George Frideric Handel, The English Concert, Trevor Pinnock & John Tomlinson - Messiah / Part 1: 4. Accompagnato: Thus saith the Lord - translation of the lyrics into Russian

Lyrics and translation George Frideric Handel, The English Concert, Trevor Pinnock & John Tomlinson - Messiah / Part 1: 4. Accompagnato: Thus saith the Lord

Thus saith the Lord, the Lord of hosts: Yet once a little while and I will shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land.
Так говорит Господь, Господь Саваоф: еще немного, и я потрясу небеса и землю, море и сушу.
And I will shake all nations; and the desire of all nations shall come.
И я потрясу все народы, и желание всех народов придет.
(Haggai 2: 6-7)
(Аггей 2: 6-7)
The Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to His temple, even the messenger of the Covenant, whom you delight in; behold, He shall come, saith the Lord of hosts.
Господь, которого вы ищете, внезапно придет в свой храм, даже посланник Завета, которого вы любите; вот, он придет, говорит Господь Саваоф.
(Malachi 3: 1)
(Малахия 3: 1)

Writer(s): G.f. Handel, E. Prout

1 Messiah / Part 3: 51. Chorus: "Worthy is the Lamb... Amen"
2 Messiah / Part 2: 31. Chorus: Lift up your heads
3 Messiah / Part 2: 33. Chorus: "Let all the angels of God"
4 Messiah / Part 2: 35. Chorus: "The Lord gave the word"
5 Messiah / Part 2: 37a. Chorus: Their sound is gone out
6 Messiah / Part 2: 39. Chorus: Let us break their bonds asunder
7 Messiah / Part 2: "Hallelujah"
8 Messiah / Part 3: 44. Chorus: Since by man came death
9 Messiah / Part 3: 49. Chorus: But thanks be to God
10 Messiah / Part 2: 26. Chorus: He trusted in God
11 Messiah / Part 1: 3. Chorus: "And The Glory Of The Lord"
12 Messiah / Part 1: 6. Chorus: "And He shall purify the sons of Levi"
13 Messiah, HWV56 / Part 1: 12. Chorus: "For unto us a Child is born"
14 Messiah / Part 1: 15. Chorus: Glory to God in the highest
15 Messiah / Part 1: 19. His yoke is easy
16 Messiah / Part 2: 20. Behold the Lamb of God
17 Messiah / Part 2: 22. Chorus: "Surely He hath borne our griefs"
18 Messiah / Part 2: 23. Chorus: "And with His stripes we are healed"
19 Messiah / Part 2: 24. Chorus: "All we like sheep have gone astray"
20 Messiah / Part 1: Symphony
21 Messiah / Part 1: 13. Pifa (Pastoral Symphony)
22 Messiah / Part 1: 5. Air: "But who may abide the day of his coming"
23 Messiah / Part 2: 34a. Air: "Thou art gone up on high"
24 Messiah / Part 3: 47. Recitative: Then shall be brought to pass
25 Messiah / Part 1: 4. Accompagnato: Thus saith the Lord
26 Messiah / Part 1: 2. Air: "Ev'ry Valley shall be exalted"
27 Messiah / Part 2: 28. Arioso: "Behold and see"
28 Messiah / Part 2: 41. Air: "Thou shalt break them"
29 Messiah / Part 2: 40. Recitative: He that dwelleth in heaven
30 Messiah / Part 2: 27. Accompagnato: "Thy rebuke hath broken His heart"
31 Messiah / Part 2: 25. Accompagnato: All they that see Him
32 Messiah / Part 1: 1. Accompagnato: Comfort ye, My people

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