Gleb feat. Ty - DaysGo - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Gleb feat. Ty - DaysGo

Parkujeme GT, pijem GT
We park the GT, I drink GT
Mám MVP, že si MVP
Got the MVP, because you're the MVP
Vonku top EP, chudákov klepe
Top EP's out, making the haters shiver
Celý deň v rape, celý deň v rape
Whole day in rap, whole day in rap
Parkujeme GT, pijem GT
We park the GT, I drink GT
Mám MVP, že si MVP
Got the MVP, because you're the MVP
Vonku top EP, chudákov klepe
Top EP's out, making the haters shiver
Celý deň v rape, celý deň v rape
Whole day in rap, whole day in rap
Parkujeme GT, pijem GT
We park the GT, I drink GT
Mám MVP, že si MVP
Got the MVP, because you're the MVP
Vonku top EP, chudákov klepe
Top EP's out, making the haters shiver
Celý deň v rape, celý deň v rape
Whole day in rap, whole day in rap
V obývačke píšem bombu, hovor tomu home office
Writing bombs in the living room, call it home office
Československo talent, ale ja nie som Boki
Czechoslovakia's got talent, but I ain't Boki
V noci stále oblieháme parkoviska a bloky
At night we still besiege parking lots and blocks
Bratislavské leto days go, yeah
Bratislava summer days go, yeah
V obývačke pišem bombu, hovor tomu home office
Writing bombs in the living room, call it home office
Poďme ďalej, veď máme samé stories oproti
Let's move on, we got stories to tell
V noci stále oblieháme parkoviska a bloky
At night we still besiege parking lots and blocks
Bratislavské leto days go, yeah
Bratislava summer days go, yeah
Keď nie som v letadle so snubenicou
When I'm not at the airport with my fiancee
Tak v Bratislave stále v noci jazdím cez ulice
I'm in Bratislava, driving through the streets at night
Kde hoodie boys robia zlo, fajčia brokolicu
Where hoodie boys are up to no good, smoking broccoli
Dávam dole okno, what's up?
I roll down the window, what's up?
Opäť sa cítim ako taxikár
Feeling like a taxi driver again
Odvez ma sem odvez ma tam
Take me here, take me there
Hej ty vzadu, dávaj bacha na môj vytepovaný koberec
Hey, you in the back, watch out for my shampooed carpet
Nevylievaj z flaše, prestaň piť ako Mongolec
Don't spill from the bottle, stop drinking like a Mongolian
A kľudne fajči, mi nevadí ani IQOSka
And feel free to smoke, I don't even mind the IQOS anymore
Len to nefúkaj na mňa bro, fúkaj von z okna
Just don't blow it on me bro, blow it out the window
Stretneme sa pri Dunaji pred muzeom
We'll meet by the Danube in front of the museum
Dávam hore kufor a zvyšok poznáš, yo
I'm putting the trunk up, you know the rest, yo
P-p-parkujeme GT, pijem GT
W-w-we park the GT, I drink GT
Mám MVP, že si MVP
Got the MVP, because you're the MVP
Vonku top EP, chudákov klepe
Top EP's out, making the haters shiver
Celý deň v rape, celý deň v rape
Whole day in rap, whole day in rap
V obývačke píšem bombu, hovor tomu home office
Writing bombs in the living room, call it home office
Československo talent, ale ja nie som Boki
Czechoslovakia's got talent, but I ain't Boki
V noci stále oblieháme parkoviska a bloky
At night we still besiege parking lots and blocks
Bratislavské leto days go, yeah
Bratislava summer days go, yeah
V obývačke pišem bombu, hovor tomu home office
Writing bombs in the living room, call it home office
Poďme ďalej, veď máme samé stories oproti
Let's move on, we got stories to tell
V noci stále oblieháme parkoviska a bloky
At night we still besiege parking lots and blocks
Bratislavské leto days go, yeah
Bratislava summer days go, yeah
Yah, zo dna sa najlepšie odrazíš
Yah, it's best to bounce back from the bottom
Áno pravda to si píš, tvoj rap je dno
Yes, write that down, your rap is the bottom
A bielou teniskou sa ti práve odrazím o ksicht
And I'll just bounce my white sneaker off your face
Dementi ukazujú piece, kým ja mám na beaty pis
Dementia shows off pieces while I got letters for beats
Hej Gleb, prečo ma dissuješ, veď som neurobil nič
Hey Gleb, why you dissing me, I didn't do anything
Áno práve preto, neurobil si nič
Yeah, that's exactly why, you didn't do anything
Žerem MCs - Anthony Hopkins, Rest in Peace i Poppins
Eating MCs - Anthony Hopkins, Rest in Peace i Poppins
Všeci kokoti do kopy ste kopiou v copies
All you fools are a copy in copies
Chcel som niekoho zavolať na fea-T
Wanted to call someone for a fea-T
Bohužiaľ ma nenapadol ni-K
Unfortunately I couldn't think of any-one
Ak máš čo povedať a nie si vypatlaný
If you got something to say and you're not a moron
Tak je mi to úplne jedno, kľudne teraz rapuj ty
Then I don't really care, feel free to rap now
Okay, si ready?
Okay, are you ready?
Je mi jedno, či si MC alebo ne
I don't care if you're an MC or not
Ak máš čo povedať a chceš niečo povedať, daj rap hneď teraz
If you got something to say and want to say something, rap right now
Poď, poď, poď
Come on, come on, come on
Veľa peňazí, na čo ti to je?
Lots of money, what is it to you?
Kup si niečo nové, všetci ťa budú nenávidieť
Buy yourself something new, everyone will hate you
Pozývam tak často, že mi za to neďakujú
I invite so often they don't thank me anymore
Máš hento máš tamto, prosím ťa nemachruj
You got this, you got that, please stop showing off
Mám tak mega veľa kostlivcov v skrini
I got so many skeletons in the closet
Že sa mi tam noví našťastie nezmestili
That luckily new ones can't fit anymore
Budem musieť kvôli nim kúpiť nový byt
Gonna have to buy a new apartment for them
Aby som mal o čom písať audioknihy
So I have something to write audiobooks about
Ver čomu neveríš, felláci enemies
Believe what you don't believe, fellatios are enemies
ma to neprekvapí, moje mesto je negatív
Doesn't surprise me anymore, my city is negative
Okolo streets a beton, preto počuváme ghetto juke
Streets and concrete all around, that's why we listen to ghetto juke
Ráno cookies a mlieko, pred bankom robím nový zvuk
Cookies and milk in the morning, making a new sound in front of the bank
Trunk music, zmrdi z benzínových pump
Trunk music, you bastards from gas stations
Moje nové EP smrdí jako skunk
My new EP stinks like skunk
Trunk music, zmrdi z benzínových pump
Trunk music, you bastards from gas stations
Moje nové EP smrdí jako skunk
My new EP stinks like skunk
Parkujeme GT, pijem GT
We park the GT, I drink GT
Mám MVP, že si MVP
Got the MVP, because you're the MVP
Vonku top EP, chudákov klepe
Top EP's out, making the haters shiver
Celý deň v rape, celý deň v rape
Whole day in rap, whole day in rap
Parkujeme GT, pijem GT
We park the GT, I drink GT
Mám MVP, že si MVP
Got the MVP, because you're the MVP
Vonku top EP, chudákov klepe
Top EP's out, making the haters shiver
Celý deň v rape, celý deň v rape
Whole day in rap, whole day in rap

Writer(s): Peter Bitter, Gleb Veselov

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