Joan Manuel Serrat feat. Quico Pi de la Serra - Temps Era Temps (with Quico Pi de la Serra) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Joan Manuel Serrat feat. Quico Pi de la Serra - Temps Era Temps (with Quico Pi de la Serra)

Temps Era Temps (with Quico Pi de la Serra)
Time Was Once (with Quico Pi de la Serra)
Temps era temps
Time was once
Que vam sortir de l'ou
We hatched from an egg
Amb l'or a Moscú
With gold in Moscow
La pau al coll, la flota al moll
Peace around our necks, the fleet in the harbor
I la llengua al cul
And our language in our pockets
Amb els símbols arraconats
With the symbols swept aside
L'aigua a la font
Water at the fountain
Les restriccions
The restrictions
I l'home del sac
And the bogeyman
Temps era temps
Time was once
Que més que bons o dolents
That more than good or bad
Eren els nostres i han estat els únics
They were ours and they were the only ones
Temps d'estraperlo i tramvies
Time of black marketeering and trams
Farinetes per sopar
Porridge for dinner
I comuna i galliner a la galeria
And a communal kitchen and chicken coop in the gallery
Temps d'Una, Grande y Libre
Time of "Una, Grande y Libre"
Metro Goldwyn Mayer
Metro Goldwyn Mayer
Lo toma o lo deja
Take it or leave it
Gomas y lavajes
Erasers and baths
Quintero, León i Quiroga
Quintero, León and Quiroga
Panellets i penellons
Panellets and pennants
Basora, César, Kubala, Moreno i Manchón
Basora, César, Kubala, Moreno and Manchón
Temps era temps
Time was once
Que d'hora i malament
That early and badly
Ho vam saber tot
We learned everything
Qui eren els reis
Who the kings were
D'on vénen els nens
Where children come from
I què menja el llop
And what the wolf eats
Tot barrejat amb el Palé
All mixed up with the Palé
I la Formación del Espíritu Nacional
And the Formation of the National Spirit
I els primers divendres de mes
And the first Fridays of the month
Senyora Francis, m'entén?
Mrs. Francis, do you understand me?
Amb aquests coneixements
With this knowledge
Què es podia esperar de nosaltres?
What could be expected of us?
Si encara no saben, senyora
If they still don't know, my lady
Què serem quan siguem grans
What we will be when we grow up
Els fills d'un temps
The children of a time
Els fills d'un país orfe
The children of an orphaned country
Fills d'Una, Grande y Libre
Children of "Una, Grande y Libre"
Metro Goldwyn Mayer
Metro Goldwyn Mayer
Lo toma o lo deja
Take it or leave it
Gomas y lavajes
Erasers and baths
Quintero, León i Quiroga
Quintero, León and Quiroga
Panellets i penellons
Panellets and pennants
Basora, César, Kubala, Moreno i Manchón
Basora, César, Kubala, Moreno and Manchón
Temps era temps
Time was once
Temps era temps
Time was once
Temps era temps
Time was once

Joan Manuel Serrat feat. Quico Pi de la Serra - Antología Desordenada
Antología Desordenada
date of release

1 Plany al Mar (with Silvia Pérez Cruz)
2 Paraules D'amor (with Pablo Albóran)
3 Hoy por Ti, Mañana por Mi (with Tania Libertad)
4 Hoy Puede Ser un Gran Dia (with Ana Belén, Miguel Rios & Victor Manuel) - Remasterizado
5 Es Caprichoso el Azar (with Noa) - Remasterizado
6 Benito - Remasterizado
7 No Hago Otra Cosa Que Pensar en Ti (with Paquita la del Barrio)
8 Cremant Nuvols - Remasterizado
9 Para la Libertad (with Rubén Blades)
10 Lucia (with Silvio Rodríguez)
11 Y el Amor (with Luis Eduardo Aute)
12 Pueblo Blanco
13 Seria Fantastic
14 Disculpe el Señor (with Ricardo Miralles)
15 El Carrusel del Furo - Remasterizado
16 Perque la Gent S´avorreix Tant (with Andreu Buenafuente)
17 La Tieta
18 Algo Personal (with Calle 13)
19 Ja Tens L´amor (with Ana Belén)
20 El Sur Tambien Existe
21 Pendiente de Ti (with Sole Giménez) - Remasterizado
22 Cantares (with Miguel Rios) - Remasterizado
23 Barcelona i Jo
24 Esos Locos Bajitos
25 La Saeta (with Carmen Linares)
26 De Vez en Cuando la Vida
27 Penelope (with Gino Paoli)
28 Temps Era Temps (with Quico Pi de la Serra)
29 Hijo de la Luz y de la Sombra - Remasterizado
30 Sinceramente Teu (with Maria Bethânia) - Remasterizado
31 Niño Silvestre
32 A Ese Pajaro Dorado (with Dulce Pontes)
33 Me'n Vaig a Peu (with Estopa)
34 Mediterraneo (with Lolita)
35 Fiesta (with Resaca Sudaca)
36 Me Gusta Todo de Ti (with Joaquín Sabina)
37 El Meu Carrer (with Miguel Poveda)
38 Princesa - Remasterizado
39 Romance de Curro el Palmo (with Alejandro Sanz)
40 Res No Es Mesqui
41 Señora (with Dani Martin)
42 Aquellas Pequeñas Cosas (with Joan Manuel Serrat)
43 Canço de Matinada
44 Bendita Musica - Remasterizado
45 Canço de Bressol
46 Las Malas Compañias (with Les Luthiers)
47 Te Guste o No (with Pablo Milanes)

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