Julia Zenko - Si Pudiera Elegir - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Julia Zenko - Si Pudiera Elegir

Si Pudiera Elegir
If I Could Choose
Si pudiera elegir una mujer perfecta eligiría
If I could choose a perfect woman I would choose
Unos ojos lindos con pestañas grandes que iluminen el día
Cute eyes with big eyelashes that brighten up the day
Que tuviera los labios rojos y no fuera tan enojona
That she had red lips and wasn't so angry
Que fuera hermoza por fuera y hermoza como persona.
To be beautiful on the outside and beautiful as a person.
Me encantaría con una linda sonrisa y cintura de avispa
I would love with a cute smile and wasp waist
Con la cadera de Shakira y la silueta de revista
With Shakira's hip and the magazine silhouette
Que tenga la chispa y comparta el amor por mi equipo
May I have the spark and share the love for my team
Que me diga que solo yo soy el tipo de prototipo, ¿me explico?
To tell me that only I am the type of prototype, do I explain myself?
Que le gusten mis canciones y me reconosca por lo que soy
That he likes my songs and reconnects me for who I am
Que no le importe el día de ayer y que viva el día de hoy
That he doesn't care about yesterday and that he lives today
Que tenga la iniciativa y rompa las normas sociales
Have the initiative and break the social norms
Que diga "si no me busca lo buscaré, soy mujer y me vale".
Let him say, "If he doesn't look for me, I'll look for him, I'm a woman and that's fine with me."
Que no sea tan feminista y sea un poco detallista
To not be so feminist and be a little detail-oriented
Que me acompañe al estadio, a mis tocadas y al dentista
To accompany me to the stadium, to my headdresses and to the dentist
Que le guste bailar de pareja y cuide las flores que le de
That she likes to dance as a couple and take care of the flowers that
Que tenga las solución a un problema sin decir porque.
To have the solutions to a problem without saying why.
Si pudiera elegir a una mujer que no le lleve tantos años
If I could choose a woman who doesn't take so many years
Que en plena tarde sin esperarlo me mande un mensaje diciendo "te extraño"
That in the middle of the afternoon without waiting for him he sends me a message saying "I miss you"
Que sea bonita, linda, educada, caliente, mascorrecta,
Let her be pretty, cute, polite, hot, mascorrect,
Y esque si pudiera elgir a mi mujer perfecta...
And that is if I could choose my perfect woman...
Si pudiera elegir a mi mujer perfecta lo haría,
If I could choose my perfect woman I would,
Las vías de mis dias pasarían siendo fantasías
The ways of my days would spend being fantasies
Día a día la alegría iría pensando que es mía,
Day by day the joy would go thinking that it's mine,
Si pudiera elgir a mi mujer perfecta lo haría.
If I could choose my perfect woman I would.
Si pudiera elegir a mi mujer perfecta lo haría,
If I could choose my perfect woman I would,
Las vías de mis dias pasarían siendo fantasías
The ways of my days would spend being fantasies
Día a día la alegría iría pensando que es mía,
Day by day the joy would go thinking that it's mine,
Si pudiera elgir a mi mujer perfecta lo haría.
If I could choose my perfect woman I would.
Que fuera medio celosa para demostrarme importancia
That she was half jealous to show me importance
Pero que también confiara que nunca cambiaré su fragancia
But to also trust that I will never change her fragrance
Que no le importe la distancia pero comoquiera viva cerca
Who doesn't care about the distance but somehow lives near
Que cuando no le quiera dar un beso se me ponga terca
That when I don't want to kiss her, she gets stubborn
Que siempre se arregle para mi, que sea para mi,
May it always be arranged for me, may it be for my,
Que viva por mi, que mate por mi, porque yo lo haría así
Let him live for me, let him kill for me, because I would do it that way
Que juguemos al placer, amandonos y reinventemos
May we play for pleasure, love each other and reinvent
Que no hay límites y que nuestro amor jamas encuentra extremos
That there are no limits and that our love never finds extremes
Que aunque no le guste mi nueva rola diga "que padre te quedó"
That even if he doesn't like my new role he says "what a father you got"
Que no sea tan orgullosa porque no lo voy a ser yo
To not be so proud because I'm not going to be
Que sepa aceptar errores, rectificarlos y pedir perdón
Who knows how to accept mistakes, rectify them and ask for forgiveness
Que cuando ande con presión me tenga comprensión
That when I walk with pressure I have understanding
Que sea feliz todos los días que pueda antes de que llegue Andrés
May I be happy as many days as I can before Andrés arrives
Que yo me encargaré de la semana más dificil de su mes
That I will take care of the most difficult week of your month
Me gustaría que fuera segura y su familia me la prestara
I would like it to be safe and his family would lend it to me
Para raptarla, escondernos y que nadie nos encontrara Perdernos bajo las estrellas y que la brisa fuera testigo
To kidnap her, hide ourselves so that no one would find us, get lost under the stars and let the breeze be a witness
Que con ella tuviera todo y que ella tuviera todo conmigo
That I had everything with her and that she had everything with me
Que cumpla toda la lista pero que yo también cumpla sus aspectos,
That fulfills the whole list but that I also fulfill its aspects,
Y esque si quiero la mujer pefecta tendré que ser el hombre perfecto...
And if I want the perfect woman I will have to be the perfect man...
Si pudiera elegir a mi mujer perfecta lo haría,
If I could choose my perfect woman I would,
Las vías de mis dias pasarían siendo fantasías
The ways of my days would spend being fantasies
Día a día la alegría iría pensando que es mía,
Day by day the joy would go thinking that it's mine,
Si pudiera elgir a mi mujer perfecta lo haría.
If I could choose my perfect woman I would.
Si pudiera elegir a mi mujer perfecta lo haría,
If I could choose my perfect woman I would,
Las vías de mis dias pasarían siendo fantasías
The ways of my days would spend being fantasies
Día a día la alegría iría pensando que es mía,
Day by day the joy would go thinking that it's mine,
Si pudiera elgir a mi mujer perfecta lo haría.
If I could choose my perfect woman I would.

Writer(s): Alejandro Lerner

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