen when I raise the masses? It's known!
Zato nadzire me prase!
That's why the pig keeps me under his watch!
(Mmm!) Murija mi parkira pred kućom
(Mmm!) The cops park in front of my house
(Ej!) Jedan uvijek bulji mi u prozor
(Hey!) One always stares into my window
(Alo!) Šta će biti kada dignem mase? Zna se!
(Yo!) What will happen when I raise the masses? It's known!
Zato nadzire me prase!
That's why the pig keeps me under his watch!
Znam da lako je bit sluga, suditi bez suda
I know it's easy to be a servant, judge without a trial
I da teško je bit čovjek, a još teže imat muda
And it's hard to be a man, even harder to have balls
Znaju da sam luđak kojem doslovno se jebe
They know I'm a madman who literally doesn't give a damn
I kako sam svjestan da me čuvaju zbog sebe
And how I'm aware they guard me for their own sake
Znaju da ja znam kako valjaju heroin
They know I know how they deal heroin
Da zatvaraju zbog trave, usput dilaju kokain
Lock people up for weed, while pushing cocaine
Zna se koje njuške skupa su u talu
Everyone knows which snouts are in cahoots
I sve što mogu pričat nikad neće bit za šalu
And everything I can say will never be a joke
Za pranje milijuna preko sportskih klubova
About laundering millions through sports clubs
Za uplašene ljude, ljude slomljenih udova
For frightened people, people with broken limbs
Znam za nasilnike, za stalno provociranje
I know about bullies, about constant provocation
I otkaze na poslu i za stalno šikaniranje
And job dismissals and constant harassment
Znam da oni znaju da do grla sam u vodi
I know they know I'm up to my neck in water
Jer znam ko je glavni i kakvo se kolo vodi
Because I know who's in charge and what kind of game is being played
Znaju da ja znam za tajni račun, crne fondove
They know I know about the secret account, the slush funds
Za aute, za satove, za vile i za brodove
For cars, for watches, for villas and for boats
(Mmm!) Murija mi parkira pred kućom
(Mmm!) The cops park in front of my house
(Ej!) Jedan uvijek bulji mi u prozor
(Hey!) One always stares into my window
(Alo!) Šta će biti kada dignem mase? Zna se!
(Yo!) What will happen when I raise the masses? It's known!
Zato nadzire me prase!
That's why the pig keeps me under his watch!
(Mmm!) Murija mi parkira pred kućom
(Mmm!) The cops park in front of my house
(Ej!) Jedan uvijek bulji mi u prozor
(Hey!) One always stares into my window
(Alo!) Šta će biti kada dignem mase? Zna se!
(Yo!) What will happen when I raise the masses? It's known!
Zato nadzire me prase!
That's why the pig keeps me under his watch!

Writer(s): Hrvoje Marjanović, Srđan ćuk

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