Hari Mata Hari - Sad Znam Fol - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Hari Mata Hari - Sad Znam Fol

Sad Znam Fol
Sad I Know
Polako, tugo, pobjeći neću
Slowly, heavily, I will not run away
Ti dobro znaš gdje je moj dom
You know well where my home is
Kasnije svrati, sve mi naplati
Come again later, charge me for everything
Al' noćas pusti da budem s njom
But for tonight, let me be with her
Posljednji put je gledam u oči
For the last time, I look into her eyes
Neće li suza sa njenog lica
May there not be a tear upon her face
Za nju su carstva i bijeli dvori
Empires and white palaces are for her
A za me pusta ulica
But for me, the empty street
Sad znam fol, sreća je bol
Now I know, happiness is pain
Samo je bol što imam s njom
All I have with her is pain
Sad znam fol, sreća je bol
Now I know, happiness is pain
Samo je bol sigurna s njom
Only the pain with her is sure
Ponekad život okrene list
Sometimes life turns a leaf
I samo crnim slovima piše
And writes only in black letters
Možda ću nekog voljeti nekad
Perhaps I will love someone again
Ali nju nikada više
But I will never love her again
Polako, tugo, pobjeći neću
Slowly, heavily, I will not run away
Ti dobro znaš gdje je moj dom
You know well where my home is
Kasnije svrati, sve mi naplati
Come again later, charge me for everything
Al' noćas pusti da budem s njom
But for tonight, let me be with her
Sad znam fol, sreća je bol
Now I know, happiness is pain
Samo je bol što imam s njom
All I have with her is pain
Sad znam fol, sreća je bol
Now I know, happiness is pain
Samo je bol sigurna s njom
Only the pain with her is sure
Sad znam fol, sreća je bol
Now I know, happiness is pain
Samo je bol što imam s njom
All I have with her is pain
Sad znam fol, sreća je bol
Now I know, happiness is pain
Samo je bol sigurna s njom
Only the pain with her is sure
Samo je bol sigurna s njom
Only the pain with her is sure
Samo je bol sigurna s njom
Only the pain with her is sure

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