Jurus - Hannah Montana - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Jurus - Hannah Montana

Hannah Montana
Hannah Montana
Som dead Hannah Montana
I'm dead Hannah Montana
Hore do rána
Up until the morning
Ja miešam si drink
I'm mixing myself a drink
Extáza a gin
Ecstasy and gin
V miestnosti sme my
We are in the room
Mám lucidné sny
I'm having lucid dreams
Mám lucidné sny
I'm having lucid dreams
Som dead Hannah Montana
I'm dead Hannah Montana
Hore do rána
Up until the morning
Ja miešam si drink
I'm mixing myself a drink
Extáza a gin
Ecstasy and gin
V miestnosti sme my
We are in the room
Mám lucidné sny
I'm having lucid dreams
Mám lucidné sny
I'm having lucid dreams
Som dead Hannah Montana
I'm dead Hannah Montana
Hore do rána
Up until the morning
Ja miešam si drink
I'm mixing myself a drink
Extáza a gin
Ecstasy and gin
V miestnosti sme my
We are in the room
Mám lucidné sny
I'm having lucid dreams
Mám lucidné sny
I'm having lucid dreams
Som dead Hannah Montana
I'm dead Hannah Montana
Hore do rána
Up until the morning
Ja miešam si drink
I'm mixing myself a drink
Extáza a gin
Ecstasy and gin
V miestnosti sme my
We are in the room
Mám lucidné sny
I'm having lucid dreams
Mám lucidné sny
I'm having lucid dreams
Hella Hella swag
Hella Hella swag
Hella Hella drugs
Hella Hella drugs
Hella Hella párty
Hella Hella party
Hella Hella chlast
Hella Hella booze
Čakajú čúzy asi budeme tam
Chicks are waiting, we'll probably be there
Volali fízlov asi budeme tam
They called the cops, we'll probably be there
Vidíš ten zelený mrak
You see that green cloud
Asi asi budeme tam
We'll probably be there
Počuješ hluk
You hear the noise
Asi budeme tam
We'll probably be there
Asi budeme tam
We'll probably be there
Ja si nepamätám
I don't remember
Zas bliká mi svet
The world is flashing again
Poď urob mi dance
Come on, dance for me
Ja viem že chce sex
I know she wants sex
Nevolám to fleex
I don't call it flex
Budím sa ráno a zas neviem nič
I wake up in the morning and I don't know anything again
Chalan je fuckedup nespal tri dni
The dude is fucked up, he hasn't slept in three days
Mám lucidné sny
I'm having lucid dreams
Som pre to stvorený
I'm made for this
Asi navždy choleric
Probably always choleric
Stále chceme viac a viac
We always want more and more
Nestíha to bankomat
The ATM can't keep up
Svietim ako automat
I'm shining like a machine gun
Idem stále na dojazd
I'm still going on a roll
A čo robíš nemám čas
What are you doing? I don't have time
Asi mám pass čo bude dál
I think I have a pass, what will happen next
Neviem to sám
I don't know myself
Však ma poznáš
But you know me
Som na drogách
I'm on drugs
Stále chceme viac a viac
We always want more and more
Nestíha to bankomat
The ATM can't keep up
Svietim ako automat
I'm shining like a machine gun
Idem stále na dojazd
I'm still going on a roll
A čo robíš nemám čas
What are you doing? I don't have time
Asi mám pass čo bude dál
I think I have a pass, what will happen next
Neviem to sám
I don't know myself
Však ma poznáš
But you know me
Som dead Hannah Montana swag
I'm dead Hannah Montana swag
Žijeme trap aj keď moja music sad
We live trap even though my music is sad
V mojej krvi promile
Alcohol in my blood
V mojej krvi promile ee ee
Alcohol in my blood ee ee
Som dead Hannah Montana swag
I'm dead Hannah Montana swag
Žijeme trap aj keď moja music sad
We live trap even though my music is sad
V mojej krvi promile
Alcohol in my blood
V mojej krvi promile ee ee
Alcohol in my blood ee ee
Fata morgána
Fata Morgana
Bývajú to fakt tažké rána
Those mornings are really tough
Nepomôže káva
Coffee won't help
Dead Hannah Montana
Dead Hannah Montana
Dead Hannah Montana
Dead Hannah Montana
Dead Hannah Montana aa
Dead Hannah Montana aa
Fata morgána
Fata Morgana
Bývajú to fakt tažké rána
Those mornings are really tough
Nepomôže káva
Coffee won't help
Dead Hannah Montana
Dead Hannah Montana
Dead Hannah Montana
Dead Hannah Montana
Som dead Hannah Montana
I'm dead Hannah Montana
Som dead Hannah Montana
I'm dead Hannah Montana
Hore do rána
Up until the morning
Ja miešam si drink
I'm mixing myself a drink
Extáza a gin
Ecstasy and gin
V miestnosti sme my
We are in the room
Mám lucidné sny
I'm having lucid dreams
Mám lucidné sny
I'm having lucid dreams
Som dead Hannah Montana
I'm dead Hannah Montana
Hore do rána
Up until the morning
Ja miešam si drink
I'm mixing myself a drink
Extáza a gin
Ecstasy and gin
V miestnosti sme my
We are in the room
Mám lucidné sny
I'm having lucid dreams
Mám lucidné sny
I'm having lucid dreams
Som dead Hannah Montana
I'm dead Hannah Montana
Hore do rána
Up until the morning
Ja miešam si drink
I'm mixing myself a drink
Extáza a gin
Ecstasy and gin
V miestnosti sme my
We are in the room
Mám lucidné sny
I'm having lucid dreams
Mám lucidné sny
I'm having lucid dreams
Som dead Hannah Montana
I'm dead Hannah Montana
Hore do rána
Up until the morning
Ja miešam si drink
I'm mixing myself a drink
Extáza a gin
Ecstasy and gin
V miestnosti sme my
We are in the room
Mám lucidné sny
I'm having lucid dreams
Mám lucidné sny
I'm having lucid dreams

Writer(s): Juraj Kelovský

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