H-Man - カミシバイ - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation H-Man - カミシバイ

これだろ やっぱこれだろ これでしょ 所詮これでしょ
It must be this, it must be this, this must be it, it can't be anything else.
なんだかんだと言っても結局 世の中最後にこれだろ
No matter what, in the end, this is what the world always comes down to.
紙芝居 これは紙芝居 紙芝居 全て紙芝居
Paper theatre, this is paper theatre, paper theatre, all paper theatre.
紙芝居 これは紙芝居 紙芝居 だから紙芝居
Paper theatre, this is paper theatre, paper theatre, so it's paper theatre.
ただの紙でもカミじゃない 無料よりも高い物はない
Even plain paper is not God, there's nothing more expensive than something that's free.
実体あるのか それ自体 でも見えないだけに危うい地雷
Does it really exist, in itself, but being invisible makes it a dangerous landmine.
地獄の沙汰さえも金次第 世知辛いけど そんな時代
Even hell's punishments can be bought with money, how cynical, but that's the way it is these days.
紙が社会 世界支配する 楽しい悲しい紙芝居
Paper is what rules society and the world, the happy and sad paper theatre.
紙芝居 これは紙芝居 金次第という紙芝居
Paper theatre, this is paper theatre, money-based paper theatre.
紙芝居 全て金次第の 楽しい悲しい紙芝居
Paper theatre, all about how money works, the happy and sad paper theatre.
お金がないからお金が 欲しくなんのかお金が
Is it because I don't have any money that I want money, or is it money that
でもお金があったらお金が 惜しくなんのがお金か
When I have money, I feel sorry for spending it, is that what money is?
お金が欲しいなお金が お金があったらお前ら
I want money, oh money, if I had money, you all
Would do whatever I said, giggling and gossiping about nothing.
薄っぺらだなヒラヒラ まるで紙みたいだな札びら
It's so thin, it flutters, just like paper, the bills.
これだろ やっぱこれだろ これでしょ 所詮これでしょ
It must be this, it must be this, this must be it, it can't be anything else.
お金があったら何でも 買える何でもかんでも
If I had money, I could buy anything, anything at all.
鼻をかんでも かんでも 尻を拭いても 拭いても
I could blow my nose with it, wipe my behind with it, anything I wanted.
紙がいるだろ お金が やっぱりお金は紙だろ
You still need paper, don't you? Money, money is paper, after all.
これだろ やっぱこれだろ これでしょ 所詮これでしょ
It must be this, it must be this, this must be it, it can't be anything else.
紙芝居 これは紙芝居 金次第という紙芝居
Paper theatre, this is paper theatre, money-based paper theatre.
紙芝居 全て金次第の 楽しい悲しい紙芝居
Paper theatre, all about how money works, the happy and sad paper theatre.
数の理論だ政治は だからお金が必要 政治家
Politics is the theory of numbers, that's why politicians need money.
金の理論の政治屋達の どこにあるのか正義は
Politicians who follow the theory of money, where can we find justice?
お金の病だ 病気だ しかもかなりヤバいが正気か?
It's the disease of money, a disease, and a pretty bad one at that, are you serious?
政治献金 現金 違法な献金 厳禁
Political donations, in cash, illegal donations, forbidden.
だけどパーティ券なら平気 それじゃ饅頭がわりのケーキ
But if it's a party ticket, it's okay, so it's like a dumpling instead of a cake.
これだろ やっぱこれだろ これでしょ 所詮これでしょ
It must be this, it must be this, this must be it, it can't be anything else.
紙芝居 これは紙芝居 金次第という紙芝居
Paper theatre, this is paper theatre, money-based paper theatre.
紙芝居 全て金次第の 楽しい悲しい紙芝居
Paper theatre, all about how money works, the happy and sad paper theatre.
お金があったら女が 寄ってくるかな女が
If I had money, would women come to me? Would they?
そりゃ寄ってくるだろ女が お金にたかる女か
Of course they would come to me, women who are after money?
お金がかかる女が 代わる代わるか そんなら
Women who cost money, one after another, in that case,
これだろ やっぱこれだろ これでしょ 所詮これでしょ
It must be this, it must be this, this must be it, it can't be anything else.
お金がなければ男は 立つ瀬も顔も男は
If I didn't have any money, I wouldn't have any standing or face as a man.
無いのか つらいよ男は だったらチンチン取ったら
I don't have any, it's tough being a man, so if I cut off my penis,
女になれるか そしたら お金で性別買えるか?
Could I become a woman? Then could I buy my sex with money?
戸籍の上では変るが 手術で性別変えれば
It may change on paper, but if you change your sex with surgery,
紙芝居 これは紙芝居 金次第という紙芝居
Paper theatre, this is paper theatre, money-based paper theatre.
紙芝居 全て金次第の 楽しい悲しい紙芝居
Paper theatre, all about how money works, the happy and sad paper theatre.

Writer(s): E.furiya, N.browne

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