Jofre Bardagí - T'Estimo/T'Odio - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Jofre Bardagí - T'Estimo/T'Odio

I Love You/I Hate You
Estic estirat i no em vull aixecar
I'm lying down and I don't want to get up
Al meu llit
In my bed
Ningú m'escolta plorar
Nobody hears me cry
No em queden senyals
I have no signs left
D'aquest dematí
From this morning
Quan tot just
When I was just
M'aconseguia adormir
Getting off to sleep
Després de passar-me
After spending
Una vida sencera
My entire life
Rient de mi i de la meva salut
Laughing at me and my health
Ara tot el que em queda són les
Now I have nothing left but the
Ganes d'entendre'm
Desire to understand myself
I jurar que ja no hi tornaré
And to swear that I will never go back
Més oh oh t'estimo
But oh oh I love you
Em miro al mirall i ja no em reconec
I look in the mirror and don't recognize myself
Sóc jo mateix
I am myself
Però amb altres coses al cap
But with other things on my mind
Ens estem fent tan grans
We are getting so old
A base de cops
By way of blows
A base d'hòsties
By way of beatings
I de molts mals de cap
And of many headaches
Després de passar-me la vida sencera
After spending my entire life
Rient de mi i de la meva salut
Laughing at me and my health
I ara ni em queden
And now I have not
Massa ganes de viure
Much desire to live
I si encara hi sóc és gràcies a tu
And if I'm still here it's thanks to you
Oh oh t'odio
Oh oh I hate you
I love you
I no et culpo per fer-me costat
And I don't blame you for being by my side
Perquè l'imbècil
Because the asshole
Tinc clar que no sóc jo
It's clear to me is not me
Però no em culpis tu si cada cop
But don't blame me if increasingly
Ens veiem menys
We see less of each other
I busco altres camins
And I search for other paths
Que cada cop em diverteixes menys
That increasingly I find you less amusing
No em diverteixes gens
You don't amuse me at all
I love you
I hate you
I hate you
I love you
I hate you

Writer(s): Jofre Bardagi Grima

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