Gumbgu - Pán času - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Gumbgu - Pán času

Pán času
Master of Time
333, 333,
333, 333,
333, 333,
333, 333,
333, 333,
333, 333,
333, 333.
333, 333.
Nie si pán svojho času,
You are not the master of your time,
Ja som pán tvojho času,
I am the master of your time,
Som pán tvojho času.
I am the master of your time.
Ty nie si pán svojho času,
You are not the master of your time,
Ja som pán tvojho času,
I am the master of your time,
Som pán tvojho času, ja.
I am the master of your time, yeah.
Nie si pán svojho času,
You are not the master of your time,
Ja som pán tvojho času,
I am the master of your time,
Som pán tvojho času.
I am the master of your time.
Ty nie si pán svojho času,
You are not the master of your time,
Ja som pán tvojho času,
I am the master of your time,
Som pán tvojho času, ja.
I am the master of your time, yeah.
Nie si pán svojho času,
You are not the master of your time,
Ja som pán tvojho času,
I am the master of your time,
Som pán tvojho času.
I am the master of your time.
Ty nie si pán svojho času,
You are not the master of your time,
Ja som pán tvojho času,
I am the master of your time,
Som pán tvojho času, ja.Keby si videl čo som videl napísal by si knihu
I am the master of your time, girl. If I saw what you had seen, I'd write a book
A možno ju pak rád aj napíšem,
And maybe I'd even like to write it,
Robil som predpasáka, išiel love,
I worked as a foreman, went hunting,
Všetkým, búchali mi za neho na dvere každý deň,
Everybody, they were banging on my door for it every day,
Prachy špinavé ako potok, čo mi tečie pod oknom,
Money dirty like the stream that flows under my window,
Robím to lebo to musím,
I do it because I have to,
Wanna be chlapci žijú wanna be život,
Wannabe boys live wannabe lives,
Zaradeni v systéme, ktorý sa mi hnusí,
Assigned to a system that disgusts me,
Som unavený zo všetkých tých rád,
I'm tired of all this advice,
Ako žiť, chcem sa len hrať,
How to live, I just want to play,
24 hodín denne v strehu privreté oči
24 hours a day on the lookout, eyes half-closed
Ako mačka nechodievam spať,
Like a cat, I don't go to sleep,
Nie som z tých čo ti budú diktovať
I'm not one of those who will tell you
Ako máš žiť život nemám návod na tvoj život,
How to live your life, I don't have a guide to your life,
Som len tenká čiara v strede Ying Yang,
I'm just that thin line in the middle of Ying Yang,
Ani biely, ani čierny, idem autopilot.
Neither white nor black, I'm on autopilot.
Nie si pán svojho času,
You are not the master of your time,
Ja som pán tvojho času,
I am the master of your time,
Som pán tvojho času.
I am the master of your time.
Ty nie si pán svojho času,
You are not the master of your time,
Ja som pán tvojho času,
I am the master of your time,
Som pán tvojho času, ja.
I am the master of your time, yeah.
Nie si pán svojho času,
You are not the master of your time,
Ja som pán tvojho času,
I am the master of your time,
Som pán tvojho času.
I am the master of your time.
Ty nie si pán svojho času,
You are not the master of your time,
Ja som pán tvojho času,
I am the master of your time,
Som pán tvojho času, ja.
I am the master of your time, yeah.
Nie si pán svojho času,
You are not the master of your time,
Ja som pán tvojho času,
I am the master of your time,
Som pán tvojho času.
I am the master of your time.
Ty nie si pán svojho času,
You are not the master of your time,
Ja som pán tvojho času,
I am the master of your time,
Som pán tvojho času, ja.
I am the master of your time, yeah.
A stále ten kokot čo sem vždy bol,
And still the same asshole I always was,
To čo nahrám dám na druhý deň
What I record I'll put out the next day
Jen tak jednej na živo,
Just one live at one o'clock,
Stále skupina slovo,
Still the slogan group,
Som zvedavý kto? opustra Mickeyho,
I wonder who'll? leave Mikey,
Smradi čo ťa zožerú, keď ich necháš
Sons of bitches who'll eat you if you let them
A pri tom sa na tebe pália úctivo,
And yet they burn you with respect
Neverím nikomu aj keď sa na mňa usmievaš
I trust no one even if you smile at me
A tváriš sa hociako milo,
And act however nice,
Cestujem v čase, hore dole,
I travel through time, up and down,
Vstupil som do toľkých hoven,
I've stepped in so much shit,
šťastně vyhýbam sa smole
happily, I avoid bad luck
A spolieham sa na seba,
And I rely on myself,
Nekajám sa pred nikým,
I don't repent before anyone,
Nevidíš ma sedieť v kostole,
You don't see me sitting in church,
Cestujem v čase, hore dole,
I travel through time, up and down,
Vstupil som do toľkých hoven,
I've stepped in so much shit,
šťastně vyhýbam sa smole
happily, I avoid bad luck
A spolieham sa na seba,
And I rely on myself,
Nekajám sa pred nikým,
I don't repent before anyone,
Nevidíš ma sedieť v kostole.
You don't see me sitting in church.
Nie si pán svojho času,
You are not the master of your time,
Ja som pán tvojho času,
I am the master of your time,
Som pán tvojho času.
I am the master of your time.
Ty nie si pán svojho času,
You are not the master of your time,
Ja som pán tvojho času,
I am the master of your time,
Som pán tvojho času.
I am the master of your time.
Nie si pán svojho času,
You are not the master of your time,
Ja som pán tvojho času,
I am the master of your time,
Som pán tvojho času.
I am the master of your time.
Ty nie si pán svojho času,
You are not the master of your time,
Ja som pán tvojho času,
I am the master of your time,
Som pán tvojho času.
I am the master of your time.
Nie si pán svojho času,
You are not the master of your time,
Ja som pán tvojho času,
I am the master of your time,
Som pán tvojho času.
I am the master of your time.
Ty nie si pán svojho času,
You are not the master of your time,
Ja som pán tvojho času,
I am the master of your time,
Som pán tvojho času.
I am the master of your time.
Ja som pán tvojho času.
I am the master of your time.
Ja som pán tvojho času.
I am the master of your time.
Ja som pán tvojho času.
I am the master of your time.
Ja som pán tvojho času.
I am the master of your time.
Pán tvojho času.
Master of your time.
Pán tvojho času.
Master of your time.

Gumbgu - 333
date of release

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