H16 - Dali - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation H16 - Dali

toto je album Sila,
Yo, yo, this is the album "Sila",
Nahrávaný v štúdiu môjho brata Romana Zámožného,
Recorded in my brother Roman Zámožný's studio,
Rok 2016 ďalší Abeho banger,
Year 2016, another Abe banger,
Toto neni žiadny ego trip,
This ain't no ego trip,
Toto je soul trip,
This is a soul trip,
Užívaj krásu,
Enjoy the beauty,
kvalitu a neporovnávaj,
The quality, and don't compare,
Nebuď hejter,
Don't be a hater,
My žijeme navždy,
We live forever,
Odkaz a muzika šíri sa svetom,
The legacy and music spread through the world,
To najlepšie ešte len príde,
The best is yet to come,
Starý mój zrejeme vekom,
My old friend, we mature with age,
2017 aj každé dalšie naše je leto,
2017 and every next year is our summer,
A nestane sa hocičo nič to nezmení,
And nothing will change that,
Na tom že sme to,
The fact that we are it,
Dali, dali, dali, dali,
We did it, did it, did it, did it,
Dali, dali, dali, dali,
We did it, did it, did it, did it,
Makali kým iní spali,
We hustled while others slept,
Spirit jak Muhammad Ali,
Spirit like Muhammad Ali,
Sny ako Salvador Dalí,
Dreams like Salvador Dalí,
Pozri sa kým sme sa stali,
Look at who we became,
My sme to dali, dali
We did it, did it
Dali, dali, dali, dali,
We did it, did it, did it, did it,
Dali, dali, dali, dali,
We did it, did it, did it, did it,
Makali kým iní spali,
We hustled while others slept,
Spirit jak Muhammad Ali,
Spirit like Muhammad Ali,
Sny ako Salvador Dalí,
Dreams like Salvador Dalí,
Pozri sa kým sme sa stali,
Look at who we became,
My sme to dali, dali
We did it, did it
Pozri sa na nás,
Look at us,
Veď my sme to dali,
We really did it,
Spolu dlho jak manželské páry,
Together for a long time, like married couples,
S chalanov stali sa chlapi,
From boys to men,
máme ten rešpekt,
We already have the respect,
Ktorý nám patrí,
That we deserve,
Býval som blbý a mladý,
I used to be stupid and young,
Ale teraz som múdry jak rabín,
But now I'm wise like a rabbi,
Vdačný čo všetko mi dalo silu,
Grateful for everything that gave me strength,
A pritom ma mohlo aj zabiť
And yet could have killed me
Je zabité, že sme to dali,
It's crazy that we did it,
Sníval som o tom jak malý,
I dreamed about it as a kid,
Vedel som, že keď si spojíme sily,
I knew that if we joined forces,
Tak raz naplníme te haly,
We would one day fill these halls,
A potom vyprádnime bary,
And then empty the bars,
Stále sme v chile jak výlet na Bali,
We're still chilling like a trip to Bali,
Stále sa staráme, stále to hladáme,
We're still taking care, still searching,
Aby sme potom to všetko vám dali
So we can then give it all to you
Stojíme na pumpe,
We're standing at the pump,
žereme hot-dogy, pijeme pivo,
Eating hot dogs, drinking beer,
Horčíca na novom tričku,
Mustard on a new T-shirt,
Za ktoré som zajebal kilo (skurvené kilo),
That I paid a kilo for (damn kilo),
Stále som rovnaká stoka,
I'm still the same scum,
Ne tu sa nič nezmenilo (stoka),
Nothing has changed here (scum),
Stále si vybujem, stále si flausím,
I still show off, I still brag,
Ja si len žijem svoj život
I just live my life
Dospelí junáci, sypú sa dukáty,
Adult lads, the money's flowing,
Brácho my nejsme lacní,
Bro, we ain't cheap,
Nedošli o tvár a uspeli,
We didn't lose face and succeeded,
V tejto továrni na sny,
In this dream factory,
Vieš jak to funguje,
You know how it works,
Buď makáš na cuzdích,
Either you work for others,
Alebo makáš na vlastných,
Or you work for yourself,
Sila je v jednote,
Strength is in unity,
Držíme po kope,
We stick together,
Brácho ten odkaz je jasný
Bro, the message is clear
Dali, dali, dali, dali,
We did it, did it, did it, did it,
Dali, dali, dali, dali,
We did it, did it, did it, did it,
Makali kým iní spali,
We hustled while others slept,
Spirit jak Muhammad Ali,
Spirit like Muhammad Ali,
Sny ako Salvador Dalí,
Dreams like Salvador Dalí,
Pozri sa kým sme sa stali,
Look at who we became,
My sme to dali, dali
We did it, did it
Dali, dali, dali, dali,
We did it, did it, did it, did it,
Dali, dali, dali, dali,
We did it, did it, did it, did it,
Makali kým iní spali,
We hustled while others slept,
Spirit jak Muhammad Ali,
Spirit like Muhammad Ali,
Sny ako Salvador Dalí,
Dreams like Salvador Dalí,
Pozri sa kým sme sa stali,
Look at who we became,
My sme to dali, dali
We did it, did it
Inšpirovali a makali,
Inspired and worked hard,
Aj keby dneska sme skapali,
Even if we died today,
Tak s úsmevom na perách,
With a smile on our lips,
Lebo sme hladali,
Because we searched,
Našli a ďalej to poslali,
Found and passed it on,
Kašlime na mená,
We don't care about names,
Nejde o slávu, oskary,
It's not about fame, Oscars,
Ide len o to kto ostane ticho,
It's only about who stays silent,
Keď šlape sa po slabých,
When the weak are trampled,
A kto sa postaví
And who stands up
Svet, zmení len spoločná snaha,
The world will only change with a joint effort,
Zázraky začínajú sa diať,
Miracles begin to happen,
Iba keď spoja sa aspoň dvaja,
Only when at least two join forces,
Lenže nás prepojilo sa päť,
But we were connected by five,
Jak keby nás jedna mater mala,
As if we had one mother,
Chápeš sme jedna veľká päsť,
You see, we are one big fist,
Ale ešte viac ruka čo sa stará,
But even more, a hand that cares,
Okovy na nohách,
Shackles on our feet,
V skurvených robotách,
In shitty jobs,
ľudia na drogách,
People on drugs,
ľahko sa namotáš,
Easy to get hooked,
Peniaze rovná sa sloboda,
Money equals freedom,
Neni viac rozvíjať nadanie od boha,
It's no longer about developing God-given talent,
Umenie, poznanie, poslanie života,
Art, knowledge, the mission of life,
Všetko je možné, kým dýchame z hlboka,
Everything is possible, as long as we breathe deeply,
Všetci vravia, že čas rýchlo letí,
Everyone says time flies,
Boli sme deti teraz máme deti,
We were kids, now we have kids,
Stále sa ponáhlame riešiť veci,
We're always in a hurry to solve things,
Boli sme spolu teraz neni kedy,
We used to be together, now there's no time,
My žijeme navždy,
We live forever,
Odkaz a muzika šíri sa svetom,
The legacy and music spread through the world,
To najlepšie ešte len príde,
The best is yet to come,
Starý mój zrejeme vekom,
My old friend, we mature with age,
2017 aj každé dalšie naše je leto,
2017 and every next year is our summer,
A nestane sa hocičo nič to nezmení,
And nothing will change that,
Na tom že sme to,
The fact that we are it,
Dali, dali, dali, dali,
We did it, did it, did it, did it,
Dali, dali, dali, dali,
We did it, did it, did it, did it,
Makali kým iní spali,
We hustled while others slept,
Spirit jak Muhammad Ali,
Spirit like Muhammad Ali,
Sny ako Salvador Dalí,
Dreams like Salvador Dalí,
Pozri sa kým sme sa stali,
Look at who we became,
My sme to dali, dali
We did it, did it
Dali, dali, dali, dali,
We did it, did it, did it, did it,
Dali, dali, dali, dali,
We did it, did it, did it, did it,
Makali kým iní spali,
We hustled while others slept,
Spirit jak Muhammad Ali,
Spirit like Muhammad Ali,
Sny ako Salvador Dalí,
Dreams like Salvador Dalí,
Pozri sa kým sme sa stali,
Look at who we became,
My sme to dali, dali
We did it, did it

Writer(s): H16

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