Happiness - Doa - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Happiness - Doa

Waktu telah memberi pesan
Time has given a message
Semua doa ku tertulis tentang cerita
All my prayers are written about the story
Dan dunia ku terserang oleh dia
And my world is attacked by her
Mengancamku tak bergerak ku
Threatening me to not move
Tetap di sini menanti pulih kembali
Staying here waiting for recovery
Awan yang hitam nama mu tersirat
The black clouds, your name is implied
Di dalam doa berharap tuk bisa memberikan mimpi
In prayer, hoping to be able to give dreams
Berharap transisi
Hoping for a transition
Mewujudkan mimpi
Realizing the dream
Tuk ibu Pertiwi
For Mother Earth
Tunjukkan dianogsa
Show the diagnosis
Waktu telah memberi pesan
Time has given a message
Semua doa ku tertulis tentang cerita
All my prayers are written about the story
Dan dunia ku terancam sangat kejam
And my world is threatened by the cruel
Di mata ku disuasi generasi
In my eyes, the generation is dissuaded
Terangi jangan pernah henti
Enlighten, never stop
Tunjukkan mimpi dan profesi
Show dreams and professions
Mereka yang selalu menanti
Those who are always waiting
Berbeda dari yang mencaci
Different from those who slander
Percaya akulah pemenang
Trust that I am the winner
Berdoa kepada Tuhan
Pray to God
Usaha ku sebagai manusia
My efforts as a human being
Doa ku untuk kita
My prayers for us
Waktu telah memberi pesan
Time has given a message
Semua doa ku tertulis tentang cerita
All my prayers are written about the story
Dan dunia ku terancam sangat kejam
And my world is threatened by the cruel
Di mata ku disuasi generasi
In my eyes, the generation is dissuaded

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