Gilbert Bécaud - T'es venu de loin - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Gilbert Bécaud - T'es venu de loin

T'es venu de loin
You Came From Far Away
T′es venu de loin, t'es venu de loin,
You came from far away, you came from far away,
T′es venu de très, très loin.
You came from very, very far.
Oh, si un jour tu reviens, viens, viens,
Oh, if one day you return, come, come,
Toi, Jésus le moribond,
You, Jesus the dying one,
C'est sûrement dans notre maison
It's surely in our house
Qu'on te soignera bien bien bien.
That we'll take good, good, good care of you.
Quand tu reviendras, mes deux garçons
When you return, my two boys
Seront là.
Will be there, there, there, there, there.
Ils te poseront trente mille questions
They'll ask you thirty thousand questions
Auxquelles tu répondras:
To which you'll answer:
T′es venu de loin?
Did you come from far away?
- Très loin.
- Very far.
Tu as mis longtemps?
Did it take you long?
- Longtemps.
- A long time.
Pourquoi t′es pâle?
Why are you pale?
- Je ne sais pas.
- I don't know.
As-tu des enfants?
Do you have children?
- Oui, beaucoup.
- Yes, many.
Est-ce que tu as faim?
Are you hungry?
- Un peu.
- A little.
Tu sais dessiner?
Can you draw?
- Pas très.
- Not very well.
Fais-moi un dessin!
Draw me a picture!
- Voilà!
- There you go!
Dis, c'est beau chez toi?
Tell me, is it beautiful where you live?
- Très beau.
- Very beautiful.
T′es venu comment?
How did you come here?
- A pied.
- On foot.
T'as une maman?
Do you have a mother?
- Mais oui!
- Of course!
Dis, quel est son nom?
Tell me, what's her name?
- Marie.
- Mary.
Qu′est-ce que t'as aux mains.
What do you have on your hands?
- Rien.
- Nothing.
Mais quand tu reviendras, ce sera bien bien bien.
But when you return, it will be good, good, good.
Quand tu reviendras, ce sera bien, oui.
When you return, it will be good, yes.
Quand tu reviendras, ce sera bien bien bien:
When you return, it will be good, good, good:
Tu seras chez moi tout comme chez toi.
You'll be at home just like at your own place.
Quand tu reviendras de si loin loin loin,
When you return from so far, far, far away,
Tu étonneras nos voisins, oui,
You'll surprise our neighbors, yes,
Mais tu n′étonneras pas mes garçons
But you won't surprise my boys
Qui poseront leurs trente mille questions:
Who will ask their thirty thousand questions:
T'es venu de loin?
Did you come from far away?
- Très loin.
- Very far.
Tu as mis longtemps?
Did it take you long?
- Longtemps.
- A long time.
Pourquoi es-tu pâle?
Why are you pale?
- Je ne sais pas.
- I don't know.
T'as des enfants?
Do you have children?
- Oui, beaucoup.
- Yes, many.
Est-ce que tu as faim?
Are you hungry?
- Un peu.
- A little.
Tu sais dessiner?
Can you draw?
- Pas très bien.
- Not very well.
Fais-moi un dessin.
Draw me a picture.
- Tiens, voilà.
- Here you go.
Dis, c′est beau chez toi?
Tell me, is it beautiful where you live?
- Très beau.
- Very beautiful.
T′es venu comment?
How did you come here?
- A pied.
- On foot.
T'as une maman?
Do you have a mother?
- Mais oui.
- Of course.
Dis, quel est son nom?
Tell me, what's her name?
- Marie.
- Mary.
Qu′est-ce que t'as aux mains.
What do you have on your hands?
- Rien.
- Nothing.
Mais quand tu reviendras, ce sera bien bien bien,
But when you return, it will be good, good, good,
Quand tu reviendras, ce sera bien, oui,
When you return, it will be good, yes,
Mais tu n′empêcheras pas mes garçons
But you won't stop my boys
De te poser leurs trente mille questions:
From asking their thirty thousand questions:
T'es venu de loin?
Did you come from far away?
- Je suis venu de loin.
- I came from far away.
Tu as mis longtemps?
Did it take you long?
- J′ai mis longtemps.
- It took me a long time.
Pourquoi es-tu pâle?
Why are you pale?
- Pourquoi je suis pâle?
- Why am I pale?
As-tu des enfants?
Do you have children?
- Si j'ai des enfants?
- If I have children?
Est-ce que tu as faim?
Are you hungry?
- Oui, toujours.
- Yes, always.
Tu sais dessiner?
Can you draw?
- Je sais dessiner.
- I can draw.
Fais-moi un dessin!
Draw me a picture!
- Je te fais un dessin.
- I'll draw you a picture.
Dis, c'est beau chez toi?
Tell me, is it beautiful where you live?
- C′est beau chez moi.
- It's beautiful where I live.
T′es venu comment?
How did you come here?
- A pied.
- On foot.
T'as une maman?
Do you have a mother?
- Mais oui!
- Of course!
Dis, quel est son nom?
Tell me, what's her name?
- Marie.
- Mary.
Qu′est-ce que t'as aux mains.
What do you have on your hands?
- Rien, rien.
- Nothing, nothing.

Writer(s): Gilbert Francois Leopold Becaud, Louis Jean Mathieu Amade

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