Kru - Salah Siapa? - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Kru - Salah Siapa?

Salah Siapa?
Who's Fault?
Jadi bermulalah lagi sebuah episod
So begins yet again another episode
Gejala dan masalah sosial
Symptoms and social problems
Yang tiada noktahnya
That have no full stops
Bagi mereka-mereka yang berdiri di sini
For those who stand here
Ia hanya bagaikan sebuah interlud
It is only like an interlude
Sekadar renungan, kehidupan
Just a thought about life
Senja menjelma tiba
Dusk emerges
Bermulalah lagi sandiwara
The play begins again
Tak mengenal dosa
Ignoring sin
Gadis awal belasan
A girl her early teens
Mesranya di dalam dakapan
Cosy in an embrace
Tahukah kau namanya
Do you know her name
Kejar kebebasan
Pursuing freedom
Mahu kepuasan
Wanting satisfaction
Pelaku terhina
The perpetrator is humiliated
Tidakkah kau terasa gentar dengan
Do you not feel scared by
Pembalasan Tuhan!
God's revenge!
Salah siapa sering ditanya
They often ask who's fault
Salah mereka atau kau saja
Is it their fault or just yours
Salah siapa apa terjadi
Who's fault is it that this happened
Kau penentunya, jalan hidup sendiri
You decide, your own life path
Merenung kembali onak kehidupan ini
Reflecting back on the thorns of this life
Tak siapa bisa lari dari dari masalah diri
Nobody can run from their own problems
Dunia realiti bagi mereka yang leka
Reality for those who are distracted
Pastinya akan terjerat dan pastinya akan tersekat
Certainly will be ensnared and certainly will be trapped
Benarkah, benarkah kau sedar apa dilaku kata
Is it true, are you aware of what you are saying and doing
Yang bagimu bagaikan perkara biasa
Which to you is like an ordinary thing
Bertemankan dosa
Befriending sin
Jadi janganlah kau katakan itu salah mereka
So don't say that it's their fault
Senario kehidupan
Life scenarios
Pohon neon merah menyinarkan
Neon red trees illuminating
Kesesatan insan
The errors of mankind
Walau berkali ditegur
Even when told off many times
Walau berkali kau dihina
Even when insulted many times
Alasan kau telah dewasa
The excuse is that you are grown up
Manakah hilangnya
Where has it disappeared
Maruah bangsa
The honour of the nation
Pegangan agama
The rules of religion
Sedarlah kau sahaja penjaga prinsip dan maruah diri
Wake up you are the only guardian of principle and self-respect
Salah siapa sering ditanya
Who's fault they often ask
Salah mereka atau kau saja
Is it their fault or just yours
Salah siapa apa terjadi
Who's fault is it that this happened
Kau penentunya, jalan hidup sendiri
You decide, your own life path
Lihatlah, lihatlah apa yang ada di tanganmu
Look, look at what you have in your hands
Kenapakah pula semua temanmu kini membisu
Why is it that your friends have now gone quiet
Dulu bersama walaupun dimana saja
You used to be together wherever you went
Kini kau berbadan dua ayahnya entah siapa
Now you are pregnant and don't know who the father is
Katakan ke mana kan kau lari
Tell me where can you run
Mana ′kan kau cari
Where can you search
Harga diri yang tinggal hanya secebis mimpi
Your self-respect is now just a little dream
Sekarang siapa rugi
Who has lost out now
Adakah mereka ataupun diri sendiri
Is it them or yourself
Kejar kebebasan
Pursuing freedom
Mahu kepuasan
Wanting satisfaction
Segan sudah tiada
Shame has disappeared
Hidup bagai tak bererti
Life seems to have no meaning
Salah siapa sering ditanya
Who's fault they often ask
Salah mereka atau kau saja
Is it their fault or just yours
Salah siapa apa terjadi
Who's fault is it that this happened
Kau penentunya, jalan hidup sendiri
You decide, your own life path
Salah siapa sering ditanya
Who's fault they often ask
Salah mereka atau kau saja
Is it their fault or just yours
Salah siapa apa terjadi
Who's fault is it that this happened
Kau penentunya, jalan hidup sendiri
You decide, your own life path

Writer(s): Halim Edry, Halim Norman, Halim Yusry

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