KMNZ - Galaxy - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation KMNZ - Galaxy

T: Your whimsical and leisurely phrases
Go to the space!とかまた言ってる
Go to the space! She says and goes on
“It might be possible” is not an impossibility in this era
"The possibility of the virtual world allows for it"
Z: As a child, this was what I dreamt of
SPACESHIP乗り込み 胸高鳴り Say 3,2,1
As I boarded the SPACESHIP, my heart pounded, and I said, 3,2,1
飛びたてば STARLIGHT もっと遠く
The further I fly, the closer I get to the STARLIGHT
Sometimes I do get scared
二人なら ALL RIGHT きっと叶う
But together, it’s ALL RIGHT, it will come true
The REALITY that we create together
T: Alright, let’s make the floor tremble
In fact, let’s entrance them
Say On & On & On 音のなる方
Say On & On & On, towards the source of the music
聞き入る会場 受け取る愛情
The venue is listening, overwhelmed with passion
大衆 率いる Lika a 特攻隊長
The crowds look up to me, like to a Special Forces leader
Z:それぞれの 思い出も
Z: Each person’s memories
Let’s bring them all to space
新しい惑星 ギャラクシー 快晴 3, 2, 1
New planet, clear skies in the Galaxy at 3, 2, 1
飛びたてば STARLIGHT もっと遠く
The further I fly, the closer I get to the STARLIGHT
Sometimes I do get scared
TRANSITION 世界 もっとつないで
TRANSITION the world, let’s connect it all
The REALITY that we create together
Z: Like stardust
There are many stories to tell
By dreaming of it
T: Every star has a different size and shape
I have found it
Z: The words are unfamiliar, but I think I understand
My star
重なり合う思い 二つの光
Our feelings overlap like two lights
Z: 今はまだ
Z: Still, at the moment
T :わからない
T: I do not know
T :未来なんて
T: The future
Z :決まってない
Z: Is not decided
Z :これから先どうする?
Z: What will we do in the future?
T :振り返らず超進む
T: No looking back, let’s go beyond
Z :高速
Z: Faster
T :いや音速
T: I mean the speed of sound
Z :スペースシャトル
Z: Spaceshuttle
T :打ち上げる
T: Lift off
3, 2, 1
3, 2, 1
気がつけば 暗い 宇宙を 漂う
When I noticed, I was adrift in the dark, in outer space
There was no path or light
探す 教えて
The light, I want to find it, show it to me
星がつなぐ メロディ
The stars connect the melody
It will guide you
飛びたてば STARLIGHT もっと遠く
The further I fly, the closer I get to the STARLIGHT
Sometimes I do get scared
二人なら ALL RIGHT きっと叶う
But together, it’s ALL RIGHT, it will come true
The REALITY that we create together
La la la la...

Writer(s): Snail's House

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