Johny Machette - Ona Říká - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Johny Machette - Ona Říká

Ona Říká
She Says
Ona říká že chce zmizet pryč
She says she wants to disappear
Chce někam odletět a neřešit nic
She wants to fly away and not worry about anything anymore
Prej se nevrátí, páč stačí když tam budu s
She says she won't come back, because she's happy as long as I'm with her
Jenom a ty
Just me and you
A ona říká že chce zmizet pryč
And she says she wants to disappear
Chce někam odletět a neřešit nic
She wants to fly away and not worry about anything anymore
Prej se nevrátí, páč stačí když tam budu s
She says she won't come back, because she's happy as long as I'm with her
Jenom a ty
Just me and you
Říká, chci tolik času abych stíhala
She says she wants so much time to keep up
Věci, který jsem zbožňovala od mala
With the things she loved since childhood
Vrátit se zpátky k tomu s čim jsem přestala
To go back to what she stopped doing
A hlavně nezestárnout
And most importantly, not to grow old
Sama v každym klubu hraje její oblíbená píseň
Her favorite song plays in every club by herself
Nikdo z kluků si nezískal nikdy její přízeň
No guy ever won her favor
Panáka s tebou nedá ani kdyby měla žízeň
She won't even have a drink with you if she's thirsty
Doprovod domů, ten radši nenabízej
Don't offer her a ride home, she'd rather not
Ona sama ví, že
She knows that
Kluk jako ty prostě nestačí
A guy like you just isn't enough for her
A kluka jako ty si ona nehledá
And she's not looking for a guy like you
S tebou štěstí nečeká
Happiness doesn't wait for her with you
Chce do Anlgie, Francie, do Ameriky letět
She wants to fly to England, France, America
Chce si trochu užívat, když je na tomhletom světě
She wants to enjoy herself a little, now that she's in this world
Nemá žádný problémy a nemá žádnej stres
She has no problems and no stress
Prostě nic netrápí
Nothing bothers her
A dělá si co chce
And she does whatever she wants
Ona říká že chce zmizet pryč
She says she wants to disappear
Chce někam odletět a neřešit nic
She wants to fly away and not worry about anything anymore
Prej se nevrátí, páč stačí když tam budu s
She says she won't come back, because she's happy as long as I'm with her
Jenom a ty
Just me and you
A ona říká že chce zmizet pryč
And she says she wants to disappear
Chce někam odletět a neřešit nic
She wants to fly away and not worry about anything anymore
Prej se nevrátí, páč stačí když tam budu s
She says she won't come back, because she's happy as long as I'm with her
Jenom a ty
Just me and you
Jenže to takhle lehký není
But it's not that easy
Nemůžeš se sebrat a čekat že se ti všechno změní
You can't just pack your bags and expect everything to change
K lepšímu, že budeš žít život
For the better, that you'll live a life
Jak herečka na plátně
Like an actress on screen
Užívat si, cestovat
Enjoy, travel
Ano zní to krásně
Yes, it sounds beautiful
Ona je přesto svá
She is still herself
Ona je jednou z těch co své sny
She's one of those who has dreams
Ona je jednou z těch co vytrvá
She's one of those who perseveres
Pravá dámička, co není laciná
A real lady, not cheap
Podpatky, kabelka, makeup a sestřih
High heels, handbag, makeup and haircut
Popírá pravidlo že nikdo neni bez chyb
She defies the rule that nobody is perfect
A jestli chceš zaujmout tak bys měl začít šetřit
And if you want to impress her, you should start saving
jen její pohled říká totohle nechci
Just her look says I don't want this
Ten její pohled mluví za vše
That look of hers speaks volumes
Ještě před chvilkou sis dával šance
Just a moment ago you were giving yourself chances
A teďka si na dně
And now you're at the bottom
Nevíš co udělat abys přestal myslet na
You don't know what to do to stop thinking about her
Přestal na myslet a měl zase klidný spaní
Stop thinking about her and have a peaceful sleep again
Ona říká že chce zmizet pryč
She says she wants to disappear
Chce někam odletět a neřešit nic
She wants to fly away and not worry about anything anymore
Prej se nevrátí, páč stačí když tam budu s
She says she won't come back, because she's happy as long as I'm with her
Jenom a ty
Just me and you
A ona říká že chce zmizet pryč
And she says she wants to disappear
Chce někam odletět a neřešit nic
She wants to fly away and not worry about anything anymore
Prej se nevrátí, páč stačí když tam budu s
She says she won't come back, because she's happy as long as I'm with her
Jenom a ty
Just me and you
Ona říká že chce zmizet pryč
She says she wants to disappear
Chce někam odletět a neřešit nic
She wants to fly away and not worry about anything anymore
Prej se nevrátí, páč stačí když tam budu s
She says she won't come back, because she's happy as long as I'm with her
Jenom a ty
Just me and you
A ona říká že chce zmizet pryč
And she says she wants to disappear
Chce někam odletět a neřešit nic
She wants to fly away and not worry about anything anymore
Prej se nevrátí, páč stačí když tam budu s
She says she won't come back, because she's happy as long as I'm with her
Jenom a ty
Just me and you

Writer(s): Ondrej Zatkuliak, Johny Machette

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