Grupo Extra - Vine a Buscarte - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Grupo Extra - Vine a Buscarte

Vine a Buscarte
I Came For You
Nunca he dicho que te quedes
I've never said you should stay,
Por temor a que te vayas
Out of fear that you would go.
Ay ay ay
Ay ay ay
te fuiste y ahora entiendo
You left, and now I understand
Que callar no lleva a nada
That keeping silent leads nowhere.
Ay ay ay
Ay ay ay
Y en el techo de mi alma tengo un hueco donde entra la lluvia
And on the roof of my soul I have a hole where the rain comes in,
Y me moja el alma
And it wets my soul.
Pocas cosas me dan miedo y una de ellas es perder la luz
Few things scare me, but one of them is losing the light
De tu mirada
Of your eyes.
Vine a buscarte por que yo sueño contigo y no pienso echarte al olvido esta vez
I came to find you because I dream of you and don't intend to forget you this time.
Voy a amarrarme como velero a tu boca y hasta que te vuelvas loca lo haré
I'm going to tie myself as a sailboat to your mouth and I'll do it until you go crazy.
Voy a llover sobre tu piel mojada
I'm going to rain down on your wet skin.
Hay un mapa de regreso
There's a map to get back,
Sólo sigue las señales
Just follow the signs.
Ay ay ay
Ay ay ay
No hay amor que sea perfecto
There is no perfect love,
Y el cariño es lo que vale
And what's really valuable is affection.
Ay ay ay
Ay ay ay
Y en el techo de mi alma tengo un hueco donde entra la lluvia y me moja el alma
And on the roof of my soul I have a hole where the rain comes in and wets my soul.
Pocas cosas me dan miedo y una de ellas es perder la luz
Few things scare me, but one of them is losing the light
De tu mirada
Of your eyes.
Vine a buscarte por que yo sueño contigo y no pienso echarte al olvido esta vez
I came to find you because I dream of you and don't intend to forget you this time.
Voy a amarrarme como velero a tu boca y hasta que te vuelvas loca lo haré
I'm going to tie myself as a sailboat to your mouth and I'll do it until you go crazy.
Voy a llover sobre tu piel mojada
I'm going to rain down on your wet skin.
Just you,
Y sólo yo
And just me.
Sabemos lo que el río va arrastrando
We know what the river is dragging,
Y es que yo sólo quiero que entiendas
And the only thing I want is for you to understand
Por que es que te quiero tanto
Why I love you so,
Te quiero tanto
I love you so.
Vine a buscarte porque yo sueño contigo y no pienso echarte al olvido esta vez
I came to find you because I dream of you and don't intend to forget you this time.
Voy a amarrarme como velero a tu boca y hasta que te vuelvas loca lo haré
I'm going to tie myself as a sailboat to your mouth and I'll do it until you go crazy.
Vine a buscarte
I came to find you.
Predecible como lluvia de abril
Predictable as April's rain
Y así despacio llegaste hasta
And just like that, slowly, you came to me.
Te tengo
I have you.
Voy a amarrarme
I'm going to tie myself down
Pero como esa lluvia pienso cumplir
But like that rain, I'm determined to deliver
Si me juras no olvidarte de
If you swear to me not to forget me.
Te sueño
I dream of you.
Vine a buscarte
I came to find you.
Predecible como lluvia de Abril
Predictable as April's rain
Y así despacio llegaste hasta
And just like that, slowly, you came to me.
Te tengo
I have you,
Y junto a vas a vivir
And by my side you're going to live.
Voy a amarrarme
I'm going to tie myself down
Pero como esa lluvia pienso cumplir
But like that rain, I'm determined to deliver
Si me juras no olvidarte de mi
If you swear to me not to forget me.
Te sueño
I dream of you.
Desde hace mucho es que te he querido
For a long time I've loved you.
Vine a buscarte
I came to find you.
Porque yo sueño contigo y no pienso echarte al olvido esta vez
Because I dream of you and don't intend to forget you this time.
Voy a amarrarme como velero a tu boca y hasta que te vuelvas loca lo haré
I'm going to tie myself as a sailboat to your mouth and I'll do it until you go crazy.
Voy a llover sobre tu piel mojada
I'm going to rain down on your wet skin.

Writer(s): fidel perez, yassir neher, edward regalado

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