Kabe aka Alfa - Unpretentious & No One (feat. Crudo Means Raw & Eddy Mugre) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Kabe aka Alfa - Unpretentious & No One (feat. Crudo Means Raw & Eddy Mugre)

Unpretentious & No One (feat. Crudo Means Raw & Eddy Mugre)
Unpretentious & No One (feat. Crudo Means Raw & Eddy Mugre)
Hoy no pretendo compararme hoy quiero ser yo
Today I don't pretend to compare myself today I want to be me
Dejarles mi sello, mi rap en sus cuellos y ellos...
Leave them my stamp, my rap on their necks and they...
Atónitos entre el tumulto inmersos
Astounded among the tumult immersed
Crow on da vinils yo en los versos, so yo versus yo
Crow on da vinils yo on the verses, so yo versus yo
Also known as mayday si muerdo el micro y tiemblan Emcees
Also known as mayday if I bite the mic and Emcees shake
¿Soy mejor en el rap?
Am I better at rap?
No tanto en my relationship
Not so much in my relationship
Y satisface que hoy me adule ese puto pelele
And it satisfies that today that fucking wanker flatters me
Para quién yo no era una mierda y mi feelin' hace que hoy fele
Who I wasn't a shit to and my feelin' makes today...
Haters no hay dice mi vieja
Haters there are no says my old
Hay gente que ni crece, ni deja, crece y se acompleja
There are people who neither grow, nor leave, grow and become complex
Mis complejos son raps y mis defectos son tachones
My complexes are raps and my flaws are studs
Mi rap captura, embelesa, desvela y quita tacones pana
My rap captures, enchants, unveils and removes corduroy heels
¿A cuántos ayudé? ¿Cuántos me criticaron?
How many did I help? How many criticized me?
¿Cuántos dan play? ¿Cuántos sirven un trago?
How many dan play? How many serve a drink?
De Yupanki a esta es mi historia el mismo tipo
From Yupanki to this is my story the same guy
Vivir sin ti o sin mí, da igual, la situación hace al convicto
To live without you or you without me, it doesn't matter, the situation makes the convict
Aman lo que sale de mis lips, siguen mis pasos
They love what comes out of my lips, they follow in my footsteps
Pretenden seducir mis musas, sueñan con besar sus labios
They pretend to seduce my muses, they dream of kissing their lips
Pero nah, es cuento trillao' pana
But nah, it's trillao' pana tale
Esas musas son ganas y el "te quiero" susurrado de Ana en las mañanas
Those muses are ganas and the whispered "I love you" of Ana in the mornings
Sin embargo "peep my words" emcees de adorno
However "peep my words" adorno emcees
Acepto que envidien mis frutos, que enamoren mis demonios pero
I accept that they envy my fruits, that they fall in love with my demons but
Dejen que el beat suene solo
Let the beat sound alone
Que esos pads que desmembraron un sample perforen ortos
Let those pads that dismembered a sample drill orthos
Esta voz cómplice, lápices, teclas y frases
This complicit voice, pencils, keys and phrases
Son solo ápices, la parte visible del iceberg
They are only apices, the visible part of the iceberg
Me junté con neas, pillos, vándalos y drogos
I got together with neas, crooks, vandals and druggies
Pero mi viejo aún sonríe y habla del Kabe orgulloso
But my old man still smiles and talks about the proud Kabe
La calle enseña más no educa, no confundas
The street teaches more not educates, don't confuse
y tus ínfulas de "supastar" en mi se estrellarán sos mi fan...
You and your "supastar" infulas in me will crash you are my fan...
Soy el comienzo de otra era
I am the beginning of another era
Donde "eras" vale mierda y cuenta solo si te esfuerzas
Where "you were" is worth shit and counts only if you try hard
Tengo cimientos, sentimientos, miento en mis tormentos
I have foundations, feelings, I lie in my torments
Soy esclavo de mis párrafos, libre teniendo sexo
I'm a slave to my paragraphs, free having sex
de punches y freestyle más no batallo
I know about punches and freestyle but I don't battle
No soy tonto, cuarentas segundos, pueden ennegrecer 10 años
I'm not a fool, forty seconds, can blacken 10 years
Cuido mis lyrics no mi fitness, ese es mi truco
I take care of my lyrics not my fitness, that's my trick
Hoy nuestra shit le suena fineness a tu geva y a tu grupo
Today our shit sounds finesse to your geva and your group
Si hay ron de la FLA, fluyo, flaquean, fluctúan cual flan
If there is FLA rum, I flow, they waver, they fluctuate which...
Flanquean mi clan para calcar y eso me encanta
They flank my clan to trace and I love that
Nací cuando guru se unió a premier
I was born when guru joined premier
Hoy mi mayor premio es morir en esto y despertar cuando de play
Today my biggest prize is to die in this and wake up when I play...
Vivir en los acetatos de algún Dj, que me encuentre haciendo Diggin'
Living on the acetates of some DJ, who finds me doing Diggin'
Olvidado entre clásicos Funky si es posible
Forgotten among Funky classics if possible
Yo no imito en este ámbito, tengo el hip hop por hábito
I don't imitate in this field, I have hip hop by habit
Habito mentes es un hobbie plácido
I inhabit minds is a placid hobbie
Traigo calma a tu pánico, hago añicos tus cánticos
I bring calm to your panic, I shatter your chants
Fornico con tus micros, fans le llaman sexo tántrico
Fornico with your micros, fans call it tantric sex
No si me explico, yo no hago coros pa' mi público
I don't know if I'm explaining myself, I don't do choirs for my audience
No te compares, no te agredo, no seas tan cínico
Don't compare yourself, I don't attack you, don't be so cynical
Tus frases rebuscadas y Flow plano no me asombran
Your elaborate phrases and flat Flow do not amaze me
No me agobian pogos, gatas, putas no me compran
I am not burdened by pogos, cats, whores do not buy me
On and on and on y siempre firme
On and on and on y siempre firme
No miro atrás, no cambio el curso bitches, yo no pienso rendirme
No miro atrás, no cambio el curso bitches, yo no pienso rendirme
I'm over you and put words in your mind
I'm over you and put words in your mind
Sit down and look at me tomar el mic como Sean...
Sit down and look at me tomar el mic como Sean...
Seguimos on and on and on
Seguimos on and on and on
Seguimos on and on and on
Seguimos on and on and on
Seguimos on and on and on
Seguimos on and on and on
Rappaz de fomi, a mi lado están mis homies
Rappaz de fomi, by my side are my homies
Las calles capitalinas...
The capital streets...
Se te escapa el bus loser, dormiré en tu subwoofer
You're missing the bus loser, I'll sleep in your subwoofer
Soy lucifer en tu cypher por mierda que compuse
I'm lucifer in your cypher for shit I composed
Son breves sus rapeos, lo mío algoritmo en ritmos
His raps are brief, mine algorithm in rhythms
Vivo si respiro, aspiro beats, vomito himnos, bro
I live if I breathe, suck in beats, throw up hymns, bro
Estás perdido en este mar de letras con
You're lost in this sea of letters with
Un clan sin clon, un plan, un ron y un micro en on, simplón
A clan without a clone, a plan, a rum and a bug in on, simpleton
No te esfuerces demasiado que te hernias
Don't overexert yourself that you get herniated
Esto es Narnia, ñarria, no un vuelo de H y pepas, paz
This is Narnia, ñarria, not a flight of H and pepas, peace
Crudo en la AKAI en el micro MAYDAY
Raw at the AKAI on the micro MAYDAY
En tus bafles Emcees semejantes a Ali o a Kimbo Slice, alright
In your baffles you look like Ali or Kimbo Slice, alright
Hombres con defectos de rimas perfectísimas
Men with flaws of very perfect rhymes
No exagero no es ego, es una realidad durísima
I'm not exaggerating, it's not ego, it's a very hard reality
Pa' vos mejor Harakiri si en tu clip solo hay bikinis
Pa' vos mejor Harakiri if in your clip there are only bikinis
Tu rimas felan mi feelin' somos tu dreamteam
Your rhymes fellan my feelin' we're your dreamteam
Lo mío es egotrip, lo tuyo striptease
Mine is egotrip, yours is striptease
Por eso hay tetas en tu show, en el mío smokin' n drinkin'
That's why there are boobs in your show, in mine smokin' n drinkin'

Writer(s): Daniel Betancur, Daniel Ocampo Betancur

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