La Banda Bastön - Gritos - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation La Banda Bastön - Gritos

Dime, ¿cual es tu escena favorita?
Tell me, what is your favorite scene?
Mi rap es como ir al cine, canto películas,
My rap is like going to the movies, I sing films,
Mira pibe soy la voz de américa latina, vine a contarte una parte de lo que nos define,
Look babe, I'm the voice of Latin America, I came to tell you a part of what defines us,
No hablo de fiesta esta vez sino de la pesadez de ser peón como en el ajedrez,
I'm not talking about partying this time, but about the burden of being a pawn like in chess,
Con un salario eso es, los lideres te van a joder por el poder, se aprovechan de tu estupidez,
With a salary that is, the leaders are going to screw you over for power, they take advantage of your stupidity,
La tele es un cáncer, un mal de largo alcance, mata la mente, te miente y te mete en un trance,
Television is cancer, a long-range disease, it kills the mind, lies to you, and puts you in a trance,
Es un tianguis donde venden medicina y gasolina, no pararán hasta dejarnos en ruinas,
It's a flea market where they sell medicine and gasoline, they won't stop until they leave us in ruins,
Mi esquina esta llena de metanfetaminas y muertos que caminan,
My corner is full of methamphetamines and walking dead,
De policías con mucho jale y mala puntería, la misma pinche historia todos los días.
Of police officers with a lot of pull and bad aim, the same damn story every day.
Revolución, revelación son GRITOS!
Revolution, revelation are SCREAMS!
Evolución y solución, yo GRITOS!
Evolution and solution, I SCREAM!
Quiero estallar, te haré notar que GRITOS!
I want to explode, I'll make you notice that SCREAMS!
Pa' no llorar, para curarme.
So as not to cry, to heal myself.
Revolución, revelación son GRITOS!
Revolution, revelation are SCREAMS!
Evolución y solución, yo GRITOS!
Evolution and solution, I SCREAM!
Quiero estallar, te haré notar que GRITOS!
I want to explode, I'll make you notice that SCREAMS!
Pa' no llorar, para curarme.
So as not to cry, to heal myself.
El último asiento del bus feo en la cruz, sobre mi pueblo buscamos la luz,
The last seat of the ugly bus on the cross, over my town we seek the light,
Escapar del virus que trajeron los que vendieron la reputación de la nación por dinero del imperio,
To escape the virus brought by those who sold the nation's reputation for money from the empire,
Se piensan dueños del destino de la gente, matan con influenza, terror en las noticias,
They think they own people's destiny, they kill with influenza, terror in the news,
México sin ánimos y el pánico sigue, percibe un declive, vaya tiempo se vive,
Mexico without encouragement and the panic continues, perceive a decline, what a time to live,
Y te van a contar otro montón de mentiras, como el calentamiento global,
And they're going to tell you a bunch of other lies, like global warming,
Negocio internacional de la energía, no creerlo es una herejía,
International energy business, not believing it is heresy,
El clima cambia por esa bola amarilla de arriba, ¿ya viste?, ahí esta el míster,
The climate changes because of that yellow ball up there, have you seen it?, there's the mister,
Soplando calor seguro de que existe y de que ya no resiste esa doctrina de shock,
Blowing heat, sure that it exists and that it no longer resists that shock doctrine,
Solo vino a decirte: que vida más triste y gris te conseguiste.
He just came to tell you: what a sad and gray life you got yourself.
Revolución, revelación son GRITOS!
Revolution, revelation are SCREAMS!
Evolución y solución, yo GRITOS!
Evolution and solution, I SCREAM!
Quiero estallar, te haré notar que GRITOS!
I want to explode, I'll make you notice that SCREAMS!
Pa' no llorar, para curarme.
So as not to cry, to heal myself.
Revolución, revelación son GRITOS!
Revolution, revelation are SCREAMS!
Evolución y solución, yo GRITOS!
Evolution and solution, I SCREAM!
Quiero estallar, te haré notar que GRITOS!
I want to explode, I'll make you notice that SCREAMS!
Pa' no llorar, para curarme.
So as not to cry, to heal myself.
Ya nos quitamos la venda, no creemos una mierda de tu propaganda,
We already took off the blindfold, we don't believe a damn thing about your propaganda,
Tomaremos las riendas antes de reventar, no te ofendas,
We will take the reins before exploding, no offense,
Yo no vine a votar, sino a cantar que te va a cargar,
I didn't come to vote, but to sing that it's going to weigh on you,
Ya veras, caerás, porque caerá el sistema que representas,
You'll see, you will fall, because the system you represent will fall,
Tienes los síntomas, no necesito más de tu retórica, ni tus estúpidas maneras de gobernar,
You have the symptoms, I don't need any more of your rhetoric, nor your stupid ways of governing,
Quiero encontrar la paz, un alivio, cambiar mi país o al menos mi destino,
I want to find peace, relief, change my country or at least my destiny,
Pero mucho me temo que casi todo es un timo,
But I'm very afraid that almost everything is a scam,
Si me aproximo a un ritmo es porque rimo lo que sentimos, aquí,
If I approach a rhythm it's because I rhyme what we feel, here,
Donde soy un reflejo de ti, de vivir así como vivimos en barrios, favelas, caseríos,
Where I am a reflection of you, of living the way we live in neighborhoods, favelas, housing projects,
Hermanos latinos, esta es la parte decisiva del camino.
Latino brothers, this is the decisive part of the road.
Revolución, revelación son GRITOS!
Revolution, revelation are SCREAMS!
Evolución y solución, yo GRITOS!
Evolution and solution, I SCREAM!
Quiero estallar, te haré notar que GRITOS!
I want to explode, I'll make you notice that SCREAMS!
Pa' no llorar, para curarme.
So as not to cry, to heal myself.
Revolución, revelación son GRITOS!
Revolution, revelation are SCREAMS!
Evolución y solución, yo GRITOS!
Evolution and solution, I SCREAM!
Quiero estallar, te haré notar que GRITOS!
I want to explode, I'll make you notice that SCREAMS!
Pa' no llorar, para curarme.
So as not to cry, to heal myself.
Revolución, revelación son GRITOS!
Revolution, revelation are SCREAMS!
Evolución y solución, yo GRITOS!
Evolution and solution, I SCREAM!
Quiero estallar, te haré notar que GRITOS!
I want to explode, I'll make you notice that SCREAMS!
Pa' no llorar, para curarme.
So as not to cry, to heal myself.
Revolución, revelación son GRITOS!
Revolution, revelation are SCREAMS!
Evolución y solución, yo GRITOS!
Evolution and solution, I SCREAM!
Quiero estallar, te haré notar que GRITOS!
I want to explode, I'll make you notice that SCREAMS!
Pa' no llorar, para curarme.
So as not to cry, to heal myself.
Revolución, revelación son GRITOS!
Revolution, revelation are SCREAMS!
Evolución y solución, yo GRITOS!
Evolution and solution, I SCREAM!
Quiero estallar, te haré notar que GRITOS!
I want to explode, I'll make you notice that SCREAMS!
Pa' no llorar, para curarme.
So as not to cry, to heal myself.
Revolución, revelación son GRITOS!
Revolution, revelation are SCREAMS!
Evolución y solución, yo GRITOS!
Evolution and solution, I SCREAM!
Quiero estallar, te haré notar que GRITOS!
I want to explode, I'll make you notice that SCREAMS!
Pa' no llorar, para curarme.
So as not to cry, to heal myself.

Writer(s): Gonzalo Ivan Munoz Casanova, Anibal Lavana Martinez

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