Joker Out - Vem da greš - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Joker Out - Vem da greš

Vem da greš
I Know You're Leaving
Vem da greš
I know you're leaving
Slišim stopinje, ki nosijo te stran
I hear the footsteps carrying you away
Če mi poveš
If you tell me
Kje srce si pustila, da skrijem se vanj
Where you left your heart, so I can hide in it
Si že obrnila novo stran?
Have you already turned a new page?
A bi ostala še en dan
Would you stay one more day
Če trenutek ulovim?
If I seize the moment?
Ti povem vse skrivnosti
Tell you all my secrets
In česa se bojim?
And what I'm afraid of?
Če napišem pesem slajšo
If I write a song sweeter
Od jutrišnje noči?
Than tomorrow's night?
Kupim karto do vesolja
Buy a ticket to space
Če Zemlja pregori?
If the Earth burns up?
Vem da greš
I know you're leaving
A zakaj se ti mudi?
But why are you in such a hurry?
Priznam da na glas se sprašujem
I admit I wonder aloud
Kje se boš znašla nocoj?
Where will you find yourself tonight?
Klasika ne zadostuje
Classics aren't enough
Ker si en delček vzela s seboj
Because you took a piece of me with you
Si en delček vzela s seboj
You took a piece of me with you
Vem da greš
I know you're leaving
Zbledeli so verzi v tvojih očeh
The verses in your eyes have faded
Če mi poveš
If you tell me
Kje sva se zgrešila in pozabila na smeh?
Where we went wrong and forgot to laugh?
Zašla vsak po svojih poteh
Lost on our separate ways
Priznam da na glas se sprašujem
I admit I wonder aloud
Kje se boš znašla nocoj?
Where will you find yourself tonight?
Klasika ne zadostuje
Classics aren't enough
Ker si en delček vzela s seboj
Because you took a piece of me with you
Si en delček vzela s seboj
You took a piece of me with you
Si en delček vzela
You took a piece of me
Priznam da na glas se sprašujem
I admit I wonder aloud
Kje se boš znašla nocoj?
Where will you find yourself tonight?
Klasika ne zadostuje
Classics aren't enough
Ker si en delček vzela s seboj
Because you took a piece of me with you
Si en delček vzela s seboj
You took a piece of me with you
Si en delček vzela
You took a piece of me

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