Herman Medrano - Schei - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Herman Medrano - Schei

Xente senpre pi tirà, inveenà
People always want to shoot you down, poison you
I poe tiraghene fin che i voe, ma se non va no va
They can shoot you down all they want, but if it's not going to happen it's not going to happen
A chi che se ingossa, parché cuèo che passa
To those who choke, because of what happens
O strossa o ingrassa, cossa vuto che ghe fassa?
They either squeeze or get fat, what do you want them to do?
vita? Dura, e vista da dessora da na inpalcadura
Is this life? Hard, and seen from above from a scaffolding
pare ancora de pi na fregadura
It looks even more like a cold shower
Cuèi fati de poina, che se alsa anca na pajia ghe fa mae
Those made of dust, that even lifting a straw hurts them
schina, e cuèi che se sassina
That's the back, and those who kill themselves
Ma se se inparasse contentasse
But if we learned to be content
Ma se cuèo che ciapo me bastasse
But if what I have is enough for me
Ma se no se poe pi fidasse
But if you can't trust anyone anymore
Co cuèi con cui se nasse se finisse pa scanasse
With those with whom we are born we end up fighting
Chi pi chi manco tuti un fià semo portà
Who more who less, we are all a little bit driven
A pacioear de schei che in realtà no se ga
To talk about money that in reality we don't have
Dai pi veci ai pi cei tuti parla
From the oldest to the youngest everyone talks
De machine, mona, calcio, poitica e schei
About cars, women, football, politics and money
So so na busa, tirame fora
I'm a hole, pull me out
Ogni matina me svejio bonora
Every morning I wake up in good spirits
So so na busa, tirame fora
I'm a hole, pull me out
Fasso de tuto pa stare dessora
I do everything to stay on top
So so na busa, tirame fora
I'm a hole, pull me out
Ogni matina me svejio bonora
Every morning I wake up in good spirits
So so na busa, tirame fora
I'm a hole, pull me out
Fasso de tuto pa stare dessora
I do everything to stay on top
Schei schei schei schei, schei schei schei schei
Money money money money, money money money money
Voria - svejame - on jiorno co dei schei
I would like to - wake up - one day with some money
No tanti, soeo fin ponta dei caveji
Not much, just up to the tip of my hair
Tore on aereo e moeaghene fin cuando che ghe n'é
Take a plane and fly until there's no more
Soeo pa vedare el muso che te fe
Just to see the face you'll make
Tanti o pochi ocio a dove che te i meti
A lot or a little, it depends on where you put it
Cossa che conpri, tento come che te i spendi
What you buy, how you spend it
Parché pa dee monade se ciàpa dee fregade
Because to give money is to take risks
Che no ghe xe pi strade dopo serte sacagnade
That there are no more roads after certain robberies
Assa che i pianxa, xe chi no ghe manca el mutuo in banca
Let them cry, there are those who don't lack the mortgage at the bank
Pa conprasse barca e vacansa
To buy the boat and the vacation
Assa che i rida, xe chi no ghe riva che te sidia
Let them laugh, there are those who can't even sit down
I te toe vita pa invidia
They take your life out of envy
Cuàtro tangari che se ciucia i lavari
Four thugs who steal the laundry
Cuàtro schei e i torna indrio come i ganbari
Four bucks and they come back like crabs
I conpra a tajiadee, gnente intee scarsee
They buy in installments, nothing in their pockets
In testa massa idee, vita dee scartee
Too many ideas in their heads, life is a mess
So so na busa, tirame fora
I'm a hole, pull me out
Ogni matina me svejio bonora
Every morning I wake up in good spirits
So so na busa, tirame fora
I'm a hole, pull me out
Fasso de tuto pa stare dessora
I do everything to stay on top
So so na busa, tirame fora
I'm a hole, pull me out
Ogni matina me svejio bonora
Every morning I wake up in good spirits
So so na busa, tirame fora
I'm a hole, pull me out
Fasso de tuto pa stare dessora
I do everything to stay on top
Schei schei schei schei, schei schei schei schei
Money money money money, money money money money
No teo dise cualchedun, ti no te te nincorxi
Someone tells you something, you don't even notice
Te tachi fare e robe de scondòn come i sorxi
You start doing things on the sly like mice
Come cuéi che se xoga schei pa mestiere
Like those who gamble for a living
I speta volta bona e i ghe fa "toe" a so mujere
They wait for the right time and they say "take it" to their wives
Varda el tacuìn e faghe el terso grado
Look at the checkbook and give it the third degree
E se te o cati vodo, te si picà come on saeado
And if you find it empty, you get stung like a lightning bolt
O in braghe de tea se te pare bea
Or if you like it yourself
Na scarsea sensa monea, na motorea sensa missea
A wallet without money, an engine without fuel
I xe tuti co ti co stradea xe in dissexa
They're all with you when the road is downhill
Ma pa 'ndare su na ponta marmajia se s-ciarexa
But to go up a notch the gang falls apart
Na scorexa, de vento, un peo pi forte
A gust of wind, a little stronger
No se sa come, de colpo, se sara e porte
You don't know how, suddenly, the doors open
E stare al soe xe un ris-cio, stare a l'onbra te fe mus-cio
And being in the sun is a risk, being in the shade makes you moldy
E come che te rivi a faghene un bel mucio
And as soon as you manage to make a nice pile
I ochi tira i oci e ghe tremoea i xanoci
Eyes pull eyes and knees tremble
Però schei fa schei e peoci fa peoci
But money makes money and lice make lice
So so na busa, tirame fora
I'm a hole, pull me out
Ogni matina me svejo bonora
Every morning I wake up in good spirits
So so na busa, tirame fora
I'm a hole, pull me out
Fasso de tuto pa stare dessora
I do everything to stay on top
So so na busa, tirame fora
I'm a hole, pull me out
Ogni matina me svejo bonora
Every morning I wake up in good spirits
So so na busa, tirame fora
I'm a hole, pull me out
Fasso de tuto pa stare dessora
I do everything to stay on top
Schei schei schei schei, scheeeeeei
Money money money money, moneeeeey
So so na busa, tirame fora
I'm a hole, pull me out
Ogni matina me sveio bonora
Every morning I wake up in good spirits
So so na busa, tirame fora
I'm a hole, pull me out
Fasso de tuto pa stare dessora
I do everything to stay on top
So so na busa, tirame fora
I'm a hole, pull me out
Ogni matina me sveio bonora
Every morning I wake up in good spirits
So so na busa, tirame fora
I'm a hole, pull me out
Fasso de tuto pa stare dessora
I do everything to stay on top
Schei schei schei schei, scheeeeeei
Money money money money, moneeeeey

Writer(s): E. Menegazzo

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