& Er? Keen Hawaii Ick sa ema so, wa? In janz Berlin is det, sauber und leer, sachma jibt et hier jarkeene leute mehr? Ick habe nüscht viel an un trage eine Sonnenbrille, alle sind im Urlaub ick bleib in Spandau und ick chille.
& Him? Don't Need Hawaii I say, babe, right? Here in Berlin it's all clean and empty, say, are there no people left? I'm not wearing much and have my sunglasses on, everyone's on vacation, I'm staying in Spandau and chilling.
Ick versteh die Leute nischt, et is die beste zeit, et is in Berlin am jeilsten, wenn die Sonne scheint.
I don't understand people, it's the best time, Berlin is at its best when the sun is shining.
Die Trullas tragen Bauchfrei un lachen wie bestusst, alle sin jut drauf und keine Sau fährt Bus (wa oder wat? da bleib ick doch hier oder wat? wat soll ickn da weg?) Ick brauch keen Hawaii, denn det jefällt mia hier.
The chicks are wearing crop tops and laughing on purpose, everyone's in a good mood and nobody takes the bus (huh, what? I'm staying right here, what? Why should I leave?) I don't need Hawaii, because I like it here.
Ick bleib in Berlin, Berlin is mein Revier.
I'm staying in Berlin, Berlin is my territory.
Ick brauch keen Hawaii, denn det jefällt mia hier.
I don't need Hawaii, because I like it here.
Ick bleib in Berlin, Berlin is mein Revier.
I'm staying in Berlin, Berlin is my territory.
Det sa ick dir. Ick habe mir sa ick ma alles selber ausjesucht.
That's what I'm saying. I chose everything myself, you know.
Ick bleib einfach ma zu hause ick hab keen Flug jebucht.
I'm just staying at home, I haven't booked a flight.
Die janzen andern Leute rennen jetze in det Reisebüro, un denken sich; nur am andern Ende der Welt werde ick froh.
All the other people are running to the travel agency now, thinking; I'll only be happy at the other end of the world.
Kik ick mir en paar Kokos, Kokos-Nüsse an ja, un dann im Dezember im Büro erinner ick ma wieder dran.
I'll grab a couple of coconuts, coconut palms yeah, and then in December at the office I'll remember it again.
Det is Kokolores, det gloobt ihr doch selba nischt, Die Erinnerung an etwas dat wissta doch, dat hällt nischt. (Das is Wissenschaftlich erwiesen ja? Dat hält nie lange vor!) Ick brauch keen Hawaii, denn det jefällt mia hier.
That's baloney, you don't believe it yourself, the memory of something, you know, it doesn't last. (It's scientifically proven, yeah? It never lasts long!) I don't need Hawaii, because I like it here.
Ick bleib in Berlin, Berlin is mein Revier.
I'm staying in Berlin, Berlin is my territory.
Ick brauch keen Hawaii, denn det jefällt mia hier.
I don't need Hawaii, because I like it here.
Ick bleib in Berlin, Berlin is mein Revier.
I'm staying in Berlin, Berlin is my territory.
Det sa ick dir.
That's what I'm saying.
Det sa ick dir. In Spandau jebt et keene Skopioneund keene ukrainischen taxifahr Spioneit jebt och übrigens keine Malarian Herrengedeck ne Robradit is ja wohl mal klar
That's what I'm saying. In Spandau there are no scorpions and no Ukrainian taxi driver spies, there are also no malaria mosquitos by the way, and a bike ride is obviously awesome
Hier, hier kenn ick ma aus hier muss ick niemanden fragn, da kann man dat janze Jefrage sparn.
Here, here I know my way around, I don't have to ask anyone, you can save yourself all the questions.
Die janzen andern Atzen sitzn jetze am Ballermann, un kiken sich mit andern Berlinern die Bundesliga an ja.
All the other dudes are sitting at Ballermann now, watching the Bundesliga with other Berliners, yeah.
Un die Reva auf Ibiza die haun sisch Pilln rein.
And the ravers in Ibiza are popping pills.
Det is ja ma nisch nötisch, dafür musste ja nisch verreisn.
That's not necessary, you don't have to travel for that.
Det kannste dir och alles zu Hause jebn, mit besseren Preisen un korrekteren Kollegn. (Ja denk da ma drüber nach!) Ick brauch keen Hawaii, denn det jefällt mia hier.
You can get all that at home, with better prices and more decent colleagues. (Think about it!) I don't need Hawaii, because I like it here.
Ick bleib in Berlin, Berlin is mein Revier.
I'm staying in Berlin, Berlin is my territory.
Ick brauch keen Hawaii, denn det jefällt mia hier.
I don't need Hawaii, because I like it here.
Ick bleib in Berlin, Berlin is mein Revier.
I'm staying in Berlin, Berlin is my territory.
Det sa ick dir.
That's what I'm saying.
Det sa ick dir. (Bier oder was isse jetze los? Wie wat, schon wieder in Urlaub? Schon wieder Koffer packen wat?) Ick brauch keen Hawaii, denn det jefällt mia hier.
That's what I'm saying. (Beer or what's going on now? What, on vacation again? Packing your bags again?) I don't need Hawaii, because I like it here.
Ick bleib in Berlin, Berlin is mein Revier.
I'm staying in Berlin, Berlin is my territory.
Ick brauch keen Hawaii, denn det jefällt mia hier.