LMF - 無根草 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation LMF - 無根草

Grass Without Roots
我相信人原來本性好 白紙一張
I believe that people are originally good by nature, like a blank sheet of paper
睇你點樣創造 善與惡 癲左都好
It depends on how you create it, good or evil, even if it's crazy
我地點樣對佢 佢點樣照做
How we treat it, it reflects
你對佢唔好 佢有放棄嘅態度
If you treat it badly, it gives up
你對佢當寶 好似溫室裡面無根的小草
If you treat it like a treasure, it's like a grass without roots in a greenhouse
我唔需要點樣去做 因為我老豆已經當我寶寶
I don't need to do anything, because my parents have treated me like their baby
好到乜野地步 我要啲乜都一一面前送到
So good that whatever I want, they bring it to me
When you don't need to worry about your bank account
Because whatever happens, your parents will transfer you money
個世界仲邊有欠你 你唔再係細路
What else do you owe to the world? You're not a child anymore
係你身邊 總有人向你搵著數 害人利已點計數
There are always people around you who take advantage of you, harming others and benefiting themselves. How do you calculate that?
你聽佢擺佈 你真係老土 行多一步 睇多一步
If you listen to their lies, you're really naive. Take a step forward, look one step farther
如何認清 如何認楚 何苦偏偏你又出賣我
How to recognize it, how to see it clearly? Why the hell do you betray me?
繼續傷害我 每日侵蝕我
Continue to hurt me, erode me every day
背後恥笑我 最後剩低我
Laughing at me behind my back, leaving me alone in the end
我相信人原來本性好 白紙一張
I believe that people are originally good by nature, like a blank sheet of paper
睇你點樣創造 善與惡 癲左都好
It depends on how you create it, good or evil, even if it's crazy
我地點樣對佢 佢點樣照做
How we treat it, it reflects
你對佢唔好 佢有放棄嘅態度
If you treat it badly, it gives up
你對佢當寶 好似溫室裡面無根的小草
If you treat it like a treasure, it's like a grass without roots in a greenhouse
問你有無照鏡 睇下自己個樣 有冇覺得自己唔同
Ask yourself if you've looked in the mirror, see how you look. Do you think you're different?
覺得自己老土 覺得自己離曬大譜
You think you're naive, you think you're crazy
飲吹嫖賭光陰虛耗 開工又唔睇通告
Drinking, gambling, wasting your time, not looking at the announcement when you go to work
問你係咪 係呢一度做人就一定要有番咁上下虛偽
Ask yourself, is it necessary to be so hypocritical in order to survive here?
要眼淺要投機 淨係得金錢先至叫做美麗
You have to be superficial, you have to speculate, only money is beautiful
又有乜謂 六佰幾萬個腦 但係裝草 你話弊唔弊
What's the point? Millions of brains, but they're filled with grass. Isn't it a shame?
Feed yourself, take a look at me, take a look at him
Look at ourselves, look at them, look at yourself
你話有邊一忽係得嘅 有邊一樣係掂嘅
Tell me, what's right? What's good?
我問你究竟識啲乜嘢 你又答唔出黎
I asked what you know, but you can't answer
我問你有無野講 你有無野講
I asked if you have anything to say, do you have anything to say?
你乜都唔知唔諗唔問 又點去唱好香港
You don't know anything, you don't think, you don't ask, how can you sing Hong Kong well?
匿埋係個井入面 自己呃自己
Hiding in a well, deceiving yourself
人跟你又跟 人講你又講
Following others, talking after others
你話死唔死 你話死唔死
Why don't you die? Why don't you die?

Writer(s): Davy, Mc Wah

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