JELENA KARLEUŠA - Balada Za Zorana - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation JELENA KARLEUŠA - Balada Za Zorana

Balada Za Zorana
Ballad for Zoran
Prolece, losa vest
The year flies by, you're gone
Kraj mene ti nisi se probudio
You never woke beside me
Prolece, Bozji gest
The year flies by, it's wrong
I niko se tome nije cudio
And no one's surprised at all
Znali su, znali svi
They knew, they all knew
Da nam se od Boga lose pise
That fate had dealt us a cruel blow
Samo ja, nisam ja
Only I, I didn't know
A znala sam te od svih najvise
Though I loved you more than most
Prolece, hladan znoj
The year flies by, a cold sweat
Gutam reci teske kao kamenje
I choke on words as heavy as stones
Prolece, nisi moj
The year flies by, you're not mine
Dok zovu te, te suze jutarnje
As they call to you, morning tears alone
Bio si moj, bio si mlad
You were mine, you were young
I onda sta, sta sad
And then what, what now
Znali su, znali svi
They knew, they all knew
Samo ja zivim dalje sa tim
Only I live on with this
Oprastam svima sve
I forgive everyone
Al′ kako Bogu ja da oprostim
But how can I forgive God
Al' kako Bogu ja da oprostim
But how can I forgive God

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