Ivan Zak - Idu dani - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Ivan Zak - Idu dani

Idu dani
Days go by
Dajte mi neku staru pjesmu
Give me an old song
Da me u naše vrijeme vrati
To take me back to our time
Kad smo bili kao jedno
When we were one
E, to se pamti
Those are the memories
Dajte mi neko jako piće
Give me a strong drink
Jer mi dugo nema nje
Because I haven't had her for a long time
Da me vrati u ono vrijeme
To take me back to that time
To su bile godine
Those were the years
Idu dani, ti mi fališ tugo
Days go by, I miss you, my love
Ide život, ne traje nam dugo
Life goes on, it doesn't last long
Priznat' ću ti ako ti još znači
I'll admit it to you if it still matters
Da s tobom ja sam bio puno jači
That with you I was much stronger
Ide život, sve mi s tobom fali
Life goes on, everything with you is missing
Što imali smo tada nismo znali
We didn't know what we had back then
I nikad ne znamo što život piše
And we never know what life writes
Al' znam da trebam te sve više
But I know I need you more and more
Dajte mi neku staru pjesmu
Give me an old song
Nek' mi noćas glasno svira
Let it play loud tonight
Da me vrati u ono vrijeme
To take me back to that time
Kad je moja bila
When she was mine
Dajte mi neko jako piće
Give me a strong drink
Jer mi dugo nema nje
Because I haven't had her for a long time
Da me vrati u ono vrijeme
To take me back to that time
To su bile godine
Those were the years
Idu dani, ti mi fališ tugo
Days go by, I miss you, my love
Ide život, ne traje nam dugo
Life goes on, it doesn't last long
Priznat' ću ti ako ti još znači
I'll admit it to you if it still matters
Da s tobom ja sam bio puno jači
That with you I was much stronger
Ide život, sve mi s tobom fali
Life goes on, everything with you is missing
Što imali smo tada nismo znali
We didn't know what we had back then
I nikad ne znamo što život piše
And we never know what life writes
Al' znam da trebam te sve više
But I know I need you more and more
Idu dani, ti mi fališ tugo
Days go by, I miss you, my love
Ide život, ne traje nam dugo
Life goes on, it doesn't last long
Priznat' ću ti ako ti još znači
I'll admit it to you if it still matters
Da s tobom ja sam bio puno jači
That with you I was much stronger
Ide život, sve mi s tobom fali
Life goes on, everything with you is missing
Što imali smo tada nismo znali
We didn't know what we had back then
I nikad ne znamo što život piše
And we never know what life writes
Al' znam da trebam te sve više
But I know I need you more and more

Writer(s): Ivan Zak

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