JMC - 日本全国PARTY音頭 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation JMC - 日本全国PARTY音頭

All-Japan Party Song
Alright, everyone! Thank you so much for gathering here today.
今夜が最高なダンシングパーリナイトになるよう 皆で一緒に踊りましょう」
Let's dance together and make this the best dancing party night ever!
Shrimp party!! (Ebi party!)
踊れ 踊れ 踊れ 踊れ 踊れ 踊れよ (そ〜れ)
Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance now! (Come on!)
踊れ 踊れ 踊れよ さぁ踊れよ (ヨイショ)
Dance! Dance! Dance now! Come on, dance! (Let's go!)
踊れば 頑張れる さぁ踊れよ (どっこい)
Dancing will boost your spirits! Come on, dance! (Keep going!)
踊れ 踊れ 踊れよ さぁ踊れよ
Dance! Dance! Dance now! Come on, dance!
1月は新年会で踊れるぞ 酒を飲んで踊れよ さぁ踊れよ
In January, we can dance at the New Year's party. Let's drink and dance! Come on, dance!
2月はバレンタインで心躍るぞ 今年こそは欲しいな 心躍るぞ
In February, our hearts will beat faster on Valentine's Day. This year, I want what I want. My heart is racing!
(3月) 卒業Party ハメ外して踊れる
(March) Graduation party! Let's go wild and dance!
(4月) 新歓コンパ 飲み飲まされ踊れる
(April) Newcomer party! Let's get drunk and dance!
(5月) ゴールデンウィーク 連日連夜踊れる
(May) Golden Week! We can dance day and night!
(6月) 雨宿り 地下のクラブで踊れる
(June) Take shelter from the rain! Let's dance in the underground club!
ぁ、えび!ぁ、ばでぃ!!ぁ、ぷっちょへんざっぷ!!! (そ〜れ)
Ah, shrimp! Ah, party!! Ah, party transformation!!! (Come on!)
ぁ、えび!ぁ、ばでぃ!!ぁ、むーびょ ばでぃ!!! (どっこい)
Ah, shrimp! Ah, party!! Ah, movie party!!! (Keep going!)
ぁ、えび!ぁ、ばでぃ!!ぁ、しぇいかばーでぃ!!! (もいっちょ)
Ah, shrimp! Ah, party!! Ah, sheik party!!! (One more time!)
Ah, shrimp! Ah, party!! Shrimp party!
踊れ 踊れ 踊れ 踊れ 踊れ 踊れよ (そ〜れ)
Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance now! (Come on!)
踊れ 踊れ 踊れよ さぁ踊れよ (ヨイショ)
Dance! Dance! Dance now! Come on, dance! (Let's go!)
踊れば 頑張れる さぁ踊れよ (どっこい)
Dancing will boost your spirits! Come on, dance! (Keep going!)
踊れ 踊れ 踊れよ さぁ踊れよ (から〜の?)
Dance! Dance! Dance now! Come on, dance! (And now?)
あげろ あげろ あげろ あげろ 手をあげろよ (ヨイショ)
Raise them up! Raise them up! Raise them up! Raise them up! Raise your hands! (Let's go!)
あげろ あげろ あげろよ 手をあげろよ (どした)
Raise them up! Raise them up! Raise them up! Raise your hands! (What's up?)
あげれば楽しめる さぁあげろよ (そ〜れ)
Raising them up is fun! Come on, raise them up! (Come on!)
あげろ あげろ あげろよ 手をあげろよ
Raise them up! Raise them up! Raise them up! Raise your hands!
7月は夏祭りで踊れるぞ ハッピまとい踊れよ さぁ踊れよ
In July, we can dance at the summer festival. Wear a happi coat and dance! Come on, dance!
8月は夏フェスで踊れるぞ タオル回し踊れよ さぁ踊れよ
In August, we can dance at the summer festival. Swing your towels and dance! Come on, dance!
(9月) お月見 月明かりで踊れる
(September) Moon-viewing party! Let's dance under the moonlight!
(10月) ハロウィンパーティ 仮装して踊れる
(October) Halloween party! Let's dance in costume!
(11月) ボジョレヌーヴォ 飲みながら踊れる〜よ
(November) Beaujolais Nouveau party! Let's drink and dance!
(12月) クリスマス 気が付けば今年も1人で寂しく踊ってる
(December) Christmas! Oh no, I'm alone again this year. I'll be dancing sadly...
ぁ、えび!ぁ、ばでぃ!!ぁ、ぷっちょへんざっぷ!!! (そ〜れ)
Ah, shrimp! Ah, party!! Ah, party transformation!!! (Come on!)
ぁ、えび!ぁ、ばでぃ!!ぁ、むーびょ ばでぃ!!! (どっこい)
Ah, shrimp! Ah, party!! Ah, movie party!!! (Keep going!)
ぁ、えび!ぁ、ばでぃ!!ぁ、しぇいかばーでぃ!!! (もいっちょ)
Ah, shrimp! Ah, party!! Ah, sheik party!!! (One more time!)
Ah, shrimp! Ah, party!! Shrimp party!
踊れ 踊れ 踊れ 踊れ 踊れ 踊れよ (そ〜れ)
Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance now! (Come on!)
踊れ 踊れ 踊れよ さぁ踊れよ (ヨイショ)
Dance! Dance! Dance now! Come on, dance! (Let's go!)
日本全国いつでも踊れるぞ (どっこい)
We can dance anywhere in Japan, anytime! (Keep going!)
楽しまなきゃ損だぞ さぁ踊れよ (もいっちょ)
It's a waste if you don't have fun! Come on, dance! (One more time!)
踊れ 踊れ 踊れ 踊れ 踊れ 踊れよ (ヨイショ)
Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance now! (Let's go!)
踊れ 踊れ 踊れよ さぁ踊れよ (どした)
Dance! Dance! Dance now! Come on, dance! (What's up?)
嫌なこと忘れて さぁ踊れよ (そ〜れ)
Forget your troubles! Come on, dance! (Come on!)
踊れ 踊れ 踊れよ さぁ踊れよ
Dance! Dance! Dance now! Come on, dance!
Alright, the party is in full swing, but it's almost time to wrap things up.
最後は 一丁締めでシメせて頂きたいと思います
Let's finish with a closing chant!
それでは皆さんご一緒に! よぉ〜ぉっ」
Now, everyone together! Yo-ho!

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