Hilliard Ensemble - National Anthem of Mongolia - translation of the lyrics into Russian

Lyrics and translation Hilliard Ensemble - National Anthem of Mongolia

National Anthem of Mongolia
Государственный гимн Монголии
Дархан манай тусгаар улс
Наш священный независимый край,
Даяар Монголын ариун голомт
Очаг всей Монголии,
Далай их дээдсийн гэгээн үйлс
Светлые деяния великих предков
Дандаа энхжиж, үүрд мөнхөжнө
Вечно будут процветать в мире.
Хамаг дэлхийн шударга улстай
Со всеми справедливыми нациями мира
Хамтран нэгдсэн эвээ бэхжүүлж
Укрепим нашу объединённую дружбу,
Хатан зориг, бүхий л чадлаараа
Вся наша отвага и сила
Хайртай Монгол орноо мандуулъя!
Для прославления любимой Монголии!
Өндөр төрийн минь сүлд ивээж
Да хранит нас символ нашей высокой государственности,
Өргөн түмний минь заяа түшиж
Да поддержит нас судьба нашего широкого народа,
Үндэс язгуур, хэл соёлоо
Наши корни, язык и культуру
Үрийн үрдээ өвлөн бадраая
Передадим потомкам, дабы они процветали.
Эрэлхэг Монголын золтой ардууд
Доблестный народ счастливой Монголии
Эрх чөлөө жаргалыг эдлэв
Обрёл свободу и счастье.
Жаргалын түлхүүр, хөгжлийн тулгуур
Ключ к счастью, основа развития
Жавхлант манай орон мандтугай!
Да здравствует наша прекрасная страна!

Hilliard Ensemble - National Anthems: Music of the World
National Anthems: Music of the World
date of release

1 National Anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina
2 National Anthem of Jamaica
3 National Anthem of Mongolia
4 İstiklâl Marşı - National Anthem of the Republic of Turkey
5 National Anthem of the Republic of Bulgaria
6 La Marseillaise
7 National Anthem of the United Kingdom
8 Der er et Yndigt land - National Anthem of the Kingdom of Denmark
9 Mazurek Dąbrowskiego - National Anthem of the Republic of Poland
10 National Anthem of the Federal Republic of Germany
11 Himno Nacional Mexicano - National Anthem of the United Mexican States
12 Himno Nacional - National Anthem of the Republic of Costa Rica
13 Hino Nacional - National Anthem of the Federative Republic of Brazil
14 National Anthem of the Republic of Chile
15 Himno Nacional Argentino - National Anthem of Argentina
16 National Anthem of The Russian Federation
17 National Anthem of the Republic of Belarus
18 National Anthem of Ukraine
19 National Anthem of the Republic of Moldova
20 National Anthem of the Republic of Georgia
21 National Anthem of the Republic of Armenia
22 National Anthem of the Azerbaidjan Republic
23 National Anthem of Canada
24 National Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan
25 National Anthem of the Kyrgyz Republic
26 Kimigayo - National Anthem of Japan
27 Aegug-Ga - National Anthem of the Republic of Korea
28 National Anthem of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
29 March of the Volunteers - National Anthem of the People's Republic of China
30 National Anthem of the Republic of Cyprus
31 National Anthem of the State of Israel
32 National Anthem of the Hellenic Republic
33 National Anthem of the Islamic Republic of Iran
34 National Anthem of India
35 National Anthem of Australia
36 National Anthem of New Zealand
37 National Anthem of the Democratic People's Republic of Algeria
38 National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan
39 National Anthem of the Republic of Macedonia
40 National Anthem of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
41 "La Brabançonne", National Anthem of the Kingdom of Belgium
42 National Anthem of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
43 National Anthem of the Republic of Austria
44 National Anthem of the Republic of Italy
45 National Anthem of the Kingdom of Spain
46 A Portuguésa - National Anthem of the Portuguese Republic
47 National Anthem of the Kingdom of Norway
48 Du gamla, du fria - National Anthem of the Kingdom of Sweden
49 National Anthem of the Republic of Finland
50 National Anthem of the Swiss Confederation
51 National Anthem of the Principality of Liechtenstein
52 National Anthem of the Principality of Andorra
53 National Anthem of the Principality of Monaco
54 National Anthem of the Republic of Croatia
55 National Anthem of the Republic of Slovenia
56 National Anthem of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
57 National Anthem of Romania
58 National Anthem of the Republic of Hungary
59 National Anthem of the Republic of South Africa
60 National Anthem of the Slovak Republic
61 National Anthem of the Republic of Lithuania
62 National Anthem of the Republic of Latvia
63 National Anthem of the Republic of Estonia
64 National Anthem of the Republic of Iceland
65 Amhrán na bhFiann - National Anthem of Ireland
66 National Anthem of the Czech Republic

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