Jeeiph - Tiki Taka - translation of the lyrics into English

Tiki Taka - Jeeiphtranslation in English

Tiki Taka
Tiki Taka
Se prendió se prendió el after
The after party is lit, it's lit
Habla claro mano que coronaste?
Speak clearly, man, what did you score?
Dile a la niña esa si esta pendiente
Tell that girl if she's down
De prender en la casa el desastre
To turn the house into a mess
La pure acaba de pirar
The pure just left
Todavía quedan tres botellas más
There are still three bottles left
Falta el descargue, el desayuno, y los cigarritos
We need the after-party, breakfast, and cigarettes
Pa seguí hasta mañana-na
To keep going until tomorrow morning
Y nana, no estoy pendiente e' dormir todavía
And nah, I'm not planning on sleeping yet
Toy' todo loco, quiero prender la rumba hasta el otro
I'm all crazy, I want to keep the party going until the next day
Y al otro día seguí a todo volumen, gritarle con ira
And the next day keep going at full volume, yelling with anger
A la vieja malparía que mientras habla paja
To the damn old lady who while talking shit
De nosotros en mi cuarto estoy pegándome del
About us, I'm in my room sticking to the
Techo a su hija no se, pero nojose, deja ya
Ceiling with her daughter, I don't know, but chill out, stop already
La pegadera e merengue, tas tose que tose
The merengue party, you're coughing and coughing
Ya pareces un marciano estas todo verde
You already look like a Martian, you're all green
Mira que estas todo enfermo esa cara mano
Look, you're all sick, that face, man
No es de ese cuerpo, tomate el jarabito pa ve
Doesn't belong to that body, take the little jar to see
Si te pones más bonito y un poquito cuerdo
If you get prettier and a little sane
Rotalo rotalo (ha) después que se te pase esa nota
Spin it, spin it (ha) after that note passes you by
Habla claro si quieres corona, si te duermes
Speak clearly if you want a crown, if you fall asleep
La jeva se te va a pira' (ya)
The girl is going to leave (already)
Ya dejala de soña' activate, parate y anda a ladra (jaja)
Stop dreaming about her, get active, get up and go bark (haha)
Activate y ya dejala de soña papá (papá)
Get active and stop dreaming about her, dad (dad)
Deja la excusa que estas feo pa la foto y
Stop the excuse that you're ugly for the photo and
Que andas en una lenta Por qué coño inventas?
That you're in a slow one, why the hell do you invent?
Deja de llenarme la cara de mierda
Stop filling my face with shit
Te va da una verga, ta bien que la prendas
She's going to give you a beating, it's okay if you hook up with her
Pero no la sueñes tampoco hermanito vacilate tu semerenda
But don't dream about her either, little brother, hesitate your seed
Venga coño pegate e la pare' y la maquina encienda
Come on, stick to the wall and turn on the machine
Que me gusta esa carita de mala que me pones
I like that bad girl face you give me
Cuando se prende la fiesta
When the party starts
Venga venga pon las manos en el piso y la
Come on, come on, put your hands on the floor and your
Cabeza por las piernas
Head by the legs
Mierda burro e culo que se gasta esa loca
Damn, ass-donkey, that crazy girl is spending
Se me esta levantando la verga
My dick is getting hard
Tikiti tikiti - taka muevete esas maracas
Tikiti tikiti - taka move those maracas
Mi muchacha, toma que toma y saca que saca
My girl, drink and drink and take out and take out
Y a la condenada ni le da resaca
And the damned one doesn't even get a hangover
Le gusta que le diga flaca (yea)
She likes me to call her skinny (yeah)
Que le bucee esas burro e butacas
To compliment her on those ass-donkey boobs
Y como es mi momento les gusta que yo le de
And since it's my time, they like me to give her
Chaka chaka chaka chaka
Chaka chaka chaka chaka
Tikiti tikiti - taka muevete esas maracas
Tikiti tikiti - taka move those maracas
Mi muchacha, toma que toma y saca que saca
My girl, drink and drink and take out and take out
Y la condenada ni se rasca
And the damned one doesn't even scratch
Le gusta que le diga mi flaca que le bucee esas
She likes me to call her my skinny, to compliment her on those
Burro e butacas
Ass-donkey boobs
Y como es mi momento... como es mi momento
And since it's my time... since it's my time
Le encanta
She loves it
No te lo invento hoy en esta mielda creamos un cuento
I'm not making it up, today in this shit we create a story
Donde soy la figura y acabo contento
Where I'm the main character and I end up happy
Porque un poco de jevitas me estan
Because a few girls are
Esperando adentro (yeah)
Waiting for me inside (yeah)
Coño mano que tormento me causa esta chama
Damn, man, the torment this girl causes me
Con ese talento de menear ese culo tan
With that talent to shake that ass so
Violento con ese criminal movimiento (ja)
Violent, with that criminal movement (ha)
Deja el abasamiento convive y pásate la
Leave the astonishment, live together and pass the
Botella para acá que me estoy vacilando
Bottle over here, I'm enjoying myself
Como esta jeva me baila y cada vez
How this girl dances for me and each time
Me gusta mucho más
I like her more and more
Yasta yasta papaito que no se hable más del beta chico
Enough, enough, daddy, no more talk about the beta boy
Agarra el efectivo que esta en la mesa
Grab the cash that's on the table
Y anda a comprarte el otro litro, invicto (invicto)
And go buy the other liter, undefeated (undefeated)
Yo me la invito, dime papasito eres mi favorito
I'll invite her, tell me daddy, you're my favorite
Soy demasiado raro, demasiado finito
I'm too weird, too finite
Me gusta lo cara coño que delito
I like it expensive, damn, what a crime
Verga rico, rico que esta ese culito ha cumplido
Damn good, good that little ass is, it has fulfilled
Todo, to' mis requisitos te lo comes todo
All, all my requirements, you eat it all
Todo completico mientras tus amigas
All complete while your friends
Me piden a gritoo jaja
Ask me for it screaming haha
Tikiti tikiti - taka muevete esas maracas
Tikiti tikiti - taka move those maracas
Mi muchacha, toma que toma y saca que saca
My girl, drink and drink and take out and take out
Y a la condenada ni le da resaca
And the damned one doesn't even get a hangover
Le gusta que le diga flaca (yea)
She likes me to call her skinny (yeah)
Que le bucee esas burro e butacas
To compliment her on those ass-donkey boobs
Y como es mi momento les gusta que yo le de
And since it's my time, they like me to give her
Chaka chaka chaka chaka
Chaka chaka chaka chaka
Tikiti tikiti - taka muevete esas maracas
Tikiti tikiti - taka move those maracas
Mi muchacha, toma que toma y saca que saca
My girl, drink and drink and take out and take out
Y la condenada ni se rasca
And the damned one doesn't even scratch
Le gusta que le diga mi flaca que le bucee esas
She likes me to call her my skinny, to compliment her on those
Burro e butacas
Ass-donkey boobs
Y como es mi momento... como es mi momento
And since it's my time... since it's my time
Le encanta
She loves it

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