John Dowland, Sting & Edin Karamazov - Flow My Tears - translation of the lyrics into Russian

Lyrics and translation John Dowland, Sting & Edin Karamazov - Flow My Tears

Flow My Tears
Слезы Мои
Flow, my tears, fall from your springs!
Лейтесь, слезы мои, изливайтесь из источников ваших!
Exiled for ever, let me mourn
Изгнанный навеки, позволь мне скорбеть
Where night's black bird her sad infamy sings
Там, где черная птица ночи поет свой печальный гимн
There let me live forlorn
Там позволь мне жить в одиночестве
Down vain lights, shine you no more
Умрите, суетные огни, не светите больше
No nights are dark enough for those
Нет ночи достаточно темной для тех,
That in despair their last fortunes deplore
Кто в отчаянии оплакивает свою последнюю участь
Light doth but shame disclose
Свет лишь раскрывает позор
Never may my woes be relieved
Да не будет утешения моим бедам
Since pity is fled
Поскольку жалость исчезла
And tears and sighs and groans my weary days, my weary days
И слезы, и вздохи, и стоны мои утомительные дни, мои утомительные дни
Of all joys have deprived
Лишили всех радостей
From the highest spire of contentment
С высочайшего шпиля довольства
My fortune is thrown
Судьба моя низвергнута
And fear and grief and pain for my deserts, for my deserts
И страх, и горе, и боль за мои прегрешения, за мои прегрешения
Are my hopes, since hope is gone
Стали моими надеждами, поскольку надежда ушла
Hark! you shadows that in darkness dwell
Слушайте! вы, тени, что во тьме обитаете
Learn to contemn light
Научитесь презирать свет
Happy, happy they that in hell
Счастливы, счастливы те, кто в аду
Feel not the world's despite
Не чувствуют злобы мира
Hark! you shadows that in darkness dwell
Слушайте! вы, тени, что во тьме обитаете
Learn to contemn light
Научитесь презирать свет
Happy, happy they that in hell
Счастливы, счастливы те, кто в аду
Feel not the world's despite
Не чувствуют злобы мира


John Dowland, Sting & Edin Karamazov - Songs from the Labyrinth
Songs from the Labyrinth
date of release

1 Fine Knacks For Ladies
2 The Lowest Trees Have Tops
3 Have You Seen The Bright Lily Grow
4 Flow My Tears
5 "Ryght Honorable: As I Have Bin Most Bounde Unto Your Honor..."
6 Can She Excuse My Wrongs?
7 Can She Excuse My Wrongs?
8 Walsingham
9 Come Heavy Sleep
10 Come Heavy Sleep
11 Have You Seen the Bright Lily Grow (Live)
12 Fields of Gold (New Version)
13 In Darkness Let Me Dwell
14 "...Men Say That The Kinge Of Spain Is Making Gret Preparation..."
15 Clear Or Cloudy
16 Weep You No More, Sad Fountains
17 "...After My Departure I Caled To Mynde Our Conference..."
18 Wilt Thou Unkind Thus Reave Me
19 Come Again
20 ".And from Thence I Had Great Desire to See Italy."
21 My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home
22 The Most High and Mighty Christianus the Forth, King of Denmark, His Galliard
23 ".From Thence I Went to the Landgrave of Hessen."
24 ".And Accordinge As I Desired Ther Cam a Letter."
25 ".Then in Time Passing One Mr. Johnson Died."
26 Walsingham
27 Fantasy
28 Forlorn Hope Fancy
29 Fine Knacks for Ladies
30 The Lowest Trees Have Tops
31 Weep You No More, Sad Fountains
32 Listening Guide: 1. Introduction
33 Listening Guide: 14. Clear Or Cloudy
34 Listening Guide: 13. My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home
35 Listening Guide: 12. Weep You No More, Sad Fountains
36 Listening Guide: 11. Wilt Thou Unkind Thus Reave Me
37 Listening Guide: 10. Come Again
38 Listening Guide: 9. Fantasy & Forlorn Hope Fancy
39 Listening Guide: 8. Fine Knacks For Ladies
40 Listening Guide: 7. The Lowest Trees Have Tops
41 Listening Guide: 6. The Most High And Mighty Christianus The Fourth, King Of Denmark, His Galliard
42 Listening Guide: 5. Have You Seen The Bright Lily Grow
43 Listening Guide: 4. Flow My Tears
44 Listening Guide: 3. Can She Excuse My Wrongs?
45 My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home
46 Listening Guide: 15. In Darkness Let Me Dwell

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