胡鴻鈞 - 凡人不懂愛 - 劇集 "降魔的2.0" 插曲 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation 胡鴻鈞 - 凡人不懂愛 - 劇集 "降魔的2.0" 插曲

凡人不懂愛 - 劇集 "降魔的2.0" 插曲
Mortals Don't Understand Love - Insert Song for the TV Drama "The Exorcist's 2nd Meter"
天空漆黑 星不會光照我
The sky is dark, stars won't shine on me
輾轉反側 悲傷裡躺臥
Toss and turn, lying in the sadness
我亦習慣一個 怕又試不小心惹禍
I'm also used to being alone, afraid of accidentally causing trouble
無用呼救了 誰又會救助
No use calling for help, who will come to my aid
風中穿梭 只得你心痛我
Running through the wind, only you feel my pain
低聲哭泣 只得你可以聆聽我
Sobbing softly, only you can hear me
如沒身份的魔 凡人不懂愛我
Like a devil without identity, mortals don't understand my love
無從解釋對錯 但你卻徹底相信我
There's no way to explain right or wrong, but you believe in me completely
無須刻意想起 仍然深刻銘記
No need to deliberately remember, it's still deeply engraved
如若心聲相通 憑直覺都可感覺你
If our hearts are connected, I can feel you through intuition
If I dissipate into oxygen
Stay in the world and quietly embrace you
掉眼淚 原來是掛念你
Shedding tears, it turns out that I miss you
風中穿梭 只得你温暖我
Running through the wind, only you warm me
低聲哭泣 只得你敢再行近我
Sobbing softly, only you dare to approach me
如沒身份的魔 凡人不懂愛我
Like a devil without identity, mortals don't understand my love
懷疑給詛咒過 但你卻放膽擁抱我
I suspect I was cursed, but you boldly embrace me
無須刻意想起 仍然深刻銘記
No need to deliberately remember, it's still deeply engraved
如若心聲相通 憑直覺都可感覺你
If our hearts are connected, I can feel you through intuition
If I turn to ashes and become oxygen
Stay in the world and quietly embrace you
掉眼淚 原來我掛念你
Shedding tears, it turns out that I miss you
當天真的灰心到 很想拋棄自己
When I was really discouraged and wanted to give up on myself
You desperately wanted to be with me
才明白愛情 超出生與死
Only then did I understand that love transcends life and death
無須刻意想起 仍然深刻銘記
No need to deliberately remember, it's still deeply engraved
如若心聲相通 憑直覺都可感覺你
If our hearts are connected, I can feel you through intuition
若灰飛成為氧氣 我只要剩低一口氣
If I turn to ashes and become oxygen, I only need one last breath
未氣絕 都想叫喚你
Before I die, I want to call out your name
掉眼淚 只因掛念你
Shedding tears, because I miss you

Writer(s): Mei Xian Zhang, Hong Jun Hu

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