Javier Krahe - Kriptonita - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Javier Krahe - Kriptonita

Yo que en un santiamén movía una montaña
I, who could move a mountain in an instant,
Con un vigor que hoy a mi mismo me extraña,
With a vigor that today amazes even me,
Debo admitir, al fin, que algo me debilita,
Must admit, at last, that something weakens me,
Tal vez sea la edad, tal vez la kriptonita.
Perhaps it is age, perhaps kryptonite.
Volaba tal que así sobre los rascacielos,
I flew like this over skyscrapers,
Qué periodista audaz no compartió mis vuelos,
What bold journalist did not share my flights,
Tal vez sea la edad, tal vez la kriptonita,
Perhaps it is age, perhaps kryptonite,
Hoy vuelo en metro y ya ni el pito me levita.
Today I fly by subway and not even the whistle makes me levitate.
Y veía a través de opacos sentimientos
And I saw through opaque feelings
Imágenes que os di en muy contados cuentos,
Images that I gave you in very few stories,
Tal vez sea la edad, tal vez la kriptonita,
Perhaps it is age, perhaps kryptonite,
Hoy sólo quiero ver mi serie favorita.
Today I just want to watch my favorite series.
Sembraba por doquier el bien y a los villanos
I sowed good everywhere and to villains
Les daba tal pavor que les salían granos,
I gave them such terror that they broke out in pimples,
Tal vez sea la edad, tal vez la kriptonita,
Perhaps it is age, perhaps kryptonite,
Ante el lobo feroz hoy soy Caperucita.
Before the big bad wolf today I am Little Red Riding Hood.
Fue fácil para mi, con mis superpoderes,
It was easy for me, with my superpowers,
Gozar del buen amor y muchas más mujeres,
To enjoy good love and many more women,
Tal vez sea la edad, tal vez la kriptonita,
Perhaps it is age, perhaps kryptonite,
Hoy no tengo con quién, nadie me solicita.
Today I have no one with whom, no one asks for me.
Arriba, corazón, y a ver si contraatacas,
Up, heart, and see if you fight back,
Si es cosa de "El Luthor", prueba con espinacas,
If it is a matter of "The Luthor", try spinach,
Si es cosa del reloj, hazle una cancioncita.
If it is a matter of the clock, make it a little song.
Tal vez sea la edad, tal vez la kriptonita.
Perhaps it is age, perhaps kryptonite.

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