KepoScored - Spice - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation KepoScored - Spice

Ja si žijem life
I live my life
Dávam k nemu vlastný spice
I add my own spice to it
Preto robím rap
That's why I rap
A rapujem že chcem ice
And I rap that I want ice
Daj si shoty vodky
Take some shots of vodka
Dostanú ťa do vibu
They'll get you in the vibe
Potom bude dobrá party
Then it'll be a good party
Ešte dáme shoty jägeru
We'll also have shots of Jägermeister
Ja si žijem life
I live my life
Dávam k nemu vlastný spice
I add my own spice to it
Preto robím rap
That's why I rap
A rapujem že chcem ice
And I rap that I want ice
Daj si shoty vodky
Take some shots of vodka
Dostanú ťa do vibu
They'll get you in the vibe
Potom bude dobrá party
Then it'll be a good party
Ešte dáme shoty jägeru
We'll also have shots of Jägermeister
A ja sa cítim ako Walter White
And I feel like Walter White
Každý môj track je pure a je najviac
Every track of mine is pure and the best
Pohodlné pre uši ako matrac
Comfortable for the ears like a mattress
Stále rastiem do výšin ako Timberland ako ako Timberland
I'm still growing to heights like Timberland like Timberland
A ja sa cítim ako Walter White
And I feel like Walter White
Každý môj track je pure a je najviac
Every track of mine is pure and the best
Pohodlné pre uši ako matrac
Comfortable for the ears like a mattress
Stále rastiem do výšin ako Timberland ako ako Timberland
I'm still growing to heights like Timberland like Timberland
Počúvaj ma, KepoScored je one & only
Listen to me, KepoScored is the one & only
Pozri mama, ja si idem ballin
Look mama, I'm going ballin'
Pozri na mňa, pozri aký mám drip drip
Look at me, look at my drip drip
Ralph Lauren alebo Tommy
Ralph Lauren or Tommy
Ja si žijem life
I live my life
Dávam k nemu vlastný spice
I add my own spice to it
Preto robím rap
That's why I rap
A rapujem že chcem ice
And I rap that I want ice
Daj si shoty vodky
Take some shots of vodka
Dostanú ťa do vibu
They'll get you in the vibe
Potom bude dobrá party
Then it'll be a good party
Ešte dáme shoty jägeru
We'll also have shots of Jägermeister
Ja si žijem life
I live my life
Dávam k nemu vlastný spice
I add my own spice to it
Preto robím rap
That's why I rap
A rapujem že chcem ice
And I rap that I want ice
Daj si shoty vodky
Take some shots of vodka
Dostanú ťa do vibu
They'll get you in the vibe
Potom bude dobrá party
Then it'll be a good party
Ešte dáme shoty jägeru
We'll also have shots of Jägermeister
Presne preto je to popič ah
That's exactly why it's a popič ah
Prisypávam do života vlastný spice
I add my own spice to life
Presne preto nosíš iba gýč
That's exactly why you only wear kitsch
Snažíš sa byť viac
You're trying to be more
Ale aj tak žiješ iba obyčaj
But you still live just ordinary
Presne preto je to popič, ha
That's exactly why it's a popič, ha
Prisypávam do života vlastný spice
I add my own spice to life
Presne preto nosíš iba gýč
That's exactly why you only wear kitsch
Snažíš sa byť viac
You're trying to be more
Ale aj tak žiješ iba obyčaj ya
But you still live just ordinary ya
Ja mám na sebe designer, ale aspoň je to real
I have designer on me, but at least it's real
Je to originál
It's original
Nikto tvoj názor, neprijal
Nobody accepted your opinion
Ja ten beat zjem, v ruke lyžica
I'll eat that beat, with a spoon in hand
Keď dám nový drop, príde víchrica
When I drop a new drop, a blizzard will come
Tento track som napísal
I wrote this track
Keď som sedel na hajzli ya
When I was sitting on the toilet ya

Writer(s): Tadeáš čapek

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