Gossos - En Un Instant - translation of the lyrics into English

En Un Instant - Gossostranslation in English

En Un Instant
In a Moment
És tard, no quina hora és,
It's late, I don't know what time it is
Peró és fosc fa estona.
But it's been dark for a while.
És fácil veure que no hi ets,
It's easy to see that you're not here, dear
Ni un paper, ja poc importa.
Not even a note, it doesn't matter anymore.
Poso els peus a terra, vull caminar,
I put my feet on the ground, I want to walk
Necessito despertar en un dia radiant.
I need to wake up on a bright day.
Encara em queda temps per descobrir
I still have time to discover
Tot alló que m'he amagat i que no m'he volgut dir.
Everything I've hidden from myself and that I haven't wanted to tell you.
Corren, corren pels carrers, corren
They run, they run through the streets, they run,
Paraules que no s'esborren, imatges que no se'n van.
Words that won't go away, images that won't leave.
I ploren, ploren pels carrers, ploren
And they cry, they cry through the streets, they cry,
Com gotes d'aigua s'enyoren, aquells que ja no es veuran.
Like drops of water, they miss those who will no longer be seen.
Difícil descobrir qui soc avui.
It's hard to figure out who I am today.
Una gota em cau mentre un altre em treu la set.
A drop falls on me while another quenches my thirst.
Plou i fa sol alhora
It's raining and sunny at the same time,
Tomba la bala bala,
The bullet falls over and over,
Tomba la bala que m'apuntava, era la meva
The bullet that was aimed at me, it was mine
I jo mateix em disparava.
And I shot myself.
Raig de llum il·lumina'm, treu-me el fum.
Ray of light, illuminate me, take away the smoke.
Una revolució dins meu, la sedueixo i es transforma
A revolution within me, I seduce it and it transforms
No s'esborren, en conformo en mirar-me
They don't disappear, I settle for looking at myself
Mirar-me de dins cap a fora.
Looking at myself from the inside out.
On puc anar-te a buscar? Nena no és broma...
Where can I go to find you? Baby, this is no joke...
Hauria d'haver estat diferent,
It should have been different,
Peró en un moment s'han tancat les portes.
But in a moment the doors have closed.
Poso els peus a terra, vull caminar
I put my feet on the ground, I want to walk
Necessito despertar en un dia radiant.
I need to wake up on a bright day.
Encara em queda temps per descobrir
I still have time to discover
Tot alló que t'he amagat i que no t'he volgut dir.
All that I've hidden from you and that I haven't wanted to tell you.
Corren, corren pels carrers, corren
They run, they run through the streets, they run,
Paraules que no s'esborren, imatges que no se'n van.
Words that won't go away, images that won't leave.
I ploren, ploren pels carrers, ploren
And they cry, they cry through the streets, they cry,
Com gotes d'aigua s'enyoren, aquells que ja no es veuran.
Like drops of water, they miss those who will no longer be seen.

Writer(s): Ignacio Tarres Garcia, Juan Jose Munoz Garcia, Roger Farre Llort, Oriol Farre Llort, Santiago Serratosa Lopez

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