Gigi D'Alessio - Puortame ca mano - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Gigi D'Alessio - Puortame ca mano

Puortame ca mano
Puortame ca mano
O′ core aspett e suonne ca se sceten
My heart waits for the dreams to awaken
Pe accummincià cu te
To start anew with you
Nu juorno nuovo senza nu pecchè
A new day without a single sin
Si sempe pronta a m'asciuttà na lacrema
You are always ready to lift my broken heart
Quanno sta pe carè
When it is about to fall
A firm cu sti man n′facc a te
I sign with these hands in your face
Nun pare overo
It doesn't seem real
Ca tu te si fermat proprio ccà
That you have stopped right here
Ma tu si overo
But you are real
Picciò sta voce mia te vo chiammà
That is why this voice of mine wants to call you
Viene puorteme ca mano
Come hold my hand
Addo nun ce sta vient ma famme vulà
Where there is no wind but make me fly
Rind a stu ciel cchiù vicino o sole
Towards this sky closer to the sun
Nun me fa abbrucià
Don't let me burn
Addo na nuvol nun ten l'acqua
Where a cloud has no water
Pe ce n'fonnere
To melt us
Puorteme a Napule quann e culure
Take me to Naples where the colors
A sera po s′ammeschene
In the evening begin to mix
Viene puorteme ca mano
Come hold my hand
Cchiù vicino o mare pe te fa vasà
Closer to the sea to kiss you
Addo e prumesse e tutt e nammurate
Where the promises of all lovers
Songhe verità
Are true
Quando po scuorne e stell aret a luna
When the stars turn pale around the moon
Nun s′appiccene
They do not light up
Pecchè tu si chhiù bell e loro
Because you are more beautiful than them
E nun se vonn fa vedè
And they don't want to be seen
Si o tiempe se putesse sulo spennere
If time could only be extinguished
Io senza ce pensà
I without thinking
Spennesse tutt o tiempe a t'abbraccià
Would extinguish all time to hold you
Si in Paraviso se putess ij n′attim
If in Paradise one could go in an instant
Io te purtasse
I would take you there
Sultanto pe te fa vrà a mammà
Only to make you meet my mother
Nun pare overo
It doesn't seem real
Te guardo e nun me stanco e te guardà
I look at you and don't tire of looking at you
Ma tu si overo
But you are real
Picciò te voglio sempe accarezzà
That is why I always want to caress you
Viene puorteme ca mano
Come hold my hand
Addo nun ce sta vient ma famme vulà
Where there is no wind but make me fly
Rind a stu ciel cchiù vicino o sole
Towards this sky closer to the sun
Nun me fa abbrucià
Don't let me burn
Addo na nuvol nun ten l'acqua
Where a cloud has no water
Pe ce n′fonnere
To melt us
Puorteme a Napule quann e culure
Take me to Naples where the colors
A sera po s'ammeschene
In the evening begin to mix
Viene puorteme ca mano
Come hold my hand
Cchiù vicino o mare pe te fa vasà
Closer to the sea to kiss you
Addo e prumesse e tutt e nammurate
Where the promises of all lovers
Songhe verità
Are true
Quando po scuorne e stell aret a luna
When the stars turn pale around the moon
Nun s′appiccene
They do not light up
Pecchè tu si chhiù bell e loro
Because you are more beautiful than them
E nun se vonn fa vedè
And they don't want to be seen
Ma si overo o core aspetta e suonne
But if it is true my heart waits for the dreams
Ca se scetano
To awake
E suonne mie se so scetate e mo
And my dreams have awoken and now
Nun voglio cchiù durmì
I don't want to sleep anymore

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