JPelirrojo - Luchemos - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation JPelirrojo - Luchemos

Let's fight
Lo unico que se es que hemos nacido diferentes a los demas.
The only thing I know is that we were born different from the rest.
Todos al final, querran librarse de ti.
Everyone, in the end, will want to get rid of you.
Nos tienen miedo porque somos distintos
They are afraid of us because we are different
Distintas leyes, distintos principios
Different laws, different principles
Tenemos sueños, metas que alcanzar
We have dreams, goals to reach
Temen que les podamos superar
They fear that we can surpass them
Motivamos por cientos de sentimientos avanzamos
We are motivated by hundreds of feelings, we move forward
Amor, aveces odio, y aveces ambos casos
Love, sometimes hate, and sometimes both
No conocen el sabor amargo del dolor
They don't know the bitter taste of pain
Y por eso tampoco saben lo que es tener valor
And that's why they don't know what it means to have courage
No arriesgan, no apuestan, y cuando se acuestan
They don't take risks, they don't bet, and when they go to bed
No se preguntan si mañana despertaran
They don't wonder if they will wake up tomorrow
Son felices con sus vidas sencillas, vacias
They are happy with their simple, empty lives
Para ellos tan solo somos numeros en sus listas
For them we are just numbers on their lists
Somos activistas asi como filosofos
We are activists as well as philosophers
Y como Los Apolo, lo ves ante tus ojos
And like The Apollos, you see it before your eyes
Ha llegado el momento, combatire como pueda
The time has come, I will fight as best I can
La Sierra, así suena, hasta que mi garganta muera
The Sierra, that's what it sounds like, until my throat dies
No pueden entendernos e intentan detenernos
They can't understand us and they try to stop us
Pretenden que callemos, no lo haremos: ¡Lucharemos!
They pretend that we shut up, we will not: We will fight!
No pueden entendernos e intentan detenernos
They can't understand us and they try to stop us
Pretenden que callemos, no lo haremos: ¡Venceremos!
They pretend that we shut up, we will not: We will win!
¿Lo escuchas?¿Lo notas? Por fin suena el silencio
Do you hear it? Do you notice it? Finally, silence rings out
Bocas calladas, ya proclaman su manifiesto
Silent mouths are already proclaiming their manifesto
Inmerso en el verso soy la voz del viceversa
Immersed in the verse I am the voice of vice versa
Represento a todos aquellos con opiniones opuestas
I represent all those with opposing opinions
Todos los que sufren penas por tener ideales
All who suffer penalties for having ideals
A todos aquellos que son realmente reales
To all those who are truly real
A todos los chavales que aun quieren cambiar el mundo
To all the kids who still want to change the world
Y en especial, por rareza, si aun queda algun adulto
And especially, for its rarity, if there is still any adult left
A todo el que se ocultò por ser diferente
To everyone who hid for being different
Hoy es razon de mi orgullo, ellos son mi gente
Today is the reason for my pride, they are my people
Vista hacia delante, cabeza bien alta
Looking ahead, head held high
Se acabò el esconderse, ¡Rompan hoy sus vainas!
No more hiding, Break your pods today!
Todas esas lagrimas tendran su recompensa
All those tears will have their reward
Hagamos que el cazador desde hoy sea la presa
Let's make the hunter the prey from today
Rompamos la presa que nos mantenia presos
Let's break the dam that kept us prisoners
Inundemos naciones, ciudades y pueblos
Let's flood nations, cities and towns
No pueden entendernos e intentan detenernos
They can't understand us and they try to stop us
Pretenden que callemos, no lo haremos: ¡Lucharemos!
They pretend that we shut up, we will not: We will fight!
No pueden entendernos e intentan detenernos
They can't understand us and they try to stop us
Pretenden que callemos, no lo haremos: ¡Venceremos!
They pretend that we shut up, we will not: We will win!
Fuego en las espadas, abran sus alas
Fire in the swords, spread your wings
Que el mundo se propage de angeles y hadas
May the world be filled with angels and fairies
Altas esas miradas ¡Mantengamonos fuertes!
High those looks Let's stay strong!
Estemos orgullosos de ser diferentes
Let's be proud to be different
Que nada nos frene, sigamos nuestros sueños
Let nothing stop us, let's follow our dreams
Quitemonos los miedos, batamonos en duelos
Let's take away our fears, let's fight in duels
Somos nuestros dueños y por ello mas libres
We are our own masters and therefore freer
Nuestra ilusion sera lo que nos haga invencibles
Our illusion will be what makes us invincible
Alfileres en pajares que hoy se clavaran
Pins in haystacks that will be nailed today
¡Vamos!¡No os pareis! No nos venceran
Come on! Don't stop! They won't beat us
Hoy es el momento, hoy es el gran dia
Today is the moment, today is the great day
Sentimiento nuestro himno y esta su melodia
Feeling our anthem and this is its melody
Que el dolor y la alegria nos hagan sentir mas vivos
May pain and joy make us feel more alive
Que nos teman enemigos y admiren nuestros amigos
May our enemies fear us and admire our friends
Seamos nobles como hermanos, no podran pararnos
Let's be noble like brothers, they won't be able to stop us
¡Dejemosles bien claro que nosotros no callamos!
Let's make it very clear to them that we are not silent!
No pueden entendernos e intentan detenernos
They can't understand us and they try to stop us
Pretenden que callemos, no lo haremos: ¡Lucharemos!
They pretend that we shut up, we will not: We will fight!
No pueden entendernos e intentan detenernos
They can't understand us and they try to stop us
Pretenden que callemos, no lo haremos: ¡Venceremos!
They pretend that we shut up, we will not: We will win!

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