Hanaregumi - 接吻 kiss - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Hanaregumi - 接吻 kiss

接吻 kiss
長く 甘い 口づけを交わす
We exchange a long, sweet kiss.
深く 果てしなくあなたを知りたい
I want to know you deeply, endlessly.
Fall in love 熱く 口づけるたびに
Fall in love, kiss me passionately
やけに 色の無い夢を見る
And I see dreams that lack color.
ああ どこか 物足りない今日は
Oh, today something seems amiss.
あなたの 濡れた 眼差しが嬉しい
Your wet eyes make me happy.
何時の間にか 枯れ葉色の twilight
Twilight's fallen in autumn colors,
And like a child I desire you naively.
長く 甘い 口づけを交わす
We exchange a long, sweet kiss.
深く 果てしなくあなたを知りたい
I want to know you deeply, endlessly.
Fall in love
Fall in love.
熱く 口づけるたびに
Every time I kiss you passionately,
痩せた 色の無い夢を見る
I see dreams that are pale and lack color.
Night flight 移ろうように甘く
Night flight, your eyes are as sweet as twilight.
あなたの素肌 冷たすぎて苛立つ
Your skin is so cold it irritates me.
焼けるような 戯れの後に
After our scorching, playful affair,
I realize I will be alone forever.
長く 甘い 口づけを交わそう
Let's exchange a long, sweet kiss,
夜が すべて忘れさせる前に
Before the night makes us forget everything.
Fall in love
Fall in love.
きつく 抱きしめるたびに
Every time I hold you tight,
痩せた 色の無い夢を見てた
I see dreams that are pale and lack color.
甘い 口づけを交わそう
Let's exchange a sweet kiss,
夜が すべて忘れさせる 前に
Before the night makes us forget everything.
Fall in love
Fall in love.
きつく 抱きしめるたびに
Every time I hold you tight,
やけに 色の無い夢が続く
I continue to see dreams that lack color.

Writer(s): 田島貴男

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