Jala Brat feat. Devito & Buba Corelli - Roze - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Jala Brat feat. Devito & Buba Corelli - Roze

I u grudima me krene stezat
In your chest, my heart starts to tighten
Ti si znala za to
You knew about this
Ti bi sve, ja se neću vezat
You would do anything, but I will not get attached
Samo daj mi flaše na sto
Just bring me a bottle to the table
Noćas mi u glavi, samo da mi javi
Tonight in my head, just to let me know
Da je sama i spremna na sve
That you are alone and ready for anything
Sa mnom bi da plače i da slavi
You want to cry and celebrate with me
Dok Gucci rukavi skrivaju nam ožiljke i satove
While Gucci sleeves hide our scars and watches
A ja samo pijem vino, bebi roza
But I only drink wine, baby rose
Gdje si sad kad treba mi nova doza?
Where are you now when I need a new dose?
Da me digne pa do poda da me sroza
To lift me up and bring me down to the floor
Ne bi ja, volim kako me voza
I wouldn't, I love the way you drive me
A na tebi sve miriše mi na problem
But everything about you smells like a problem
Šapuće mi tiše, ne daj mi da odem
Whispering to me softly, don't let me go
Htjela bi malo više, te jednom se rode
She wanted a little more, and they were born at one point
A ja sam radio, sada im oči bodem
But I worked, now I make their eyes sore
Cijele noći zbog nje ture plaćam
I pay for tours because of her all night
Nijedna mi nije bila jača
No one has been stronger than me
Rekli su mi radi šta te plaća
They told me to do what you pay for
Sve se vraća, znaju moja braća
Everything comes back, my brothers know
Cijele noći zbog nje ture plaćam
I pay for tours because of her all night
Nijedna mi nije bila jača
No one has been stronger than me
Rekli su mi radi šta te plaća
They told me to do what you pay for
Sve se vraća, znaju moja braća
Everything comes back, my brothers know
A ja prevrnem cijeli sto kad me ponese
But I turn the whole table over when she takes me away
Jer ubi me to kad mi kukovima trese
Because it kills me when she shakes her hips
A ja prevrnem cijeli sto kad me ponese
But I turn the whole table over when she takes me away
Jer ubi me to kad mi kukovima trese
Because it kills me when she shakes her hips
I nemam mira, ne da očima da klonu
And I have no peace, I don't let my eyes close
U separe-u sedi kao da je tron
In the booth, she sits like it's a throne
I kad me dira radi to u istom tonu
And when she touches me, she does it in the same tone
Pravi lom, crta liniju na 'fonu
Makes a break, draws a line on the 'phone
Ona htela bi da skine masku
She wants to take off her mask
I tad neće videti mi dušu
And then you won't see my soul
Ona htela bi sa mnom na jastuk
She wanted to be with me on a pillow
A ja bih pored nje još jednu drugu
But I would have another one next to her
A ja sam capo, ti si visoki napon
But I'm a capo, you're high voltage
I pored nas sve miriše na greh
And it smells like sin all around us
Iza je plato, sad na vratu je zlato
Behind is the plateau, now there is gold on our necks
Nemoj da pitaš zašto plaćam ceh
Don't ask why I pay the bill
Nema veze što je verena
It doesn't matter that she is engaged
Mladi Rimac, vozim te ko nevera
Young Rimac, I drive you like a mistress
Nema veze što je neverna
It doesn't matter that she is unfaithful
Noćas budi tu, sutra nemam vremena
Be here tonight, I don't have time tomorrow
Cijele noći zbog nje ture plaćam
I pay for tours because of her all night
Nijedna mi nije bila jača
No one has been stronger than me
Rekli su mi radi šta te plaća
They told me to do what you pay for
Sve se vraća, znaju moja braća
Everything comes back, my brothers know
Cijele noći zbog nje ture plaćam
I pay for tours because of her all night
Nijedna mi nije bila jača
No one has been stronger than me
Rekli su mi radi šta te plaća
They told me to do what you pay for
Sve se vraća, znaju moja braća
Everything comes back, my brothers know
A ja prevrnem cijeli sto kad me ponese
But I turn the whole table over when she takes me away
Jer ubi me to kad mi kukovima trese
Because it kills me when she shakes her hips
A ja prevrnem cijeli sto kad me ponese
But I turn the whole table over when she takes me away
Jer ubi me to kad mi kukovima trese
Because it kills me when she shakes her hips
I ja bi sad stao, ali ja, ja nemam kontrole
And I would stop now, but I have no control
I ja bi sad pao sve do dna, kad nema te ovde
And I would fall all the way down now, when you're not here
A ja bi sad stao, ali ja, ja nemam kontrole
And I would stop now, but I have no control
A ja bi sad pao sve do dna, kad nema te ovde
And I would fall all the way down now, when you're not here

Jala Brat feat. Devito & Buba Corelli - Roze - Single
Roze - Single
date of release

1 Roze

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