Tanto egoismo la gente es desconfiada una imagen vale mas que mil palabras para jusgarte sin tener culpa de nada
So much selfishness, people are suspicious, a picture is worth more than a thousand words to judge you without any guilt
Ven a ayudar a quien mas lo necesitaba tantos prejuicios de daño no arreglan hay cosas que no se yacen ver como pensabas
Come to help those who needed it most, so many prejudices of damage do not fix there are things that do not lie to see as you thought
Acostumbrado a que jusguen por lo que ellos creen, estereotipo es lo que quiere
Accustomed to being judged by what they believe, stereotype is what you want
Tanto egoismo la gente es desconfiada una imagen vale mas que mil palabras para jusgarte sin tener culpa de nada
So much selfishness, people are suspicious, a picture is worth more than a thousand words to judge you without any guilt
Ven a ayudar a quien mas lo necesitaba tantos prejuicios de daño no arreglan hay cosas que no se yacen ver como pensabas
Come to help those who needed it most, so many prejudices of damage do not fix there are things that do not lie to see as you thought
Yo me tope con la ignorancia desde que era pequeñito siempre vivi mi infancia y viendo como la inconsciencia afectaba a chavales que usaban violencia
I ran into ignorance since I was little, I always lived my childhood and seeing how unconsciousness affected kids who used violence
Vivir de falsas apariencias ir a por el camino facil siempre trae consecuencias prefiero la desobediencia y seguir toda la vida con mi propia conciencia date cuenta la diferencia hoy todos tienen prisa pero nadie paciencia
Living with false appearances, going for the easy way always brings consequences I prefer disobedience and follow all my life with my own conscience realize the difference today everyone is in a hurry but no patience
Tanto egoismo la gente es desconfiada una imagen vale mas que mil palabras para jusgarte sin tener culpa de nada
So much selfishness, people are suspicious, a picture is worth more than a thousand words to judge you without any guilt
Ven a ayudar a quien mas lo necesitaba tantos prejuicios de daño no arreglan hay cosas que no se yacen ver como pensabas
Come to help those who needed it most, so many prejudices of damage do not fix there are things that do not lie to see as you thought
Por que ellos quieren Babilonia es que no seas quién despierte la mentalidad de todo aquel que como un robot en la vida caminen, caminen
Because they want Babylon is that you do not wake up the mentality of everyone who like a robot in life, walk, walk
Por cuantas cosas en tu vida hermano has luchado cuantas cosas de ellas te han arrebatado y hasta ahora cuenta tu te haz dado hermano
How many things in your life, my brother, have you fought for, how many things of them have they taken from you and until now count, my brother, you have given
Los intereses en tu entorno siempre han rodeado en este mundillo con todo falso alado que muerde la mano a quien lo ha alimentado cuidado
The interests in your surroundings have always surrounded in this world with everything false winged that bites the hand that has fed it carefully
Tanto egoismo la gente es desconfiada una imagen vale mas que mil palabras para jusgarte sin tener culpa de nada
So much selfishness, people are suspicious, a picture is worth more than a thousand words to judge you without any guilt