Haustor - Patuljci U Vrtu - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Haustor - Patuljci U Vrtu

Patuljci U Vrtu
The Gnomes In The Garden
Na tvojim vratima ne stoji ime
Your door has no name
A momci sa automatima,
But the guys with guns,
Glume patuljke u vrtu
Pretend to be gnomes in the garden
Još si budan
You're still awake
Sjediš uz prozor i promatraš grad u dolini
You sit by the window and watch the city in the valley
Dolje je mirno i bezbjedno, stari moj
It's quiet and safe down there, my old friend
Još uvijek satovi zvone
Clocks are still chiming
S remize su krenule jutarnje tihe kolone
Silent morning columns have left the depot
Izlaze novi izlaze naivni lakomi
New ones are emerging, naive, and greedy
Njima se više ne gine
They don't die anymore
čuče u sjeni i čekaju sunce da sine
They huddle in the shade and wait for the sun to shine
Mali su stali i stisnuli zube
The little ones just stood there, gritting their teeth
Pa ne čuju trube i ne vide sijede što vode
So they don't hear the trumpets and don't see the gray leaders
Iz crvenih magli ih mame fantomi slobode
From the red mist, the phantoms of freedom beckon them
Junaci što lete u kljunu gavranu
Heroes flying in the raven's beak
Više ne prijete
Don't threaten anymore
Gavran je ptica slobode
The raven is the bird of freedom
A puku što ostane znalci su poslali rode
And for the remaining people, experts have sent clans

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