Judit Neddermann - Coses de la providència - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Judit Neddermann - Coses de la providència

Coses de la providència
Things of Providence
És un matí especial d'un diumenge com cal
It's a special morning on a proper Sunday
Es vesteix elegant per anar a passejar dins la gran ciutat
He dresses elegantly to go for a walk in the big city
I quan va caminant veu que no les claus
And as he walks, he realizes he doesn't have his keys
I decideix tornar, per sort és al costat, la serventa l'obrirà
And decides to go back, fortunately it's nearby, the maid will open for him
Però tot sembla tan normal fins que, al trucar
But everything seems so normal until, upon knocking
Obre la porta un senyor vestit com ell, que no ha vist mai abans
A gentleman opens the door dressed like him, whom he has never seen before
I no enten res, no sap qui és
And he doesn't understand anything, he doesn't know who he is
Queda ben trastocat, deu ser un malentès
He is quite shocked, it must be a misunderstanding
Vol fer entendre al vell que aquí es
He wants to make the old man understand that this is
On viu ell, però el vell no enten res
Where he lives, but the old man doesn't understand anything
Diu que si vol passar, que es quedi a dinar
He says that if he wants to come in, he should stay for dinner
I veu del tot sorprès que els
And he sees with great surprise that
Mobles són els seus, que tot allò és seu!
The furniture is his, that everything is his!
Ell vol demostrar que diu només veritats
He wants to prove that he is only telling the truth
Que no s'ho inventa
That he is not making this up
Tot és tan surreal i estrany com no ha vist mai abans
Everything is so surreal and strange like he has never seen before
I no enten res, no sap on és
And he doesn't understand anything, he doesn't know where he is
L'avi desconcertat pregunta si és ell
The bewildered grandfather asks if he is
Un d'aquells pretendents que es volen casar amb la filla gran
One of those suitors who wants to marry the eldest daughter
Ell diu que no en sap res, que ja és suficient
He says he doesn't know anything about it, that enough is enough
No és més que un malson, que ja n'hi ha prou, ja n'ha tingut prou
It's nothing more than a nightmare, that enough is enough, he has had enough
Però de sobte l'enlluerna la claror de la bellesa
But suddenly the brightness of beauty dazzles him
És la dona més preciosa que ha vist mai abans
She is the most precious woman he has ever seen before
Que mai veurà, i no enten res
That he will ever see, and he doesn't understand anything
Pensa en el seu passat i el veu tan llunyà
He thinks about his past and sees it so far away
Sap que s'ha enamorat, que res tornarà a ser com abans
He knows he has fallen in love, that nothing will ever be the same again
Ara seuen tots a taula celebrant la benentesa
Now they all sit at the table celebrating the blessing
És la història més preciosa que han vist mai, que mai veuran
It's the most beautiful story they have ever seen, that they will ever see
I no entenen res, però els hi fa el pes
And they don't understand anything, but it doesn't matter
I no entenen res, però els hi fa el pes
And they don't understand anything, but it doesn't matter
I no entenen res, però els hi fa el pes
And they don't understand anything, but it doesn't matter

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