Kiều Nga - Ánh Mặt Trời - Soleil - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Kiều Nga - Ánh Mặt Trời - Soleil

Ánh Mặt Trời - Soleil
Sunlight - Soleil
Tu te couches à Rio
You sleep in Rio
Tu t'lèves à Macao
You wake up in Macau
Tu passes tout l'été pieds nus sur les plages
You spend the whole summer barefoot on the beaches
L'hiver dans les nuages
Winter in the clouds
Je suis la seule à partager
I'm the only one to share
Tes secrets nuit et jour
Your secrets day and night
Depuis le temps qu'on se connaît
For as long as we've known each other
Que tu me fais l'amour
That you make love to me
Soleil soleil
Sunshine, sunshine
Je suis née dans tes bras
I was born in your arms
Soleil soleil
Sunshine, sunshine
Soleil ne m'oublie pas
Sunshine, don't forget me
Quand tu t'en vas rêver sous les tropiques
When you go to dream under the tropics
Je me sens seule
I feel alone
J'ai plus que des soleils électriques
I have more than electric suns
Soleil soleil
Sunshine, sunshine
J'irai tu iras
I'll go where you go
Fais-moi soleil tout ce que tu voudras
Make me sunshine everything you want
Des plages d'or au coeur des favelas
From golden beaches to the heart of the favelas
Le monde chante dès que tu es
The world sings as soon as you are
La la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la la
Mặt trời lên Rio
The sun rises in Rio
Reo vui trong nắng lung linh
Joyful in the sparkling sunshine
Thì thầm trên biển sóng đưa miên man ôi cát thơm
Whispering on the waves, the fragrant sand, oh
Trên cao mây trắng vây quanh
White clouds surround above
Em vẫn đơn trong chiều gió cuốn
I'm still lonely in the evening wind
Lòng ước muốn, tình sẽ đến
My heart desires, love will come
Ta sẽ gặp nhau trong ngày nắng ấm
We'll meet in a warm sunny day
Mình mãi nhau nhé anh
We'll always be together, my love
Lên cao lên cao, mặt trời ôi ta ước ao
Up high, up high, sunshine, oh, we yearn
Tay trong tay nhau, cuộc đời thêm bao khao khát
Hand in hand, life is full of longing
Xin đưa em đi phiêu bồng như bao cánh chim
Please take me to fly like a bird
Cho em yêu thương vàn tình yêu biển rất dạt dào
Let me love you endlessly, the love of the sea is so vast
Lên cao lên cao, mặt trời ôi ta ước ao
Up high, up high, sunshine, oh, we yearn
Khi ta bên nhau, ưu phiền bao năm sẽ quên
When we are together, years of worries will be forgotten
Cho em say sưa môi cười như trong giấc
Let me be intoxicated, my lips smile like in a dream
Con tim rung lên như màu tình yêu đó anh
My heart beats like the color of love, my love
la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la la
Dès que je t'aperçois
As soon as I see you
Je m'approche de toi
I approach you
Je me déshabille sur le sable chaud
I undress on the warm sand
Tu me frôles la peau
You brush my skin
Je me fais tendrement câline ou féline
I become tenderly cuddly or feline
Sous tes doigts
Under your fingers
Mais dès que tu t'éloignes un peu
But as soon as you move away a little
Je t'en veux et j'ai froid
I'm angry with you and I'm cold
Soleil soleil
Sunshine, sunshine
Je suis née dans tes bras
I was born in your arms
Soleil soleil
Sunshine, sunshine
Soleil ne m'oublie pas
Sunshine, don't forget me
Quand tu t'en vas rêver sous les tropiques
When you go to dream under the tropics
Je me sens seule
I feel alone
J'ai plus que des soleils électriques
I have more than electric suns
Soleil soleil
Sunshine, sunshine
J'irai tu iras
I'll go where you go
Fais-moi soleil tout ce que tu voudras
Make me sunshine everything you want
Des plages d'or au coeur des favelas
From golden beaches to the heart of the favelas
Le monde chante dès que tu es
The world sings as soon as you are
La la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la la

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