Hungária - Casinó Twist - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Hungária - Casinó Twist

Casinó Twist
Casinó Twist
Twist, twist, twist!
Twist, twist, twist!
Ide nézz, itt a remek twist!
Look here, here is the great twist!
Egész héten hajtottam a melómat
I've been working hard all week.
Elkerültem gondosan a csehókat
I've carefully avoided the pubs.
De hétvégére felveszem az új ruhát
But for the weekend I'll put on my new clothes
És szombat este kifényezem a csukát
And on Saturday night I'll polish my shoes.
Twist, twist (twist, twist, a casino twist)
Twist, twist (twist, twist, the casino twist)
Casino twist (twist, twist, a casino twist)
Casino twist (twist, twist, the casino twist)
Twist, twist (twist, twist, a casino twist)
Twist, twist (twist, twist, the casino twist)
Egy kis őrült mozgás, hidd el, csak ez kell!
A little crazy move, believe me, that's all you need!
Automaták villognak a teremben
Slot machines flash in the room
A szerencsémet az egyiken lemérem
I'll measure my luck on one of them
A százas körbe hogyha bele találnék
If I could hit the hundred circle
Két halomnyi pénz lenne az ajándék
Two piles of money would be the gift.
Twist, twist (twist, twist, a casino twist)
Twist, twist (twist, twist, the casino twist)
Casino twist (twist, twist, a casino twist)
Casino twist (twist, twist, the casino twist)
Twist, twist (twist, twist, a casino twist)
Twist, twist (twist, twist, the casino twist)
Gyere közelebb, járjuk együtt újra!
Come closer, swing together again!
Oh, yeah
Oh, yeah
(Twist, twist, a casino twist)
(Twist, twist, the casino twist)
(Twist, twist, a casino twist)
(Twist, twist, the casino twist)
(Su-vápp, su-vápp-vápp)
(Hoo-wap, hoo-wap-wap)
A zsebeimet pénzzel teletölteném
I'll fill my pockets with money
A biciklimet Cadillacre cserélném
I'd trade my bike for a Cadillac
A tengerparton luxushajót bérelnék
I'd rent a luxury boat on the beach
A napfényben a hullámokon repülnék
I'd fly on the waves in the sunshine.
Twist, twist (twist, twist, a casino twist)
Twist, twist (twist, twist, the casino twist)
Casino twist (twist, twist, a casino twist)
Casino twist (twist, twist, the casino twist)
Twist, twist (twist, twist, a casino twist)
Twist, twist (twist, twist, the casino twist)
Remek ez a tánc, nem kell tőle félni
This dance is great, there's no need to be afraid of it.
Mi ez a tánc, fiatalok, talán rumba?
What is this dance, young people, is it rumba?
Talán szamba?
Maybe samba?
Talán mambó?
Maybe mamba?
Hát akkor mi ez?
So what is this?
Twist, twist, twist, twist, twist, twist, twist!
Twist, twist, twist, twist, twist, twist, twist!
A legfényesebb mulatókba bejárnék
I would go to the brightest nightclubs
A táncparkett ördöge lehetnék
I could be the devil of the dance floor.
A legszebb lányok csakis énrám várnának
The most beautiful girls would only wait for me
A Lidoban egy twistet velem járnának
In the Lido they would twist with me.
Twist, twist (twist, twist, a casino twist)
Twist, twist (twist, twist, the casino twist)
Casino twist (twist, twist, a casino twist)
Casino twist (twist, twist, the casino twist)
Twist, twist (twist, twist, a casino twist)
Twist, twist (twist, twist, the casino twist)
Ha szól a zene, hidd el, mindenki twistel!
If the music plays, believe me, everyone twists!
Twist, twist (twist, twist, a casino twist)
Twist, twist (twist, twist, the casino twist)
Casino twist (twist, twist, a casino twist)
Casino twist (twist, twist, the casino twist)
Mindenki twist! (Twist, twist, a casino twist)
Everyone twists! (Twist, twist, the casino twist)
Twist, twist! (Twist, twist, a casino twist)
Twist, twist! (Twist, twist, the casino twist)
Most jobbra! (Twist, twist, a casino twist)
Now right! (Twist, twist, the casino twist)
Most balra! (Twist, twist, a casino twist)
Now left! (Twist, twist, the casino twist)
Most hátra! (Twist, twist, a casino twist)
Now back! (Twist, twist, the casino twist)
Twist, twist!
Twist, twist!

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