Siempre he buscado aquella chica culta, miope, que no vea mis defectos de lejos y que explote por mi culpa,
I've always looked for that cultured girl, shortsighted, who can't see my flaws from afar and who explodes because of me,
Si tengo una falta de gramática absurda, taciturna partinaire.
If I have an absurd, taciturn, shared grammatical error.
Creo que mi fallo fue que salí a buscarla a la disco con la papa y encontré a la Esteban pero en guapa,
I think my mistake was that I went out looking for her at the club with the boys, and I found a hot version of Belen Esteban,
Y se me declaró con un atentado a la sintaxis allí; La corregí y le dije que si.
And she declared her love for me with an attack on syntax right there; I corrected her and told her yes.
Y fue con prisa, hablé con ella por whatsapp, tenía faltas de ortografía hasta en la risa...
And it was in a hurry, I talked to her on WhatsApp, she had spelling mistakes even in her laugh...
Vaya muchacha, la Real Academia de la Lengua Española la persigue para matarla.
What a girl, the Royal Spanish Academy is after her to kill her.
Traté de educarla pero estuvo una semana con la tabla del uno, no hay futuro,
I tried to educate her but she spent a week on the multiplication table of one, there is no future,
Hay que quererla aunque sea de las que opina que la mejor enciclopedia es la que hace juego con las cortinas.
You have to love her even if she's one of those who thinks the best encyclopedia is the one that matches the curtains.
Para su hermosura expresar robé unos versos a Neruda, total, él no me va a zurrar y chico qué va... Es una choni, su mayor fantasía sexual el edredonning, pero homie,
To express her beauty I stole some verses from Neruda, anyway, he's not going to beat me up and man, come on... She's a choni, her biggest sexual fantasy is 'edredonning', but homie,
Tiene un culo, que si lo hubiera visto Descartes en la disco, hoy se diría "Me empalmo, luego existo", qué culo,
She has an ass, that if Descartes had seen it at the club, today he would say "I touch, therefore I am", what an ass,
Si hubiera visto Pablo Picasso esas curvas de vicio hubiera dejado el cubismo, lo juro.
If Pablo Picasso had seen those vicious curves, he would have given up cubism, I swear.
Si lo ves sin nada puesto, ni la campana de Gauss, esto si que es perfecto y ella piensa que Dalí es un fichaje del Madrid, pero tiene una obra maestra ahí... Señor...
If you see it without anything on, not even the Gauss bell, this is what is perfect and she thinks Dalí is a Real Madrid signing, but she has a masterpiece there... Lord...
Científicos estudian su clonación,
Scientists are studying her cloning,
Filósofos pierden la razón, yo un historiador suicida que investiga quién lo mordió antes que yo... Antes que yo... Antes que yo...
Philosophers are losing their minds, me, a suicidal historian who investigates who bit it before me... Before me... Before me...
Siempre busqué esa chica casta, con clase, que decidió reservarse y que conmigo se le pase, ya está bien...
I've always looked for that chaste girl, with class, who decided to save herself and who will let go with me, enough is enough...
Que sea una santa en la calle con amigos,
Let her be a saint on the street with friends,
Que solo sea puta conmigo
Let her be a whore only with me.
Y es que yo no sé bien por qué a mí me tocó esta mujer que no aprendió la palabra No, es puro júbilo, eso si, no te la calzas del tirón...
And I don't know why I got this woman who didn't learn the word No, it's pure jubilation, yes, but you don't put it on right away...
Antes has de preguntar ¿Quién es el último?
First you have to ask, "Who's last?"
Nadie sabrá jamás con cuántos, ¿Cuántos?
Nobody will ever know how many, how many?
Un misterio, su imen se estudia en Cuarto Milenio, compadre,
A mystery, her hymen is studied in Cuarto Milenio, dude,
Para analizar mi sexualidad yo necesito un psicoanalista, ella un contable.
To analyze my sexuality I need a psychoanalyst, she needs an accountant.
Siempre busqué aquella mujer que nunca hubiera roto un plato y esta es un portergheist, yo no sé...
I always looked for that woman who had never broken a plate and this one is a poltergeist, I don't know...
Yo no sé cómo no echó a arder al ver la cruz en el altar, si ya... Si hijo, si, me casé...
I don't know how she didn't burst into flames when she saw the cross on the altar, yes... Yes, son, yes, I got married...
Y na, que me echó, se lo llevó tó y con la cabina de mi estudio se hizo un vestidor y en el divorcio el juez me miró y me dijo
And well, she kicked me out, took everything and made my studio booth into a dressing room and in the divorce the judge looked at me and said
"Chico, ¿Estás seguro?
"Boy, are you sure?
Es una mala mujer pero joder,¡Vaya culo!
She's a bad woman but fuck, what an ass!
Que si lo hubiera visto Platón, hubiera dicho "Mente sucia, cuerpo sano", ¿Qué no?
That if Plato had seen it, he would have said, "Dirty mind, healthy body," right?
Menudo culo, esta vez si...
What an ass, this time yes...
Esta vez si que Salomón lo hubiera partido en dos, señor, qué culo.
This time Solomon would have split it in two, sir, what an ass.
Si lo ves sin nada puesto, ni la campana de Gauss, esto si que es perfecto y ella piensa que Kafka es una marca de llantas, pero le darían un premio Nobel porque si, y ya está...
If you see it without anything on, not even the Gauss bell, this is what is perfect and she thinks Kafka is a brand of tires, but they would give her a Nobel Prize because yes, that's it...